Paint Along (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Jun 27, 2010
Anyone interested in having a paint along?? I have been working on getting back into painting. I am doing ACW figures in plastic using Vallejo paints.. Will only need camera and knowledge how to post photos so we can show our progress and discuss different tech. let me know if anyone is interested....
Have the knowledge and camera,Just waiting on some FL castings! ^&grin
I prefer Vallejo paints myself nice and easy to work with!
Hi there rharry - yes - count me in as an interested watcher. Anything you can do is of interest - as I think that sharing ideas can only be good. May also encourage others to have a go at a very satisfying and rewarding hobby too. Go for it..... johnnybach.^&grin
Sounds like a good idea rharry! Although I'm not sure how it works. Do we all paint ACW figures?


Where do you buy your Vallejo paints locally?

Sounds like a good idea rharry! Although I'm not sure how it works. Do we all paint ACW figures?


Where do you buy your Vallejo paints locally?


Hi Scott
Its acually cheaper to buy them from the UK, there's not to many online hobby stores in OZ that sell Vallejo..however i did find one online oz wargame maker.
That sold them but at a cost of $4.50 per bottle and for some odd reason they would take weeks to ship out! i gave up on them!
From the UK it works out at about $3 per bottle with postage cost being very good...say around $6-$10 depending on how many you buy!
FrontRank a minitures maker in the UK is who i buy from now...very good service......Hope this helps.
I've done a few painting project threads in the past, so yes I'll follow along as it's always good to see how others paint and also as John says, it may encourage others to have a go at painting their own figures.

Actually we don't need to all paint ACW figures. Select your subject and choose your fav paint. We can share our results by posting photos.. I will kick it off within one week. We have the kids from England here right now so my work bench is tied up.. I am going to start off using Gesso which is a canvas primer white color, for my base color on the faces...Will post figures when faces are primed and discuss what Ive learned just in that step....others can follow suit or just ask questions if they have any....All the fiures I do are plastic and have been soaked in soapy water...I going to use some Armies in plastic red 114th Penn. Zouvaes.. Im using them just to practice faces. I have some new ACW Conte plastic figures I want to prepare for...just need more practice on the face....

Thanks for that info. Will give them a go.


I'm just starting on a metal mounted kit that is giving me a bit of grief with the assembly- one of those kits you need to think about how you are going to approach it! Will post some pics of my progress before the painting stage if anyone is interested. It is the Phoenix models Young Winston mounted figure from a few years ago.

I'll give it a go and try to post pics now and again. They'll be minis and non historical though. (Is that allowed on a TS forum? ;))
It's a great idea, rharry, basically, it's what we'd call a group build on the modeling sites. In fact, on modeling sites, there's often a subforum for group builds, and then individual threads for any given group build, and sometimes a separate thread for the finished pieces.

I'll be following along with interest, however it's set up, but I don't think I'll be participating, because of my schedule.

Thanks for suggestion, it's a great idea, prosit!
I wanted to mentioned that a sable brush 3/0 size is what I been using with most success. Also learned to "unload" the brush after picking up the paint. I touch a piece of paper or paper towel to unload the brush. Also another note I read somewhere in a painting forum that mixing distilled water with the paint is advisable?? I'm not sure why distilled is better but I am giving it a try. I also have some Delta Cermacoat that ive used and found it to be ok...cheaper then Vallejo. So if one wants to use Delta it would be good too. Acrylic waterbase is what I have used....
Hi, rharry, use water or isopropyl to thin acrylics, unless you use a specific manufacturer's range and he offers his own, then you might decide to use that.

I have some Vallejo and some Andrea bottles, but I'm cheap, so I have more of the cheap craft store acrylics available at places like Michael's, AC Moore or HobbyLobby. You might look into those, too. At a dollar or less for a bottle 3 times the size of a Vallejo eye-dropper, you may find it a worthwhile choice.

I use the for larger areas, mostly, and also for washes on my scale models.

Count me in, please.
I am painting Conte Plastic GIs and Germans.
I will put them into Simple Green to soak overnight.
Prime with white Gesso.
Generic acrylic paint is my preference.
Good to see the interest on this subject I will get started in a few days...thanks to all who have contribute so far....
Hi, rharry, count me in, after all. I have a pair of Stadden Imperial Germans coming, I'll strip and repaint them.

For some reason I am not happy with the way my "Armies of plastic" are taking the primer and the paint....Im going to swith to the new conte plastic I ordered and start there......will soak them in something like simple green....Ive been able to paint the faces of the AoP soldiers twice to practice but Im just not pleased with the results...will start tmw...will photo the primer on the new contes.........
My Stadden pair came in today's mail. I'll get cracking on them tomorrow, starting with pics as they are, and then the stripping process and my references.

First let me apologize for the poor quailty of photos..These are Conte 54 mm plastic ACW figures with two light coats of Gesso. I am using photobucket hope it works and the size is acceptable....If not I expect my good friend Britfarmer will help me with any problem....




You cant go wrong with the Conte ACW plastics there rharry,have done i think over 100 myself stock figs plus lots i converted.
Just love em maybe the best plastics ever made..looking forward to seing your work when you paint them up.

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