O.J. Simpson has passed away....................... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
May 12, 2005
The real killer must be breathing a huge sigh of relief knowing that OJ is now off the case. I wonder what the Bills will do this year to honor him; maybe coach Hardo can give an inspirational speech about how he was able to avoid justice for many years, or maybe the team will wear special gloves.

His Marcel Marceau impression trying to put those dried up, shriveled gloves on over latex gloves will go down in trial history as one of the greatest acts ever, even better than his acting in The Towering Inferno and The Naked Gun.

Just goes to show you that in the end, the only color that matters in this country is green.
The real killer must be breathing a huge sigh of relief knowing that OJ is now off the case. I wonder what the Bills will do this year to honor him; maybe coach Hardo can give an inspirational speech about how he was able to avoid justice for many years, or maybe the team will wear special gloves.

His Marcel Marceau impression trying to put those dried up, shriveled gloves on over latex gloves will go down in trial history as one of the greatest acts ever, even better than his acting in The Towering Inferno and The Naked Gun.

Just goes to show you that in the end, the only color that matters in this country is green.

The trial and whole event was a circus. Everyone was worse off for it. You do have to wonder why a guy with OJ's fame, wealth, and every advantage would throw it all away. And that's not even getting into the moral responsibility for the horrible deaths of two people. I think there is no doubt he did it, but what triggered such a brutal act on that particular day will likely never be known. If it had been a spontaneous act, it would be at least more comprehensible, but OJ clearly planned the murder by wearing gloves and taking a knife. The police and prosecutors also bear some responsibility. They did a lousy job at the crime scene and trial including Mark Fuhrman committing perjury. The history of the LAPD made many blacks understandably suspicious of the evidence and Fuhrman merely confirmed those suspicions with his lies and racist history.
Kind of gave me the chills when I saw this come across ESPN around lunch time- I had a "what is such and such doing these days" moment on Tuesday afternoon and went onto Wikipedia and typed in OJ's name.......a day and a half later he's dead- brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....heebie jeebies......That was the first time in like a decade or more OJ even entered my mind..........
No one will miss him.

Unfortunately, not true. I check in on the USC football forums and some people are still blinded by his achievements on the field. They either think he is innocent or don't care. If you can carry a football into the end zone, a lot is forgiven by the fans. There are numerous examples in sports. Winning is all that matters. Of course, there are as many or more USC fans who think he was a great athlete but also a double murderer.
Unfortunately, not true. I check in on the USC football forums and some people are still blinded by his achievements on the field. They either think he is innocent or don't care. If you can carry a football into the end zone, a lot is forgiven by the fans. There are numerous examples in sports. Winning is all that matters. Of course, there are as many or more USC fans who think he was a great athlete but also a double murderer.

That is true. He was a great athlete but ruined several lives, including his own.
Finally, O.J. can rest, knowing that his wife’s killer is dead.
To this day it still boggles my mind how those two nitwits blew that case, this was 100% a crime of passion, not going to go into graphic detail, but the degree to which he took the killing of his wife was sickening and disgusting, he one million percent did it.

Stories are coming out about the case now naturally, let's all revisit it why don't we; one juror said she voted not guilty based on the Rodney King incident, ie, revenge over what happened to him and his case against the LAPD.

So two wrongs now make a right; that's some really solid half assed logic right there, let a double murderer go free over what happened in another trial.

African Americans all across the country celebrated his acquittal like their favorite sports team won a championship, just goes to show how racially divided our country was back then.

And it a lot of ways still is.

And sadly always will be.
To this day it still boggles my mind how those two nitwits blew that case, this was 100% a crime of passion, not going to go into graphic detail, but the degree to which he took the killing of his wife was sickening and disgusting, he one million percent did it.

Stories are coming out about the case now naturally, let's all revisit it why don't we; one juror said she voted not guilty based on the Rodney King incident, ie, revenge over what happened to him and his case against the LAPD.

So two wrongs now make a right; that's some really solid half assed logic right there, let a double murderer go free over what happened in another trial.

