Open Email to Oberstoskar (3 Viewers)

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King & Country

1st Lieutenant
May 23, 2005
Hi Guys,

Whilst catching up on all the activity on the Forum over the last few days I came upon this little gem from our dear old pal ‘Oberstoskar’ on the ‘Murat and the Wurttemberg Jaegers’ thread…

I quote…
“I know many collectors do collect K&C brochures amateurishly written by their ‘Creative Director’. I am sure you guys at FL can do it in a much more intriguing fashion.”

Now, this is not the first time that our friend has criticised either me personally or my brother Gordon in this kind of disparaging fashion. And that in itself is not my complaint… Everyone has a right to criticise, complain or comment on any aspect of what K&C or me or Gordon does (or does not do as the case may be).

What ticks me off is that this particular person does it from behind the ‘cover’ of a nom-de-plume. He never has the guts or cojones to say who he really is. He likes to ‘snipe’ from the shadows.

Now maybe ‘Oberstoskar’ genuinely believes FL can write better brochures and make better figures… that’s his opinion and he’s entitled to it… BUT, and as I like to say it’s a big BUT, when you criticise or deride other people’s efforts and work, have the decency and courage of your convictions to tell us who you really are instead of skulking anonymously in the shadows amusing yourself.

I am calling you out ‘Buddy-Boy’… Have you got the guts?

The Internet is truly one of the marvels of our age and it gives all of us a voice and a platform to air our comments, views, likes and dislikes. However it also provides plenty of cover for some individuals who like to ‘snipe’ at others, while not exposing themselves.

What d’you guys think? I’d like to hear from you…

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
I am calling you out ‘Buddy-Boy’… Have you got the guts?

The Internet is truly one of the marvels of our age and it gives all of us a voice and a platform to air our comments, views, likes and dislikes. However it also provides plenty of cover for some individuals who like to ‘snipe’ at others, while not exposing themselves.

What d’you guys think? I’d like to hear from you…

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.[/QUOTE]

Well this is a thread that is only going to stirr up the poo.We all have bad hair days and get out of bed on the wrong side sometimes.Andy you are laughing all the way to the bank and you do make the best soldiers out their.We all snipe and ***** at onetime all another and you are not bad at it yourself sometimes.So who cares who says what to who deep down the only thing that is really important is your family and there well being.Keep up the good work at making the best toy soldiers in the world and let sleeping dogs lay.Simmo out of the shadows now as Chris Wade Bracken ridge Australia.
Well this is a thread that is only going to stirr up the poo.We all have bad hair days and get out of bed on the wrong side sometimes.Andy you are laughing all the way to the bank and you do make the best soldiers out their.We all snipe and ***** at onetime all another and you are not bad at it yourself sometimes.So who cares who says what to who deep down the only thing that is really important is your family and there well being.Keep up the good work at making the best toy soldiers in the world and let sleeping dogs lay.Simmo out of the shadows now as Chris Wade Bracken ridge Australia.

Isn't it wonderful to see that selective censorship is still alive and well on this forum.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your entire post Simmo (and I myself have indulged in some grumps recently, especially concerning pricing policies - and I have had a bit of a laugh with a couple of minor pops at Andy N myself which he seems to take with relatively good grace). However, I believe that if a member of this forum is constantly being sniped at - and don't forget that Andy N is a fellow member of this forum - then they have every right to retaliate. The individual in question has made a career out of making quite incredible outbursts at K&C and people within K&C. It crossed my mind at one point to wonder if the more risable outbursts were actually Brother Gordon in disguise - and just having a laugh.
Evidently not.
The selective censorship I refer to is due to the fact that a cheap shot aimed at my wife has been allowed to remain on this board. Pointing this and similar sly posts out to the administrators of this site has proved to be a complete waste of time as the perpetrator appears to be some kind of "protected species".
That's why I agree that the co-owner of K&C has been quite correct to highlight the individual he refers to.
Incidentally, if the individual that I refer to cares to travel up to Hong Kong while I'm there, he just needs to call in at The Royal Pacific Towers & Hotel, Canton Road, Kowloon, and ask for Mr Anderson.
I'll be delighted to take the chance to discuss the cheap pops aimed at my wife (and friends) at length. Preferably at dawn.

And now, I shall take myself back off to the Frozen North again, where I don't have to put up with such nonsense any more - apparently.
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OK guys lets settle this the old fashioned way.

Pistols at dawn !

