New Year collecting resolutions (1 Viewer)

Looks like there will be a lot of stuff hitting e- bay in 2011 and thats not gonna do anybody any good as it will just saturate an over saturated secondary market so, I would think all those or, a lot, will have to take some hits on the price they sell for these items they are off-loading. I don't agree that the market is saturated in WWII items as thats what the market predominantly is in the majority of ranges and genres. My guess is it will continue to be strong and a few disheartened collectors will not change much in terms of sales for the manufacturers as a hobby see's old go and new come and, the people joining now do not know of the cheaper prices many who have been around for a little while do so, they will continue to buy what they can afford.

Can't also agree with the statement that we, after the recession ends, we may not see some manufacturers in business the main ones Figarti FL K&C CS and TG (not an exhaustive list for nit pickers) I cannot see folding in the slightest.

I look forward to 2011 and all the excellent releases that are going to come from all the manufacturers.

Tis the season to be Jolly!!!!!
Another reason, and probably the biggest of all, I am looking to get back into martial arts training- I have contacted some studios near where I live and work and am lining up a pretty serious training schedule for some Brazilian Miu Thay and Krav Maga as well as submission holds. A $225 tiger- by any manufacturer- buys 2 months of training- simple math for me really. Besides, at 38, my window for getting going with this is very small.

I have pretty much exclusively collected KC for the past decade- I need a new mistress for Christmas. Looking at the current catalog:

ACW- No interest
AWI- Biggest area I purchased this year, grabbed my redcoats at $21/ each and am done.
AE- probably the area I will continue to buy
DDAY- Will stay interested, nothing on the radar now or in the forseeable future
SoTE- Huh???
Sohk- no interest
The Real West- no interest
Alamo- no interest
Life of Jesus- nice, really nice, but I get my Christmas dioramas done during this time of the year, so I'll pass.
Crusades-nice looking figures, not my area though
Napoleonics- not in my lifetime
Diorama pieces- maybe, maybe not
US Navy/ USMC- No interest
WW1- Decided to pass, given that I am spread out enough
WW2- lukewarm interest in Waffen SS, LAH- would rather give my money to a democratic (I'm diehard GOP btw) fundraiser, Italian Forces- only Italians I collect carry Pilums, AK/EA- Nice series just came to the dance too late, Market Garden- space limitations forcing me out of this one- great looking figures though, Bulge- dropped out back in 2008 haven't regretted it,

then the myriad of other WW2 lines- Airforces, Kriegsmarines, etc- kept disciplined with it, never bought it for fear of spreading too thin and haven't regretted it in the least.

2011 will find me all over Figarti's Iraq series- again, not for everyone but right up my alley and St Pete's Romans and Spartans. I will also keep carrying on with East of India's Persians and Greeks. And if Conte gets off his backside and kicks up the Braveheart line, count me in.
In 2011 there is unlikely to be any KC on the horizon.

FL Crusaders are top priority; the new Mamluks are amazing.

Will keep adding to my dioramas but for WWII Armour it will be Figarti (detail) and CS (love those thrown tracks) ; for Naps it will be CS, as have just got their Scots Greys and they are great; and will keeping adding to AZW WB.


For me I will be collecting CS armours in 2011 as I like the quality (details) and price ( I have pre-ordered King Tiger & Patton Command Car). I have no interest in 1/30 or 1/32 scale planes as they are too big to display. I have my own collection of diecast 1/72 planes from Corgi & Dragon and will continue to purchase in this area.
It goes without saying that we're seeing a lot of backlash to what K & C is presently offering. I wonder if that will make them sit up and take notice.
It goes without saying that we're seeing a lot of backlash to what K & C is presently offering. I wonder if that will make them sit up and take notice.

For me, I am an armor fan and would prefer the K/C styling and paint schemes. But I am not going to buy yet another Tiger variant or a repaint of a past issue. In WW1, where is the Rolls Royce Armored car. In WW2 ,for me, the Grant was a great decision. I would buy planes, but not with the limits of gear down. The pricing structure has become burdensome. In the old days, you could get 2 tanks for the current costs. If K/C would make my wish list, likely they would get most of my WW2 stuff again, but they do not and they do not:( Michael
It goes without saying that we're seeing a lot of backlash to what K & C is presently offering. I wonder if that will make them sit up and take notice.

If I am ACN, I wouldn't give it a second thought- so Currahee Chris's collecting habits have changed, or someone else is more enamoured with Collector's Showcase or First Legion or whomever. The man has said it several times over the last couple years that increased competition is on KC's radar screen. They have responded in kind. It takes a heck of a capital investment to keep crankin out the hordes of releases so the man is not strapped for cash.

Good bad or indifferent, he could probably loose his entire fanbase on this forum and still be sitting quite pretty.
Guys, this is supposed to be a Happy New year of collecting thread, you're all killing me here!!:D;)

Chris is right, we are probably a tiny tiny tiny proportion of the customer base, I remember Mr T Neville telling me that the majority of their customers weren't even online and get Dispatches by carrier Pigeon, but thats up north for you!........JOKE!!!:D;)

Guys, this is supposed to be a Happy New year of collecting thread, you're all killing me here!!:D;)

after the year I've had, 2011 cannot get here fast enough- toy soldiers are the least of my concern. :( I've considered swigging down two bottles of Nyquil cough syrup and sleeping away the final 2 weeks till 2011 becomes a reality. :eek:
Well I hope 2011 is a superb year for you Chris :)

Good bad or indifferent, he could probably loose his entire fanbase on this forum and still be sitting quite pretty.