African Americans all across the country celebrated his acquittal like their favorite sports team won a championship, just goes to show how racially divided our country was back then.

And it a lot of ways still is.

And sadly always will be.

There is no doubt in my mind that OJ did it. The cut on his hand, the blood trail from the scene to his vehicle to his home. The fact that he parked on the street and climbed over the wall because the limo driver had arrived to take him to the airport and OJ didn't want anyone to testify that he wasn't home at the time. The LAPD, however, made numerous errors and were sloppy and arrogant in their investigation. Most defendants didn't have OJs resources to hold them accountable. If you read Mark Fuhrman's book, the screw ups started right off the bat. Fuhrman arrives as the detective in charge and does the initial walk through of the scene. He claims to have found a bloody fingerprint on the gate. It could only have been the murderer's print. He notes this on his written report. Case closed if it turns out to be OJ. No way to fake that. He was then told the case was going to be taken over by some other detectives who arrive shortly thereafter but incredibly don't read his report and never document the print which then disappears. For some reason it is decided that all four lead detectives at the scene have to travel to OJ's house to "inform" him of the death of his ex-wife instead of just calling his residence. They haven't even confirmed the identity of the female victim at this point but for some reason decide to rush to inform OJ. This is in the early predawn hours. They obviously believe he is a person of interest, and the notification is a pretext to investigate. Fuhrman had previously responded to a domestic dispute at the residence and was aware of the history. This creates more problems because they have just left the bloody crime scene which leaves them open to criticism that they could be transferring DNA - or as the defense later allege even carrying evidence like the glove to plant at OJ's home.

Fuhrman is forever finding evidence in the middle of the night. The blood on the bronco, the glove behind the guest house, socks in the bedroom, and the blood trails. He is either Sherlock Holmes or it looks suspicious after the fact. Particularly when he perjures himself on his use of racist language. They then make matters worse by going back to the crime scene. So they have now cross contaminated both scenes. They cover Nicole's body with a blanket from inside the house. A house where OJ frequently visited. They failed to take pictures of a blood spot on the driver's door of the Bronco and someone at the impound lot apparently took souvenirs from the inside of the vehicle. It was a fiasco. Then, of course, the DA's office compound matters by deciding that they must find gender and race specific prosecutors who turned out to be incompetent.
Apart from agreeing with what everyone else has said, my history with OJ is one step removed. My second cousin grew up and was close with the Kardashians and hence knew OJ and his kids and was part of that household ironically enough! That part of my family was sincerely shocked back then much like the Kardashians as they couldn't and didn't want to believe it. Natural I guess. My history is that during the trial I was graduating college and decided to do it via a night summer class to finish. SO, guess what I did all day - watched this trial. I was still considering law school and quite frankly OJ's trial team were some of my heroes at the time, I loved F. Lee Bailey and Alan Dershowitz so honestly it was fascinating spectacle.

That said, IMO, the defense team was brilliant start to finish, and Johnnie Cochran gave some of the most legendary criminal court moves/speeches ever. As a prelaw student, I was fascinated and at times in awe, as a human being, I was disgusted and disappointed because he was guilty. That said, you had probably the worst Prosecution team ever put together, some of the worst Detectives ever known and they got their rear end handed to them day after day. I kind of always thought that at least one juror voted not guilty due to the horrible performance of the prosecution. Funnily enough, as time distances itself, Marcia Clark became and help paint herself as a victim of injustice. Horse crap, the only victims were the families of the slain, not Marcia Clark. To put it blunt, she sucked and she is the ultimate reason OJ was acquitted. Period and end.

Anyhow, IMO, he was a football great, did a lot of good things, but in the end, whether it was a crime of passion, jealousy or just heinous, he killed two innocent people, and no one was to blame but himself. He ruined everything in the course of a New York minute. I personally believe that he had anger and lost emotional control and he committed murder. I also think he was very close to confessing it until Robert Kardashian (his friend and lawyer) did what a good attorney does and told him to "shut up". Then they assembled a team and that team looked at the investigation (botched that is) as well as the other side of incompetent attorneys and convinced him they could get a Not Guilty verdict and they did.

