Our changing hobby-the decline of shows and possible alternatives (1 Viewer)

"In 1943, Oklahoma was righted and salvaged. UNLIKE THE OTHER BATTLESHIPS THAT WERE RECOVERED FOLLOWING PEARL HARBOR, THE OKLAHOMA WAS TOO DAMAGED TO RETURN TO ACTIVE DUTY. Her wreck was eventually stripped of her remaining armament and superstructure before being sold for scrap in 1946. The hulk sank in a storm in 1947, while being towed from Oahu, Hawaii, to a breakers yard in San Francisco Bay."

" A view among critics of the bombings, that was popularized by American historian Gar Alperovitz in 1965, is the idea of atomic diplomacy: that the United States used nuclear weapons in order to intimidate the Soviet Union in the early stages of the Cold War."

Maybe they should rehire her...………...…..:wink2:

On top of what George has had to say, how did you think, Larry, that it was your role to get involved in this situation and contribute to making it an issue that led to her dismissal. If you were a parent, I would have a greater appreciation for your role but you weren't.

As you relate it -- and I assume you are correctly relating the mistakes she made -- none of them are egregious or material, certainly nothing to create a fuss about. In addition to the Oklahoma point, she is not wrong about Nagasaki; there is a school of thought that says it was a demonstration to the Russians that we have many Atomic weapons. Little did we know that the Russians had this information already due to Russian espionage.

Lastly, political geography is a branch of study: it is the branch of geography that deals with the boundaries, divisions, and possessions of countries.


Evening Mr. George, Brad,

With regard to the first point, the USS Oklahoma, ... she was totally incorrect in stating that only the USS Arizona was not raised and returned to active service. The USS Oklahoma, being salvaged for the steel, is not the same as being refloated and "upgraded" to active service to fight again.

Maybe :rolleyes2: a weak argument can be made that her steel went into the building the future Battleships and Carriers that took the war to the Japanese, but that would be more metaphorical in nature than historical fact. The statement that was presented above supports that argument.

On point number 2, the atomic bomb at Nagasaki.
This debate is way beyond the scope of this thread (I apologize for the high jacking of the original topic ..:( )

The atomic bomb(s) were used 74 years ago and arguments for and against it's use will never be resolved. Like other threads in this forum, this can be a personal and heated topic, of which I do not wish to engage.

Gar Alperovitz book, Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima and Potsdam was written in 1965. To comfortably sit 20 years after the event makes it easy to criticize decisions made when one can view them with no emotional inputs or ramifications. At the time, the Truman Administration (or really Harry) had to make a monumental decision. Without doubt, he made the right decision. Additional information is constantly being discovered about WWII.

For all the books you can show against the use of Fat Man and Little Boy there are other authors that show the opposite.

Prompt and Utter Destruction:: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan Paperback – June 1, 2017
by J. Samuel Walker (Author).

We will simply have to agree to disagree on this point.


I agree, her mistakes were not egregious or material, certainly nothing to create a fuss about.
I had ZERO intent of starting an argument with the teacher or the school; my goal was simply helping out the kids who were being misled by an ignorant teacher. After showing them the TRUTH, I forgot about the whole thing.

It wasn't until I received a letter telling me I was wrong about my facts and not to talk to the students concerning their assignments, that it heated up.
Even then, I was a bit hesitant about going further. It wasn't until the parents of 3 of the kids called me and asked me what had happened. One thing led to another and I was up to my cheeks in alligators …

We can go on and argue this "To Infinity and Beyond" as Buzz Lightyear would say, but I would prefer to just say you and George are wrong and go on ^&grin

Have a good night gents!

--- LaRRy
Frankly, if this teacher was using the classroom to shove her identity politics / socialist / leftist / it’s always America’s fault philosophy on a bunch of impressionable kids, then I say tata and good riddance!

Hope she didn’t let the door hit her in the arse on the way out...
Larry, it isn't so much about the facts (as we can differ about how they can be interpreted) because you concede that her mistakes weren't egregious but your role in participating in her dismissal over less than material mistakes.

I've made my points clear so I don't believe there is anything more to add.
Larry, it isn't so much about the facts (as we can differ about how they can be interpreted) because you concede that her mistakes weren't egregious but your role in participating in her dismissal over less than material mistakes.

