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For those who are members of TF for more than 18 months, the issues are well known. Also by those who are collecting for more than 18 months, too.



To clarify - I do know the issues between K&C and MTSC.

I was making the statement for others who might seen in recent posts.

How about back to what the thread was originally about? New ranges that K@C may do in the future other than WW2, lots of ideas have been discussed. I still like Custer I also heard a Mongol range who would they fight as I am not familiar with that time period. Boxer rebellion all these ideas sound great lets keep the discussion going. Thanks Joel Also heard something about a Seminole war very cool as I would like anything with American Indians!
Mongol Range would sell well in China and have appeal in US and Europe - I think.

The recent releases of K&C Collector Club figures points to Colonial India/Britian - Flashman.

I think we could see the WEST reappear again - Andy did it once - but, it didnt sell very well and was dropped. But, didnt Andy say that he was going to do a Range no one has ever done before??
Mongol Range would sell well in China and have appeal in US and Europe - I think.

The recent releases of K&C Collector Club figures points to Colonial India/Britian - Flashman.

I think we could see the WEST reappear again - Andy did it once - but, it didnt sell very well and was dropped. But, didnt Andy say that he was going to do a Range no one has ever done before??

Help me out here who is Flashman and what is the Colonial India/Britian? One of the things I like about this forum is the history I learned in a very small amount of time. Please explain Thanks Joel
One more thing do you think a Custer series with Indians would sell better than just a West series?
Help me out here who is Flashman and what is the Colonial India/Britian? One of the things I like about this forum is the history I learned in a very small amount of time. Please explain Thanks Joel

Hello Apachejol-

Flashman refers to a popular series of books by George MacDonald Fraser following the fictional - though presented as memoirs - exploits of one Harry Flashman. Flashman was seen by many of his contemporaries as a hero when in actuality he was a coward, a rogue and a rake. The books are very accurate historically - and even include footnotes expanding on the historical record Flashman stumbles across. K&C Hong Kong's Collectors Club released a Flashman figure awhile ago and these releases have often served as the clue to future lines of figures.

The Colonial India referred to is the period of time from roughly 1843 - 1858 (although I may be off a bit or wrong entirely, lol) during which Britain acquired India as a colony and the numerous wars fought to maintain it during the Victorian period. Others are much more knowledgeable on this than I am but that is my understanding - I'll let others elaborate and educate me as well.

One more thing do you think a Custer series with Indians would sell better than just a West series?

Personally, I would be more apt to purchase a series which included both the Indians (Native American variety ;)) and the cavalry, gunfighters, lawmen, cowboys, townspeople, etc.

Black Hawk has a new series focusing on the James Gang raid of Northfield, Minnesotta. I have only seen the photos but my initial reaction is it is not as interesting/well done (IMHO) as the Custer series but I'll wait until I see the figures in person to pass final judgement.

Regardless, bring on the Old West K&C - I think they would be fantastic.
Personally, I would be more apt to purchase a series which included both the Indians (Native American variety ;)) and the cavalry, gunfighters, lawmen, cowboys, townspeople, etc.

Black Hawk has a new series focusing on the James Gang raid of Northfield, Minnesotta. I have only seen the photos but my initial reaction is it is not as interesting/well done (IMHO) as the Custer series but I'll wait until I see the figures in person to pass final judgement.

Regardless, bring on the Old West K&C - I think they would be fantastic.

Also, I think the scale on these is a bit smaller...not completely certain of this but have a certain fondness for Northfield and may actually be moving there this year.

Also, I think the scale on these is a bit smaller...not completely certain of this but have a certain fondness for Northfield and may actually be moving there this year.


Okay, never mind the scale thing, as the site now clearly states these Northfield raid figures are true 54MM. Not sure where I got the idea they were smaller.

Yes Indeed! Maybe K&C can do a whole range of Flashy collector figs, you know bald Royal Flashy, Sir Flash of the Lightning etc...:D:D!
Well since Flashy was at almost every single historical event of Queen Victoria's reign you know Charge of the Light Brigade, Rorke's Dioft, Indian Mutiny, Little Big Horn there is a lot of scope.
Just got off the phone with Andy. As Harry said a few days ago, one of the new lines will not be Samurai. He said this quite categorically. One of the lines discussed as a possible at the Symposium was Franco Prussian War (my idea:)). Andy shot that one down also. Too close to WW I.

