Oh… and another thing. (2 Viewers)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi guys, me again… Here’s another few pix of our upcoming French Pharmacie Façade… Two of the pix show it with a figure or two the third one shows the new piece with the two older facades that we “married” together to create the “newbie”.

Finally, Jules 118 was asking about the pirate junk… Yes, I do have the samples however we do not have a release date fixed and I don’t want to publish photos just yet.

On a related matter… I noted a couple of responses to our latest DISPATCHES that perhaps I can answer…

1.“Mickey Mouse “Pattern…
Not all British vehicles had the “MM” style of colour scheme which is why our new HUMBER Armoured Car of the 1st Polish Armoured Division does not. Sorry, but no plans to do an “MM” version. Our second version will be 8th Army (desert).

2.Standing Figures for WW1 Aircraft…
See the last post about “late” DISPATCHES.

3.Enemy for the Imperial Chinese Army…
This is already “Under consideration”

4.“Nothing Original There”
Well for a few guys there was nothing original (for them) in the latest “DISPATCHES” and indeed they might even be “stale”… Well my apologies for producing items such as a “captured T34/76”… a Humber Armoured Car and a little French Pharmacie. Question: How many other companies have produced these kinds of “stale” items?

Apologies also for “previewing” these and other upcoming releases at the recent “West Coaster” show. One of the benefits of attending such shows is to promote the hobby, business and your upcoming releases.

Seems to me that it’s OK for other companies to present and preview their upcoming product… but not K&C eh! Throughout the year, the whole year, twelve full months K&C release many items that some expect and more than a few that come as a complete surprise.

5.“Meeting ‘n’ Greetings”
One of the other great pleasures of this hobby/business is the opportunity I get to actually meet and talk with K&C collectors, often on a “one-to-one” basis. Many of these folks have become personal friends and I often use them as an “unofficial” sounding board of new and upcoming ideas and products. On more than a few occasions, during these talks, I have shared confidences about upcoming items that I know they may be interested in. As far as I know, (and I have had no reason to doubt it) anything in particular I have asked them to “keep mum” about… they have. At other times some have asked if there is some answer I have given them that they can publicize, either on the Forum or with other collectors… and I have replied, “No problem!”

Oh well, c’est la vie… c’est la guerre… in the toy soldier world.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.​

SP050_GROUP (2).jpg
Thanks for posting Andy, I do like the look of these new buildings. The Humber and Dingo are excellent releases as are the new Brit inf figures, very much look forward to those landing in my display.

Oh Yes, The T-34's and new diorama building are welcomed here !!! Can't wait to sprinkle some snow on that Medicament shop...{sm3}
Ok, I like that we will get a 8th Army Humber any EA items are welcome.:smile2:
Guys, I didn't join in the topic about the MM version of the Humber because I didn't want to wee on the parade, but I thought it unlikely K&C would release this version so soon after the first, who knows what the future may bring but this new one and the forthcoming EA are going to be most welcome{bravo}}

Nice picture of the new and old French village facades together.

Thanks, Raymond:)

Thanks Andy for the Humber and 4 brit's my 30 corp on the way to Arnhem. As you are reading this thread could I plant the seed to do some more MG. Even updated Arnhem 44 figures would be welcomed such as Frost, Horrocks, ambulance jeep, glider and Bren gun carrier. Your 1995 story how you changed your company around with this new matte series is great and there is still some potential left yet to explore I feel. Intend to collect your new facades, but I like your 3d buildings also. I will add a photo of my latest diorama tomorrow on this thread inspired by Gordon. K&C is the best TS maker overall, your figures are quality and value. Cheers, Robin.
Médicament should have an S in the end; otherwise, this drugstore sells only one single type of medication...
Médicament should have an S in the end; otherwise, this drugstore sells only one single type of medication...

Katz Group Canada Ltd. operates or franchises thousands of pharmacies in Canada including major chains Rexall, Pharma Plus and IDA. They are second only to Shoppers Drug Mart. Unfortunately, one of their store chains called the Medicine Shoppe is failing badly as they too tried the strategy of selling only one medicine - and they don't even say which one. This looks bad for a chain with 1000 store in 5 country. ^&grin^&grin


More of these façades, but with the correct spelling please!!!!!!!( if in doubt, ask a French speaking person, it is too important to allow such mistakes; it can ruin a dio)
First of thanks Andy for making a Humber armoured car in the first place,and thank for,answering my question about a Mickey :)mouse version
shame about the spelling!!!! thats quite a slip. wonder if it can be fixed along with the russian words on the T-34 before release???? Andy should be coming down harder on the quality control and researchers at K&C. Guy's right if you don't speak the lingo ask someone who does as the little meercats in the brit advertisments say Simples!!!! Nice enough facades though and work well in cabinets and shelf units
Andy, Gordon's diorama inspired me to do this poor copy (need more MG please), cheers, Robin.


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Great dio Robbin! Andy- I really have to hand you one for your coolness under fire. I read (but don't always comment on) some of the attack threads. I am not be a die hard K&C guy, but I really do like a lot of your stuff (when I have some spare $${sm4}:wink2:), and I hate to see people rip on you for the most pointless reasons- you shouldn't have to apologize for "expected" releases- people always ask for more "ranks", and when they get them.... Love the facade- I will get that along with the other buildings-but they are right, I may have to repaint the sign. I will get that junk and the boat, though.
All the best,
Médicament should have an S in the end; otherwise, this drugstore sells only one single type of medication...
You are correct. It should be Médicament.....S.
IMHO, it is a minor omission that should not detract from the overall presentation of the facade.
I have my set on pre-order.


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