Final word - while watching that full trial day after day, I can tell you that there was no shock in my body when they said Not Guilty. As wrong a verdict as it was (time has proven that out), it was the verdict. It proves the old adage that you can get away with murder if you can afford the right attorney!

I wonder if the Simpson family will have an autopsy done to determine whether OJ suffered from CTE? It would be a mixed bag from their perspective by suggesting an excuse for his actions but since he never took responsibility it might be an unintentional acknowledgement that he committed the act. I also read that they are fighting to keep the Goldman family from collecting from the estate. The legal struggle will continue for years.
Occam's razor. The simpler explanation for his actions is that he was an arrogant jerk, who thought he was the center of the world and could do whatever he wanted, without thought of how it impacted anyone else, and without having to accept responsibility for anything he did, murder or otherwise. He was an overgrown adolescent. Well within the range of human nature to explain him.
The fact that Mark Furman lied when asked did he ever use the N word and he said no. If he told the truth and said yes right then the defense team would say he was racist and indeed planted evidence. It's like if someone asked you, "Do you still beat your wife?"
This trial was based on race. Nothing to do with the facts.
The fact that Mark Furman lied when asked did he ever use the N word and he said no. If he told the truth and said yes right then the defense team would say he was racist and indeed planted evidence. It's like if someone asked you, "Do you still beat your wife?"
This trial was based on race. Nothing to do with the facts.

True, but people do have to ask if he was willing to lie about that under oath, what else was he willing to lie about? He claimed that he and his partner found an empty Swiss Knife box by OJs bathtub on the day after the murder. It was never introduced into evidence. Imagine the incompetence of the prosecutors. The police find an empty knife box in the possession of the primary suspect in a knife murder and they never introduce that evidence at trial.
True, but people do have to ask if he was willing to lie about that under oath, what else was he willing to lie about? He claimed that he and his partner found an empty Swiss Knife box by OJs bathtub on the day after the murder. It was never introduced into evidence. Imagine the incompetence of the prosecutors. The police find an empty knife box in the possession of the primary suspect in a knife murder and they never introduce that evidence at trial.

Like I said before, it was complete and utter incompetence overall that derailed the guilty verdict and a team on the other side that exploited said incompetence.
Here is the evidence from Fuhrman's book that he claims was found but not even introduced at the trial:

1) An empty Swiss Army knife box left on OJs bathtub with the knife missing and never accounted for. OJ was apparently associated with the company and had received a number of "gift" items from a recent event including the knife. According to Fuhrman the size of this particular knife was consistent with the type of wounds found on the bodies. Fuhrman said OJs house was neat as a pin and the empty box looked out of place.

2) A bloody fingerprint left on the gate at the murder scene which Fuhrman indicates was an identifiable print that could only be left by the murderer. The print was never lifted or photographed by the LAPD to determine if it matched OJ. Unlike the blood and other physical evidence, there would have been no apparent way for the defense to argue that the print was faked or planted by the police.

3) The testimony of a woman driving in the vicinity that OJ nearly hit her after running a red light around the time of the murder. She claimed that he even paused to yell at her and she recognized him. She even wrote down the license plate number which matched the white bronco (she wasn't called as a witness because her estimate of the time was slightly later than the prosecution's timeline of the murders).

4) A piece of broken white gate that was found lying next to OJ's bronco on the sidewalk. It appears that he hit the gate at some point on his flight from the crime scene and it became lodged in the grill until he stopped to park. Possibly hitting the gate as he drove down a nearby alley to discard the knife. No exhaustive search of the alley area was ever undertaken. Given OJ's apparent state of panic, Fuhrman believes OJ just threw the knife out somewhere along the way. He also could have carried it with him to LAX and tossed in the trash. A risky thing to hold onto though.
Amidst all of this talk about “him” we have forgotten about the victims, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman

Somehow, collectively, this country continues to note the deaths of murderers while marginalizing those that died at their cowardly hands.

it is my sincere hope that Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman rest in peace while “he” suffers eternally in whatever hell there is.

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