I've made my points clear so I don't believe there is anything more to add.

Correct .. at the beginning her mistakes were not egregious … but "SHE" chose to elevate the issue way beyond a simple discussion. At that point the entire issue was no longer about simple facts or dates. The reason of her dismissal was over FAR more than those initial issues.

If you are unable or unwilling to see that, then so be it.

So let's just get back to collecting Toy Soldiers.

--- LaRRy
One last time. How was this your issue? You are not a parent and you are not on the school board. You took a role that was not yours to take. If you can’t see that, then there is no point on having any discussion.
I have no children and have gone to school board meetings when it was revealed they were teaching antisemitic things. Why does one need to be a parent in the class to raise concerns about the education of children in this country?
Additionally if your argument is no kids in class, no input... then I want a tax refund for all of my money that goes to education costs.
You are correct in principle when done through the appropriate channels, e.g., the principal or school board.

My last thoughts on the matter.
One last time. How was this your issue? You are not a parent and you are not on the school board. You took a role that was not yours to take. If you can’t see that, then there is no point on having any discussion.

Why are you so blind to the fact, as I have stated numerous times …. THE SCHOOL AND TEACHER MADE IT MY ISSUE?

They were the ones that started the entire controversy. My only involvement was to correct the INCORRECT information they were told, has you have done, ad nauseam so many times here on the forum.

And you seem to repeatedly miss the fact that the "parents" of the children were the ones who took the issue to a much higher level. As I mentioned, THEY CALLED ME FOR INPUT regarding an account of what transpired. This, obviously, was something that had been festering in the parents minds, probably over other issues they had observed.

As has been stated, why do I have to have children to be able help a someone garner correct information?

So far, you had said only one thing that is worthwhile. You can or won't understand, so …"there is no point of having any discussion."
Why are you so blind to the fact, as I have stated numerous times …. THE SCHOOL AND TEACHER MADE IT MY ISSUE?

They were the ones that started the entire controversy. My only involvement was to correct the INCORRECT information they were told, has you have done, ad nauseam so many times here on the forum.

And you seem to repeatedly miss the fact that the "parents" of the children were the ones who took the issue to a much higher level. As I mentioned, THEY CALLED ME FOR INPUT regarding an account of what transpired. This, obviously, was something that had been festering in the parents minds, probably over other issues they had observed.

As has been stated, why do I have to have children to be able help a someone garner correct information?

So far, you had said only one thing that is worthwhile. You can or won't understand, so …"there is no point of having any discussion."

So is it safe to assume you won't be running for the local PTA presidential position anytime soon then Mr Larry?...…………..:wink2:

I'd pay good money to see you in action at the meetings if you did...……………...
So is it safe to assume you won't be running for the local PTA presidential position anytime soon then Mr Larry?...…………..:wink2:

I'd pay good money to see you in action at the meetings if you did...……………...


Gee, my friend … now that is an idea worth thinking about ... {eek3} …

President Larry Allen .. MWGA (Make Waldoboro Great Again) :rolleyes2:

New student policies:
* Do away with school buses, make the kids toughen up and walk to school in blizzards and heat waves!
* Hot lunch would be 1 Saltine Cracker in the microwave!
* School starts at 6:00 AM and gets out at 6:00 PM.
* A minimum of 4 hours of home work each night.
* On weekends they must come to the school and mow the lawns, wash the floors, paint the walls, clean the furnace and more.
* Passing grade would be a 95 or they get to experience THE RACK!

Hummmm … I wonder how long it would be before I went missing in one of the local Clam Flats?

--- LaRRy

Good for you. And I will give a different perspective as I come from a family of educators - My late Father had an EHD (Doctorate of Education) from The George Washington University and my mother has a masters plus. Ok, they are smart people is my point, smarter than me. My Dad also happened to be a history major to boot. Anyhow, I can tell you that he is rolling over in his grave with your story. He made it his mission to rid his schools of worthless teachers, who were either lazy, stupid or worse. He was brought in throughout his career to "tune" schools up, in other words, make them 5 star schools. He had zero tolerance for failure and with what happened in your case, he would congratulate you on your courage to speak up when asked as well as would be horrified that you were treated as you were for giving students the "correct" answers.

