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Since you apparently don't collect WW1 anymore, I hope you'll send me all your Trophy and Britains Premier sets which is the largest collection I've ever seen.

P.S. WS is my favorite line too! Afrika, not so much. There were only like 3 panzer divisions in all of Africa. On the eastern front, there were 10 times that number. But in the toy soldier world, there's almost 1 Afrika tank made for every 2 European ones. I bet there have been more Afrika tanks made in toy soldier form than the number of men who actually served in the Afrika Corps.

For me WWI and Napoleonics are gloss not matt.
I know I am a crazy eccentric but there you have it./
Zulu and Sudan is gloss althoug with the upcomming Britains stuff in matt that may change.
WWII is matt and I just like desert.
These collecting trends are long term. I am sure Airfix sold 4 boxes of their plastic AK stuff back in the 1970's for every one box of Russian infantry. I am amazed by how constant some of these trends are. There are exceptions like the FI war which really came out of nowhere four years ago and has really taken off.
PS I would like to know if soldiers ever fired their LMG whilst resting the barrel on their comarades shoulder. It must have been hellish noisy, hot and a wee bit dangerous.

This month and April look to be relatively light, nothing that heavy WW II, at least for my collecting interests.

Andy seems to have mixed up his release pattern on EA. I thought we would have had some dispatch news but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming until later this year as Steven mentioned in his Westcoaster reporter that Andy would be looking at some sculpts of an EA tank when he got back to HK.
I want to give Andy my money I just need him to make some more of the items I collect. I would be happy to give the WW guys a break for a couple months JUST a couple I am not getting crazy. Crusaders Custer well you heard all that already!
Tell you what Joel, give me your money and I'll see it gets to Andy, don't you worry:D

This month and April look to be relatively light, nothing that heavy WW II, at least for my collecting interests.

Andy seems to have mixed up his release pattern on EA. I thought we would have had some dispatch news but it doesn't seem to be forthcoming until later this year as Steven mentioned in his Westcoaster reporter that Andy would be looking at some sculpts of an EA tank when he got back to HK.

It looks that way Brad.I thought that with Normandy in the summer followed by Arnhem and Bulge (i'm just guessing here chaps of course)that EA might have been earlier this year,but maybe Andy's keeping us guessing?;)

Can you imagine being the one of the select few at K&C that know the whole release schedule for the next year,do you think they need an ex postman to run the Mail room at HQ Brad?!;):D

It looks that way Brad.I thought that with Normandy in the summer followed by Arnhem and Bulge (i'm just guessing here chaps of course)that EA might have been earlier this year,but maybe Andy's keeping us guessing?;)

Can you imagine being the one of the select few at K&C that know the whole release schedule for the next year,do you think they need an ex postman to run the Mail room at HQ Brad?!;):D


Are we allowed to talk about anything else other than Army men on the K@C forum! Everytime I put something on here about Crusaders or Maybe Custer someday It turns into Afrnhem or the Bulge? Am I the only guy who does not want to talk about Army Men on every post?
Ok calm down.But you did raise the subject earlier in the thread.Won't mention them again.


This is a free forum and sometimes threads go where you always don't intend to them go so please do not get irritated. It's just the way things happen sometimes.
I guess i'm responsible for the thread drifting,my apologies.

If there was a range that would tempt me away from ....well you know what range(;):D)it could well be Custer or the West.I would definetly be interested in collecting those.I can imagine K&C could make some great figures from the West.Lawmen/cowboys/outlaws/civilians there is a wide range of possibilities.


This is a free forum and sometimes threads go where you always don't intend to them go so please do not get irritated. It's just the way things happen sometimes.

I am not irritated I was just hoping to bring in some other guys who maybe dont always get involved in the Army men threads. Gotta give me at least a B for effort. Thanks Joel
I guess i'm responsible for the thread drifting,my apologies.

If there was a range that would tempt me away from ....well you know what range(;):D)it could well be Custer or the West.I would definetly be interested in collecting those.I can imagine K&C could make some great figures from the West.Lawmen/cowboys/outlaws/civilians there is a wide range of possibilities.


No problem like I said to Brad I was just hoping to maybe bring in a few other guys who dont always get involved in the Army men thread. If I was a little jumpy I do apologize. Thanks Joel
Thank you.I would hope if we did get a Custer range it wasn't only the Big Horn.The 7th Cavalry as a whole would make for some great figures.I'm also a big fan of the series 'Deadwood'(set just after Big Horn)so the whole West/Indian Wars would be fantastic.

I would hope if we did get a Custer range it wasn't only the Big Horn.The 7th Cavalry as a whole would make for some great figures.


I think K@C would do an amazing Custer and 7th calvary! I even believe maybe some collectors who never collected that kind of stuff would look twice at it. What do you think would K@C be able to make money on that range?
No need to apologize. Just trying to keep things moving in a coposcetic fashion.

It will be interesting to see what Andy has in mind. He obviously had one big hit with Crusaders so I'm sure it will be interesting to see what he comes up with.
Well with their skill and realism coupled with the Worldwide (especially US)interest in the subject i'd say it could be a big range for K&C.However i thought that about the American Civil War and i understand (i may well be wrong here)that its not such a big seller.This has always surprised me,the ACW is such a massive pivotal subject in US History i thought they'd sell like hot cakes.Maybe if K&C started with the Big Horn and see if it grew?

Well with their skill and realism coupled with the Worldwide (especially US)interest in the subject i'd say it could be a big range for K&C.However i thought that about the American Civil War and i understand (i may well be wrong here)that its not such a big seller.This has always surprised me,the ACW is such a massive pivotal subject in US History i thought they'd sell like hot cakes.Maybe if K&C started with the Big Horn and see if it grew?


Now I have to be carful here I really wanted to get into the K@C Civil War stuff but they are kinda boring. I dont want piss anybody off but little imagination used on those so I stayed away. I would hope the Custer line if there ever was one would be more lets say energetic and fun like the Crusaders are, does that make sense? Joel
I do agree with you,the Crusaders are a superb series.I have seen them up close and they really are stunning figures,lots of action poses.Oh if i only won the lottery!.


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