Could not agree more. What the heck is this country coming to?????????
You are entitiled to your opinion if it is based on some knowledge and research not parroting Fox pundits I hope. Have you ever read the NY Times on a regular basis?
founded in 1851, winning 112 Pulitzer prizes and having the most popular US news site recieving more than 30 million unique visitors a month. Did you mean to insult
30 million Americans?
Did you mean to insult the tens of millions of Americans who are better off not to mention alive with your comments? Yes, that's right the NY Times investigative reporting
on the Tobacco industry and the dangers of smoking helped motivate tens of millions of smokers to quit and millions more to never start. The Surgeon General stated that
investigative journalists from papers like the NY Times not only saved millions of lives but trillions of dollars lost to caring for smoking related diseases. the list goes on and
on from helping to create safer work places to exposing pollution, unsafe food and medicines. Today the NY Times is leading the fight to convince our government to take
action on global warming, something most scientists have been warning us for years.
I subscribe to 11 newspapers (digitally) and read articles from a half dozen more each week. The NY Times is one of many places I get my news and I certainly don't insult
the other publications even if I don't agree with them. Try looking at both sides of a debate before you make irresponsible statements.