A decidedly negative thread. My enthusiasm for toy soldiers has not waned at all!

The amount of money I'll likely spend hasn't changed much however that will buy me less items! That's not really cutting back though is it. K&C will still get my money as they are overwhelmingly my favourite choice, not too expensive but not too cheap. Yes there is competition but at the end of the day I still prefer K&C. Perhaps the rise in prices has only served to keep me loyal as I don't have any extra dough to play with on other manufacturers.
As far as tactics goes the
retirement lists and limited items from the monthly dispatches will get my attention if something I want is on them. The
Arnhem, Fields of Battle,
Waffen SS,
Battle of the Bulge, WWI airplanes and perhaps the
USAAF ( if we get a plane I like ) will be my focus. I'm afraid other areas like Napoleonics and Crusaders are very likely to be left out in 2011.
Lastly perhaps this will be the year when I very selectively "prune away" some of my collection to make way for new arrivals............maybe.