Next Release - Tiger and SU-100 (1 Viewer)

I'd say it wasn't planed that way for Figarti. They made 500 of the Wittmann's 007 Tiger and they can't sell that many. So these new camo versions ( 222 Wittmann and Winter 200 ) are probably repaints of the 007 along with some minor improvements. Cheaper prices and more choices works for me . . . :D

Don't believe that's correct.
I'd say it wasn't planed that way for Figarti. They made 500 of the Wittmann's 007 Tiger and they can't sell that many. So these new camo versions ( 222 Wittmann and Winter 200 ) are probably repaints of the 007 along with some minor improvements. Cheaper prices and more choices works for me . . . :D

I agree "Cheaper Prices and More Choices" works for me as well and helps manufacturers to stimulate sales in difficult times.....Figarti is on the right track:salute:::salute:::salute::........However...I wish that Figarti would have done the 500 of the 222 Wittmann Version and divided that 500 into 3 different turret numbers....I and others would have then would have then purchased at least 2 or 3 Tiger tanks for use in 1 battle scene diorama.....That would have been preferred......Still I applaud Figarti...WELL DONE GUYS.....GOOD WORK:salute:::salute:::salute::
Do the hatches open up? Do you think the Russian tank commander from FL would work with SU 100
Is anyone really surprised that there are going to be several versions of this Tiger and theatre variants?? They are simply maximising the use of these ''500'' moulds. A winter version was always on the cards and I expected a different number version for a tri camo vehicle.

Strange unit numbering for me but, it is certainly the same AFV just being played with by the painters at Figarti. Its cheap and its a late war Tiger more accurate than two makers offerings and at a decent price. As long as the paint stays on I am happy.

I would think a wash of some sort has been applied which makes the Zimm stand out more as it looks the same as the 007. I would just remove the antennas and you then have a decent AFV to be used where one wants

PS. Russki AFV looks good also!
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Mitch, I wish you were right, but I think (and this has been discussed before) that there are more differences between a Command Tiger and the regular version. These are the ones I am aware of:

  • no MG in main gun mantle (hole was plugged);
  • no side periscope on the gunners side of the turret where the transmitters would be fitted,
  • three antennas
  • tube to store one of them on the back and
  • very different arrangement of the equipment on the rear of the hull.

    I found these blueprints and photos quite helpful:

    PS: Does anyone volunteer to change the number of this tank from "222" to ""009"? :)
The problem with that is that there were really very few Tiger I Befehlspanzer. Only independent units had those to my knowledge. Again, tactical number "222" is the second Tiger of the second Zug of the second Kompanie - not a Befehlspanzer.

I believe Tigers "007" and "222" can be displayed together as arguably they are from the same unit operating in the same environment in Normandy.

My mistake, you are right. I just assumed when I saw turret # 222 that is was Wittmann's. I see now, the Figarti 222 is a Command version, odd turret number on that version. But I still think it's a repaint of the 007. Here's a link showing Clive's pictures of Tiger 200 and that is also a Command version . . .I'll try to find out for sure and let everyone know what's up. . . .
If they have any of those 500 Tigers left unpainted I'd love to see an "A01" turret number Grossdeutschland Tiger.
My mistake, you are right. I just assumed when I saw turret # 222 that is was Wittmann's. I see now, the Figarti 222 is a Command version, odd turret number on that version. But I still think it's a repaint of the 007. Here's a link showing Clive's pictures of Tiger 200 and that is also a Command version . . .I'll try to find out for sure and let everyone know what's up. . . .

I think you are right on all Accounts:

It is argued that Wittmann "borrowed" Tiger 222 for the skirmish at VB. "007" was his last Tiger after his promotion that he used when he was killed.

Command versions of his unit were 007, 008 and 009.

