Is anybody out there like me thinking that 2 new ranges might be the straw that broke the camels back?? With the KC dispatches anymore, I skim through the new stuff but don't bother looking too close as there is no way I can afford to add it right now. I jump down to the "Retired" section and select what I can afford or add to the wish list.
With collecting KC figures, I kind of feel like I am running a race and everytime I check in at the poles, I am just a couple seconds ahead of where I need to qualify. As much as I would like to see a new release of the Scottish wars of Independence (or perhaps anything of the last 50 years like Korea, Nam or the Falklands) there is no way I can hope to get any of it due to some of my other interests. At some point in time, I would like to buy some of the WW1 figures but, again, till they start getting retired in another year or so, it isn't a possibility. Even so, unless there is something really thrilling with these 2 new releases, I won't/ can't touch em until they start rolling into retirement.
So, I am left with cutting ranges back- which I can live with. The problem is, from a KC perspective- is that I am cutting back KC lines- I am not selling off any of my other figures- Britains, St. Pete or EoI but I am selling off KC. I just pushed my Russians and Pacific figures out the door this weekend (and am still doing that). Why does KC feel the need to throw two more ranges at us when they already have a fan base of their current ranges?? If you look at this from KC's standpoint, they had a dedicated fan of two ranges who just threw those two current ranges out the door for failure to progress. The risk they run is that I will be pulled in to one or both of these new lines, which, given my pretty narrow interests, is more likely not going to happen.
I know, economics is the answer- given the risk of launching a new line though, does economics really answer that question?? I think launching a new line presents risks (and rewards) commensurate to trying to rethink some of the other ranges that are out there.
I dunno man, I just gotta think that these 2 new lines might do a lot of people in- especially if they have a broad appeal- if they are kind of narrow- like the Crimea- then maybe it isn't a big deal.
Hi Chris,
I, for one, certainly share your concern. The only things I note anymore in the monthly dispatches are the announcements of any new figures/sets or any retirments in the lines I collect. I do not even look at information regarding any other lines as I have reached my limit and beyond of what I can afford. In fact, the retirement schedules occur so rapidly that attempting to keep up with the lines I already collect is a never ending and frustrating challenge.
As you probably know, my collection is characterized by great diversity and K&C figures are only a portion of what I collect. I have not yet reached a point of selling any of my K&C figures, but I am considering discontinuing some of the K&C lines I collect in order to concentrate on other toy soldier interests that do not present the new release/retirement issues that accompany collecting K&C. In short, my budget is stretched to the limit and I will, in all likelihood, not be collecting figures from new K&C lines. Further, since I am a bit of a completist, I may well spend my dollars on figures produced by other manufacturers that do not retire figures so quickly.
Like yourself, I wonder how many other collectors will be facing the same kind of difficult decisions regarding what figures/sets/lines/manufacturers to collect.
Warmest personal regards,