That's probably true but I think the varied collector group that appears on this Forum is a cross section of the collector community, protestations to the contrary.

watch those northern jokes mate we now have electricity!!!

I don't understand the backlash bit of K&C at all and would appreciate some elaboration. I know as Tony has eluded through Rob, lots of collectors who are not on the internet and have no interest but, have substantial collections and spend lots of money. I remember a few years ago stumbling onto a site where it was stated some millions of toy soldiers are sold each year I don't know if its accurate but, I bet there is a lot so, as enjoyable as this forum is, its a very small drop in a very large ocean and, the opinions about how well or how poorly K&C will do next year because a small number of collectors may reduce their collecting habits or, some fear a backlash from price rises or Hackensack will not upset ACN one little bit nor, will it probably effect sales figures at K&C.

The economy is the pivotal factor and all the Manufacturers have weathered it in their own manner and will continue to do so. This has been a far more positive year than negative and has seen some very good releases from K&C and across the board and, 2011 will see all trying tom outdo their previous output.

Now be good little boys and girls or you will get coal in your K&C bags and remember its christmas

2011 can only get better for you mate and, I hope it does

after the year I've had, 2011 cannot get here fast enough- toy soldiers are the least of my concern. :( I've considered swigging down two bottles of Nyquil cough syrup and sleeping away the final 2 weeks till 2011 becomes a reality. :eek:
In my experience in this hobby, I've seen a 'life-cycle' of collecting take place for many people.

1) Enter the hobby for the first time and buy everything that looks cool.
2) Over time the collector starts narrowing the range of what they want to collect. A few of the initital purchase may get sold.
3) An additional range or two may be added to the collection (depending on the willpower of the collector).
4) Eventually space becomes a major issue. The collector is no longer interested in buying 'the whole range' of figures. They start to pick and choose a bit more, only getting the figures in the range that they really like.
5) For some collectors, the focus of collecting then shifts away from 'current' items to the elusive hunt for the rare or obscure. Again, some of the ranges may be sold off to fund this.

Of course, not every collector goes directly through this cycle, but it's fairly typical. Might it be that the people commenting on this thread have reached #4 or #5 (and that other people at #1 or #2 will keep on buying what manufacturers release)?
Like a lot of us I will concentrate on fewer series. My favorites are North Africa, Battle of the Bulge and World war One. In the long run this is a good thing.

2011 can only get better for you mate and, I hope it does

Cheers mate- it's already looking real good- signed my second client and start working with them in January. I now have my very own "book of business" :D:D It's always a gas when a potential client calls up and they start the conversation "I have an accounting project I need handled and I cannot for the life of me imagine why calling you was a good idea!" :D:D Who said people in lancaster Pa don't have a sense of humor. :D

Amyway- my comments on this thread really could pertain to any makers. I like Figarti's Iraq troops- still means I won't buy a single WW2 item of theirs- I am just WW2'd out. KC kicks up their SF line again, I'm all over it. It's just where I am these days. And a strange place it is- talk about broad ends of the spectrum- one end- we have guys fighting in pretty uniforms and sandals- the other- wire guided missles and predator drones- and still have the pretty uniforms lol.
I think a lot of collectors are an ecletic mix of them all speaking for myself I wanted old versions as soon as I saw them the only thing I don't do and will never do is sell to buy new stuff or, sell at all just can't see the point and, for space add more shelves cabinets etc and, is that not what extensions are for lol
In my experience in this hobby, I've seen a 'life-cycle' of collecting take place for many people.

1) Enter the hobby for the first time and buy everything that looks cool.
2) Over time the collector starts narrowing the range of what they want to collect. A few of the initital purchase may get sold.
3) An additional range or two may be added to the collection (depending on the willpower of the collector).
4) Eventually space becomes a major issue. The collector is no longer interested in buying 'the whole range' of figures. They start to pick and choose a bit more, only getting the figures in the range that they really like.
5) For some collectors, the focus of collecting then shifts away from 'current' items to the elusive hunt for the rare or obscure. Again, some of the ranges may be sold off to fund this.

Of course, not every collector goes directly through this cycle, but it's fairly typical. Might it be that the people commenting on this thread have reached #4 or #5 (and that other people at #1 or #2 will keep on buying what manufacturers release)?

How true. One other step may be cutting back on the initial ranges and starting a totally different era for variety. My WW2 has gone through the cycle and I am now more interested in British Empire and Naps. This is because the cost of AFVs is an issue, space is an issue, and having at least one of each type of AFV - how many of each do I want.

The British Empire has given new energy to the collection and am reading about other historical periods. Sales of excess WW2 AFVs and figures is paying for this.

But if you read between the lines of Pete's post, it sounds like he is calling some of us tired old farts :eek::D

Collecting, like anything else, is a process. What may interest when you started may not interest you as much later on. When I first started I held glossy items in disdain. Over time that has changed drastically to where I enjoy my glossy K & C much more than matte. Never in a million years would I have thought that would happen. It's the dialectic in action :D
Collecting, like anything else, is a process. What may interest when you started may not interest you as much later on. When I first started I held glossy items in disdain. Over time that has changed drastically to where I enjoy my glossy K & C much more than matte. Never in a million years would I have thought that would happen. It's the dialectic in action :D

Agree 100%. Back in 2000 or whenever, I passed on the Romans because they were boring- told Mike at Stockade that the Roman fort just wasn't for me. :eek:

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