Nobody does ACW better... (1 Viewer)

I fully concur with Jeff's mini dissertation and will add if not for WB I don't think I would have even started my ACW collection. I have come to expect so much from Ken and Richard that I find myself somewhat critical if in my opinion a figure just doesn't hit the high bar WB has set. I am referring particularly to the ACW celebrities. Lee and Longstreet were absolutely spot on-Hood nearly there but the original AP Hill was a real miss for me looking nothing like the troubled fighting Virginian. But the second version of Hill released earlier this year was just outstanding and captured perfectly Little Powell's gaunt face plus the other four generals released at the same time were nothing more than masterpieces. However, the standing figure of Buford I believe has also missed the mark and I hope Ken can revisit him sometime in the future along with that Irishman Gamble and Colonel Devin.

Also Ken what I/we could do with is some civilians-male and female. Currently, I am building a dio of the Third Corps marching to Cashtown and I don't have a single civilian with a disdained expression as he/she views the Rebel invaders.

But keep up the good work Ken as I'm sure that your next ACW release will again have me reaching for my wallet and the next.......and the next...........

Wonderful to see the promised artillery command sets. Now, how about a caisson with standing horses for the background? We definitely need standing horses and holders for the dismounted cavalry. Casualty figs of all type would be nice addition. Could not agree more that Ken and WB has set the std for ACW. Chris
Britain's Confederate figures have certainly come on in leaps and bounds over the last few years.The uniform details are quite outstanding with a realistic mixture of Richmond depot and Imported Tait jackets,both types painted in the correct shades.I'm still not quite happy with the constant use of captured Union pants as these items were worn in a limited timeframe.Confederate issue 'Royal' or 'French' blue pants would be much more accurate.I would also like to see a much more 'uniform' set in the future with ALL the Rebs wearing the same uniforms (in cut and colour),which would be much more representative of Gettysburg/Chickamauga/Wilderness scenarios.Also,maybe a western theatre set complete with trimmed Columbus and Dept of Alabama uniforms.
I would like to see some limbers both confederate and union to go with the new cannons. Individual pieces not sold in sets for around the same price as the cannons would be great. Most collectors have lots of cannons and crews but very few limbers and this is inaccurate. I know I would buy a bunch if you kept them under 40 bucks.

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