I agree it is a repaint. If it had "009" it would be perfect. "008" is believed by many to be a hybrid.
OK.........I think my brain is a bit dense here........ Are all of the recent Figarti Tigers command versions.....I want to replicate an entire platoon
OK.........I think my brain is a bit dense here........ Are all of the recent Figarti Tigers command versions.....I want to replicate an entire platoon are absolutely correct....and that's the whole point...It would be great to be able to use 2 or 3 of these Tigers in one battle scene.....Making all these command vehicles does not permit that kind of use.............Maybe?????....Figarti should sell these Tiger tanks without turret numbers and provide assorted number decals for the collector to apply as they see fit..... That "MIGHT" be a good idea if they supply a good assorted set of decals that are EZ to apply.
Yes, Alex, the recent Tiger by Figarti is a command version and all its versions ("007", "200" and "222") are hence command versions. To my knowledge, only the command received command tigers: the battalion commander, adjutant and signals officer. The command Tiger had four radios and hence was missing an MG and ammunition storage as this space was taken up by the radio equipment.

Arguably, as it relates to SS-Pz.Abt. 101, the new Figarti Tiger would be correct with tactical numbers "007" and "009". It is incorrect for "222" and I believe for "200" as well.

I am certain tactical number "222" was chosen for the third version as it is believed to be the Tiger Wittmann used while fighting at Villers-Bocage. He might have also used "231" a little later - is that the next version?

Fact is, I do not think you can create a platoon/Zug with command tigers, but the battalion command/Stab. For early Normandy, that gets you "007" and "009" if you want to be on the safe side. You could add "008" if you are bullish and feel like disregarding the literature claiming "008" was a hybrid.
I also believe the winter Tiger ("200") to be a command vehicle because on the two photos showing the rear, you can see the firmly fixed tube used to store one of the antennas on the back.
Thanks for the thorough info.......that is disappointing .

As I mentioned I had decal sets made for me by Figarti if anyone needs them.
Not really sure what I was incorrect about?? I was not saying anything about the differences in these AFV's in real life but, that I was not surprised that Figarti was using the same tank (which they are) and maximising usage of their moulds.

Mitch, I wish you were right, but I think (and this has been discussed before) that there are more differences between a Command Tiger and the regular version. These are the ones I am aware of:

  • no MG in main gun mantle (hole was plugged);
  • no side periscope on the gunners side of the turret where the transmitters would be fitted,
  • three antennas
  • tube to store one of them on the back and
  • very different arrangement of the equipment on the rear of the hull.

    I found these blueprints and photos quite helpful:

    PS: Does anyone volunteer to change the number of this tank from "222" to ""009"? :)
I looked at the pictures of the tank again and it looks more weathered, has darker camouflage tones, and the zimmerit paste is more pronounced. A very nice looking Tiger I tank by Figarti!


Fully agree Alex. This is a superb looking Tiger. I've always thought Figarti's AFV's are their strongest product and this is another example, if I were in the market for another Tiger I'd be phoning Clive about this one.
I still would like to do my Platoon.

So lets talk modifying..

Remove the Command Antenna

Remove the Tube in the back

Remove three out of four antennas (incl. the antenna bases on the tank body), add MG in main gun mantle (hole was plugged); add side periscope on the gunners side of the turret where the transmitters would be fitted and change arrangement of the equipment on the rear of the hull which was modified from the regular version to accommodate the antennae tube.

You can read up details here:

I have decided to either ask you or Mitch to change the tactical number from "222" to "009" for me (^&grin) or to just wait until Figarti comes out with a regular Tiger.
Remove the Command Antenna

Remove the Tube in the back

The above, and drill out an appropriately sized hole on the right side of the gun mantlet for the machinegun cutout.

Those are the readily identifiable differences. Technically, you should remove the two extraneous antenna bases from the roof and left/driver's side rear, but those don't really jump out at you though, so it may not be worth the effort.
The above, and drill out an appropriately sized hole on the right side of the gun mantlet for the machinegun cutout.

Those are the readily identifiable differences. Technically, you should remove the two extraneous antenna bases from the roof and left/driver's side rear, but those don't really jump out at you though, so it may not be worth the effort.

I agree is it worth damaging a great tank ^&confuse
I agree is it worth damaging a great tank ^&confuse

That's really up to each individual to decide. Firebat's pretty good at modifying these things, so I doubt he'd really be damaging it.

For me, the only thing that would really bug me would be the missing MG hole in the mantlet, since it is so readily noticeable. The other differences between a command and regular Tiger were pretty minor, IMO, but each person has their own view. When I get my Winter Tiger, I'm just going to install only the single regular antenna and call it good (probably only display it facing left too {sm4}).

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