Frankly put, our public education systems stink. Teachers (Good ones) have the most thankless job in the world and there are way too many morons who are getting teaching degrees today due to the general lack of good people wanting to become teachers. The programs are desperate and seem to admit every nutjob that comes along. IT IS SAD.

I am not surprised by your story and not surprised that this teacher lasted this long. There are a lot of systemic issues that have long existed and the dead weight is allowed to hang around. I remember as kid, one particular nitwit who had been at a school for 15 years, it took my father 3.5 years, a lot of paperwork and even an undercover sting to fire the guy. Then he claimed disability...………...my Father agreed and said he was disabled...…………..in the brain!

Sorry for the diatribe, I could write a book on this subject and your story sparked my "outrage"!
Somehow I have a feeling that this thread has been hijacked from it's original intent . . . even though I find the subject most interesting!

Bosun Al
A sad day indeed.

Sad, as in, it's sad a teacher actually lost his/her job over this.

The mind reels.

George, I often don't disagree with you, but see my other post. IMO not really sad she lost her job, too much dead weight is allowed to constantly hang in our school systems and she made this a bigger issue b/c of why I don't know other than most morons don't like to be told they are wrong! As they say, periodically you got to take out the trash!!

Somehow I have a feeling that this thread has been hijacked from it's original intent . . . even though I find the subject most interesting!

Bosun Al

I know, guilty as charged. But at least its interesting!
George, I often don't disagree with you, but see my other post. IMO not really sad she lost her job, too much dead weight is allowed to constantly hang in our school systems and she made this a bigger issue b/c of why I don't know other than most morons don't like to be told they are wrong! As they say, periodically you got to take out the trash!!


I guess my bigger concern is I've completely lost track of the original subject of this thread...……………...
Hey collectors …
The beginning of the MAJOR show circuit is just around the corner ..

April 7, 2019
60th North East Toy Soldier Society's Toy Soldier
April 7, 2019 Sunday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Admission: $6.00. Under15 are free with paid adult.
Crown Plaza 15 Middlesex Canal Park
Woburn, MA 01801


MFCA is April 12 and 13.

9am - 3pm
Radisson Hotel Philadelphia Northeast,
2400 Old Lincoln Highway,
Trevose PA.

There you will find some of the BEST Figure painters in the world.
The show is a 2 day event so you can spend plenty of time looking at all the exhibits, seeing all the great and wonderful Toy Soldiers and related items for sale in the distributers room.

Seems like there is a surprise on almost every table.
Here is a link to that show … http://www.mfcashow.com/upcoming.html


Gettysburg T.S. show is on May 5th.
Eisenhower Hotel & Conference Center
2634 Emittsburg Road
Gettysburg, PA 17325

Not only is this a GREAT show but the Gettysburg area is PACKED with history, whether you are a Civil War collector / buff or not.
I think George has walk the battle field so much he could be a guide.

All your favorite dealers will be there so remember to bring an empty suitcase to take home all your treasures...:tongue:

If your lucky you might even spot Zach ...{eek3}
I understand that he is hard to miss. Something about a bright colored shirt? :rolleyes2:

Rather than write about why there aren't any show left.... SHOW YOUR SUPPORT / HAVE A GREAT TIME / MEET YOUR TreeFrog FORUM FRIENDS


--- LaRRy
Reminds me of a question I heard on an Australian radio competition.

Who was the American President when the atom bombs were dropped on a Japan ?

The answer given was Kennedy. Given a second try and he said Nixon !

At least he knew a couple of Presidents but clearly had no idea of their relationship in time to WW2.

I had major issues with my sons history teacher but had to stop raising them as he was the moron giving my son his grades. He was first year out of University and basically happy USA lost in Vietnam. I had to point out Australia was on same side as USA so he has also happy Oz lost. Luckily he got transferred several months later.

QUOTE=Go for Broke;847317]I have a friend who shockingly told me he didn't know what came first, WWII or the Korean War. I always assumed people had a general knowledge of history. Apparently not!{eek3}[/QUOTE]
This is for you LaRRy for helping to correct a bad situation and not let it pass as some have suggested (someone doesn't understand the term "public educaton"). :salute:: I interacted with one of my son's teachers with what I thought was not a good situation and she almost came unhinged. Chris

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