All he said was that he thought I would like both lines very much. I didn't ask what they would be plus he wasn't going to tell me anyway. So there it is, we'll just have to wait.
Brad - I was going to suggest that we send the CIA over to find out what Andy has up his sleeve, but I am concerned that they would report he has WMD and is trying to take over the (toy) world. Maybe our BRIT friends accross the pond could send a scottish OO7 over to Hong Kong, surely Andy would spill the beans to a fellow countryman? Nevermind - guessing at what Andy has in store for us, and being suprised when it hits, sounds like more fun.
We should kidnap Tony and use some of those SAS interrogation techniques to get him to spill the beans.
Shouldn't we be fairly confident that one of the new lines is Custer? Andy indicated KC was on the verge of moving forward with that one when the San Antonio store opened and they went with the Alamo. There is no reason to believe he would change his mind. So what else would sell: Zulu, Seven Years War (aka French-Indian).
Shouldn't we be fairly confident that one of the new lines is Custer? Andy indicated KC was on the verge of moving forward with that one when the San Antonio store opened and they went with the Alamo. There is no reason to believe he would change his mind. So what else would sell: Zulu, Seven Years War (aka French-Indian).

I would love to see Custer but didnt someone say he was doing two line that neither he nor anyone else had ever done? Would love to see Custer.
He's done Custer as part of The West series so I don't think the two new lines would be that. However, you can't say that he might not do Custer in the future.
Is anybody out there like me thinking that 2 new ranges might be the straw that broke the camels back?? With the KC dispatches anymore, I skim through the new stuff but don't bother looking too close as there is no way I can afford to add it right now. I jump down to the "Retired" section and select what I can afford or add to the wish list.

With collecting KC figures, I kind of feel like I am running a race and everytime I check in at the poles, I am just a couple seconds ahead of where I need to qualify. As much as I would like to see a new release of the Scottish wars of Independence (or perhaps anything of the last 50 years like Korea, Nam or the Falklands) there is no way I can hope to get any of it due to some of my other interests. At some point in time, I would like to buy some of the WW1 figures but, again, till they start getting retired in another year or so, it isn't a possibility. Even so, unless there is something really thrilling with these 2 new releases, I won't/ can't touch em until they start rolling into retirement.

So, I am left with cutting ranges back- which I can live with. The problem is, from a KC perspective- is that I am cutting back KC lines- I am not selling off any of my other figures- Britains, St. Pete or EoI but I am selling off KC. I just pushed my Russians and Pacific figures out the door this weekend (and am still doing that). Why does KC feel the need to throw two more ranges at us when they already have a fan base of their current ranges?? If you look at this from KC's standpoint, they had a dedicated fan of two ranges who just threw those two current ranges out the door for failure to progress. The risk they run is that I will be pulled in to one or both of these new lines, which, given my pretty narrow interests, is more likely not going to happen.

I know, economics is the answer- given the risk of launching a new line though, does economics really answer that question?? I think launching a new line presents risks (and rewards) commensurate to trying to rethink some of the other ranges that are out there.

I dunno man, I just gotta think that these 2 new lines might do a lot of people in- especially if they have a broad appeal- if they are kind of narrow- like the Crimea- then maybe it isn't a big deal.
... Why does KC feel the need to throw two more ranges at us when they already have a fan base of their current ranges??
At his talks, Andy has mentioned on numerous occasions that K&C cannot stand still. It did not become the industry leader by "sitting on its laurels." K&C constantly has to innovate and add new lines to keep ahead of its competition. New themes can bring in new collectors who may not like any of the themes now offered by K&C.

If K&C only added sets to its most popular WWII and Napoleonics lines, I am sure many forum members would not be happy. I remember complaining to Andy several years ago when there were no new Streets of Old Hong Kong releases for a period of over a year.

I have heard concerns from many collectors regarding the pace of new products from K&C and how hard it is to keep up. I collect a lot of K&C's lines (as well as many other manufacturers like Figarti, Britains and Frontline), but decided not to collect some newer lines like WWI because the period does not interest me, though I might get one German lancer because I feel the sculpting shows K&C can match the Russian standard. I can only offer the oft repeated advice: "Get what you like.":)

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