On the Road to Mandalay. (1 Viewer)

Difficult to get the terrain together on a scene like this Steve, but you nailed it, the figures look to be deep in the jungle, good job. Robin.
Ah, you beat me to the punch. I'm making a jungle diorama at the moment with the same sort of figures. Like yours though. Regards Greg.
as Robin said...jungle terrain is not an easy one...you did a great job...very realistic...
Yep agreed with comments below. Really captures that deep in the jungle feel. TG figures always come out great in photos.

Thank you guys for the compliments, feedback and likes.

Apart from the two palm trees, I haven't actually used any other elements that I don't already use for European or North America dios. What I did do, was bring the vegetation all in closer and for the most part block out the sky to try to give it a more claustrophobic feel which one gets the impression of when seeing films with jungle scenes such as Bridge on the River Kwai.
Of which, the real one I visited along with the commonwealth cemetery and Museum there in Thailand a few years ago.
If anyone ever gets the chance I recommend it, though it is most upsetting and stomach churning place I have ever been to, when you see the brutality and inhumanity the POW's and multitudes of forced civilian labourers from various nations suffered.
On th Road to Mandalay,
Where the flyin'- fishes play,

Thought I'd continue this theme for a little while longer with this patrol.
All figures TG

Compliments for the jungle, a very difficult landscape to reproduce...! {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Thank you guys for the compliments, feedback and likes.

Apart from the two palm trees, I haven't actually used any other elements that I don't already use for European or North America dios. What I did do, was bring the vegetation all in closer and for the most part block out the sky to try to give it a more claustrophobic feel which one gets the impression of when seeing films with jungle scenes such as Bridge on the River Kwai.
Of which, the real one I visited along with the commonwealth cemetery and Museum there in Thailand a few years ago.
If anyone ever gets the chance I recommend it, though it is most upsetting and stomach churning place I have ever been to, when you see the brutality and inhumanity the POW's and multitudes of forced civilian labourers from various nations suffered.

Looks great, well done.
Excellent scene Steve, you have created the jungle very well.

Thanks for the complimentary words and likes guys.

As the Patrol makes it way following the stream the point man suddenly ducks down as a Japanese sentry wonders to the bank. Knowing at any moment he will be spotted he makes his move and eliminates the sentry, stopping only to check him for papers and to liberate his water bottle they move hurriedly on not knowing how long it will be before the sentry is checked on.

Brilliant Steve, great scene once again and I like the story with all the action.

Excellent scene Steve, you have created the jungle very well.


Thanks Tom.
I've done some looking around for some more typical jungle looking plants with large leaves etc and found some along with Bamboo and Palm trees of a reasonable size without too much cost, I suspect they will need a lick of paint as they're just basic looking mouldings in the Model Railways sections on ebay, so hopefully when they arrive I'll be able to ramp up the realism some !

Fortune favours the patrol today when another enemy sentry is spotted and dealt with.
The patrol leader realises that there is unusual enemy activity in the area and decides he needs to get back to base to report, he plots the quickest route back avoiding any back tracking in case of ambush. Just as they start off on their way back they hear Japanese voices and metallic clanking.
They have come across the enemy apparently carrying out repairs on a capture allied Jeep that is towing one of their artillery pieces.
With their own distractions and thinking themselves safe this far behind their lines, the enemy don't see the stealthy approach of the patrol who open up at point blank range.
Disabling the gun by taking out the breach block which they chuck a few hundreds yards later they patrol gets back to their base the following morning and report, just as the Japanese artillery opens fire on their base.


I already said this once...
but your jungle shrubs and groundwork is really nice...
especially love the tent scene...
I already said this once...
but your jungle shrubs and groundwork is really nice...
especially love the tent scene...

Thanks Mike, the bits and pieces of Jungle type plants I've ordered off ebay are starting to arrive and I think they'll be quite useful.

Yes WB Zulu War accessories fit into to so many time periods pretty nicely.

Brilliant Steve, even better than the last scenes you did. I particularly liked the camp and jeep on the road scenes, very authentic.

You may be interested in the coconut tree made by Reality in Scale. They don't have bases (just pins at the bottom) but they are pre-made and painted and look very realistic in my opinion. I have two desert palms made by this company but the ones in the link are tropical coconut trees.


Brilliant Steve, even better than the last scenes you did. I particularly liked the camp and jeep on the road scenes, very authentic.

You may be interested in the coconut tree made by Reality in Scale. They don't have bases (just pins at the bottom) but they are pre-made and painted and look very realistic in my opinion. I have two desert palms made by this company but the ones in the link are tropical coconut trees.



Cheers for the heads up Tom, I'll have a look at what they do.

The Japanese bombardment lasts only a short time, typical of jungle warfare where the difficulty of bringing up supplies is so very hard. After a break they start again. However being in such a rush to open fire they haven't taken sufficient precautions to camouflage their position which has been spotted and orders issued to silence them.


Another excellent tropical scene Steve! I can feel the humidity running down my face in sweat but then maybe it's because I live in the tropics! ^&grin


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