However joking aside I would have to be with Andy on this one. This sort of thing has been covered in many threads in the past but when taking all into consideration King and Country does a pretty good job. Good variety, regular releases, competitive prices and quality. The benchmark is that when sellers are selling other brands on Ebay they often use the word King and Country in the title. I don't see other toy soldier companies giving away many thousands of flyers and "Collectors" each year.

To say that Andy is an amateur is a bit of a joke. What other Toy Soldier company boss is talented enough to do his own drawings ?

Apologies for being a member of the Andy/K&C "fan club". I don't always agree with everything Andy has done (and have emailed him direct accordingly) but overall he runs a professional operation puttiing out good value product.
Got to say i really enjoy the flyers and leaflets,they are a collection in their own right.I do not think they are amateurish at all. They give K&C's slant on their releases and the historical context that surround them,they don't pretend to be anything else.They are an essential part of my K&C Files and an excellant reference tool.

Isn't it wonderful to see that selective censorship is still alive and well on this forum.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your entire post Simmo (and I myself have indulged in some grumps recently, especially concerning pricing policies - and I have had a bit of a laugh with a couple of minor pops at Andy N myself which he seems to take with relatively good grace). However, I believe that if a member of this forum is constantly being sniped at - and don't forget that Andy N is a fellow member of this forum - then they have every right to retaliate. The individual in question has made a career out of making quite incredible outbursts at K&C and people within K&C. It crossed my mind at one point to wonder if the more risable outbursts were actually Brother Gordon in disguise - and just having a laugh.
Evidently not.
The selective censorship I refer to is due to the fact that a cheap shot aimed at my wife has been allowed to remain on this board. Pointing this and similar sly posts out to the administrators of this site has proved to be a complete waste of time as the perpetrator appears to be some kind of "protected species".
That's why I agree that the co-owner of K&C has been quite correct to highlight the individual he refers to.
Incidentally, if the individual that I refer to cares to travel up to Hong Kong while I'm there, he just needs to call in at The Royal Pacific Towers & Hotel, Canton Road, Kowloon, and ask for Mr Anderson.
I'll be delighted to take the chance to discuss the cheap pops aimed at my wife (and friends) at length. Preferably at dawn.

And now, I shall take myself back off to the Frozen North again, where I don't have to put up with such nonsense any more - apparently.


Must say if anyone had a dig at your wife i would really hope that was removed from this forum.We don't need that sort of thing on here.

OK guys lets settle this the old fashioned way.

Pistols at dawn !

However joking aside I would have to be with Andy on this one. This sort of thing has been covered in many threads in the past but when taking all into consideration King and Country does a pretty good job. Good variety, regular releases, competitive prices and quality. The benchmark is that when sellers are selling other brands on Ebay they often use the word King and Country in the title. I don't see other toy soldier companies giving away many thousands of flyers and "Collectors" each year.

To say that Andy is an amateur is a bit of a joke. What other Toy Soldier company boss is talented enough to do his own drawings ?

Apologies for being a member of the Andy/K&C "fan club". I don't always agree with everything Andy has done (and have emailed him direct accordingly) but overall he runs a professional operation puttiing out good value product.
I have to say I think the way K&C goes about its bussiness is first class.I just can't really see the point about digging up this fuss unless its all for fun.I love stiring alittle poo now and again but I have to say I haven't keeped up with what this guy has said over the last couple of months so I don't see what all the fuss is about.Simmo.
Sorry to hear about the comments about the one who must be obeyed Harry.Everyone should draw the line about family as some things are a no no.I have a hide as thick as a black fellows feet in the highlands of you would need a brick to upset me .Haven't seen you on the forum lately thought you must of been travelling.Simmo.
Isn't it wonderful to see that selective censorship is still alive and well on this forum.

While I don't necessarily disagree with your entire post Simmo (and I myself have indulged in some grumps recently, especially concerning pricing policies - and I have had a bit of a laugh with a couple of minor pops at Andy N myself which he seems to take with relatively good grace). However, I believe that if a member of this forum is constantly being sniped at - and don't forget that Andy N is a fellow member of this forum - then they have every right to retaliate. The individual in question has made a career out of making quite incredible outbursts at K&C and people within K&C. It crossed my mind at one point to wonder if the more risable outbursts were actually Brother Gordon in disguise - and just having a laugh.
Evidently not.
The selective censorship I refer to is due to the fact that a cheap shot aimed at my wife has been allowed to remain on this board. Pointing this and similar sly posts out to the administrators of this site has proved to be a complete waste of time as the perpetrator appears to be some kind of "protected species".
That's why I agree that the co-owner of K&C has been quite correct to highlight the individual he refers to.
Incidentally, if the individual that I refer to cares to travel up to Hong Kong while I'm there, he just needs to call in at The Royal Pacific Towers & Hotel, Canton Road, Kowloon, and ask for Mr Anderson.
I'll be delighted to take the chance to discuss the cheap pops aimed at my wife (and friends) at length. Preferably at dawn.

And now, I shall take myself back off to the Frozen North again, where I don't have to put up with such nonsense any more - apparently.

WHEW ...and I was wondering if it was something that I said-I should hate to provide any real offense,and would cheerfully delete hurtful posts rather than lose your lively wit & EXCELLENT photography or see any member hurt.A pity the member mentioned has not done the gentlemanly thing and voluntarily edited the "cheap pops". Best,ob
Hi Guys,

Well Simmo, appreciate your thoughts but why should I allow someone to call me and my work ‘amateurish’?

My main point which you have not addressed is about the ‘anonymity’ of the ‘sniper’. My ‘bone of contention’ with ‘Oberstoskar’ is not about him taking pot shots at me (or anyone else) as I said earlier he’s free to do that anytime he likes. At least have the decency to put your real name to your post and not hide behind a convenient ‘nom-de-plume’.

As for making a fuss about it, I and all of us at K&C work bloody hard at what we do and I can assure everyone else that we take it darn seriously and professionally. Believe me, there is nothing ‘amateur’ about our approach, research or the way we do what we do. I’m sure the vast majority of collectors… and our competitors know that all too well.

Best wishes and happy collecting!

Andy C.

As I mentioned in my pm to you, I apologize if I haven't caught something that was aimed at your wife. That is not acceptable. If you'll tell me where to find it, I will remove it instantly.
I agree completely Andy, that the shadow snipers are cowards.

I have had my share of cheap shot's from one member here in particular, on this forum.

It has been my experience, that these shadow members here and on the internet always have a " secret agenda ".

Yes, Andy I completely agree also...... no shadow snipers.....I personally have let my thoughts be known very clearly and openly on this forum especially in regards to hording and price gouging.........very available....Frank
Well - Good Morning ! :D

I had to laugh - LOL LOL - that someone called Andy's work (and K&C) amateurish ! If those works on the promotion materials and other printed documents that King & Country is the work of an "amateur" - PLEASE LET THE PROFESSIONAL STEP FORWARD.

I have worked in the communication field for a long time and have received my advance college degrees in the field as well - no where have I even seen a hint of sub-par work. Matter of fact you can go back 10 years looking at K&C Promotional Materials and see that is has held the HIGHEST levels of QUALITY in every issue !!

This forum always has the ability to bring out a laugh.

As I mentioned in my pm to you, I apologize if I haven't caught something that was aimed at your wife. That is not acceptable. If you'll tell me where to find it, I will remove it instantly.


I believe that there was an accusation that Harry was a racist.

Pretty stupid in my opinion based on his work and his family.

Also, to fix things there should be a public apology - IMHO.

Well - Good Morning ! :D

I had to laugh - LOL LOL - that someone called Andy's work (and K&C) amateurish ! If those works on the promotion materials and other printed documents that King & Country is the work of an "amateur" - PLEASE LET THE PROFESSIONAL STEP FORWARD.

I have worked in the communication field for a long time and have received my advance college degrees in the field as well - no where have I even seen a hint of sub-par work. Matter of fact you can go back 10 years looking at K&C Promotional Materials and see that is has held the HIGHEST levels of QUALITY in every issue !!

This forum always has the ability to bring out a laugh.

With their quality of product,comprehensive website,customer service,Collector magazine,Dispatches and superb UK branch (whats that compliment worth Tony?!;))i agree with Ron,amateur they are not.

Yes, Andy I completely agree also...... no shadow snipers.....I personally have let my thoughts be known very clearly and openly on this forum especially in regards to hording and price gouging.........very available....Frank

Here we go again!:eek:
To the main point of the thread, Andy's point that everyone is entitled to his opinion, but at least be a man and reveal your true identity when you express your opinion, he is 100% correct.

Too many people put their Internet muscles on and say things they wouldn't otherwise say in a face to face meeting. Unfortunately, that is one of the downsides to this medium.

Harry, hello, nice to see you again!


I believe that there was an accusation that Harry was a racist.

Pretty stupid in my opinion based on his work and his family.

Also, to fix things there should be a public apology - IMHO.


If there is going to be any public apologys he can start by addressing his

remarks about Italians.:mad:

Not once, but twice, no less!
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