Paint Flaking (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Jun 7, 2012
I have had most of my soldier collection in storage here at my new place since I moved last August. Some are in their original boxes while others are in small bubble wrap bags. They are kept in my spare bedroom so they are not exposed to any big temperature changes other than it getting a little cool in that room due to keep the door shut. I recently started to pull a few of them out to look at them and noticed some paint flaking occurring on a few of my ACW figures. A photo is posted below of one of the Iron Brigade figures where the paint is flaking off his backpack. I have two other Iron Brigade members where the paint is flaking around the collar of his uniform and the other is the national flag bearer where the paint is flaking off his shoe. I also have a Confederate who has a spot on his blanket roll starting to flake. Granted these are the only ones I've inspected so far. Has anyone else experienced this with their FL figures? I must say it's quite depressing...

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I have never had this issue with First Legion.

I can't see the flaking from your photo. Can you take a better photo. I have the person who can fix this for you, if you're interested.
I have never had this issue with First Legion.

I can't see the flaking from your photo. Can you take a better photo. I have the person who can fix this for you, if you're interested.

It's the large silver looking spot on his backpack at the top right. Does it not show? I can see it on my screen.
Yes, I see it. Has it spread to other areas? Could be a simple chip. Happens.
Yes, I see it. Has it spread to other areas? Could be a simple chip. Happens.

Well there is also a small spot flaking on the back of his backpack too. I did use my fingernail a little bit to see if it spreads and the paint easily flaked right off. Wouldn't bother me so much if it was only on one figure, but a few of the others I inspected have some spots as noted above in the original post. I've fixed a few spots like this myself with previous figures from FL, K&C, and W. Britains in the past, but man how depressing when you discover several are doing this.
I'm sorry to hear you're having flaking issues w/ some of your FL. I've never had that happen w/ FL before. It's a widespread problem I've experienced with Figarti and only a few isolated occurrences with some other manufacturers but not w/ FL. Could you share images of the other figures you are having problems with?

If it spreads, you have a major problem. I wouldn't scratch the figure to determine if you have a larger issue; it will soon become evident.
Here are two more of the ones I mentioned above. I'm not great at taking pictures, but I tried the best I could. The first photo there is paint flaking around the collar of the uniform as well as the cartridge box. The second photo is not as major with only flaking occurring on the figures heel of his shoe, but like I said it can easily spread with the use of a fingernail.


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If it spreads, you have a major problem. I wouldn't scratch the figure to determine if you have a larger issue; it will soon become evident.

Yeah I only did that with the first one. The others were found in the condition as pictured above.
Flaking paint can happen to any painted figure from any manufacturer if the surface to be painted is not properly prepared by removing any mold release agent, oil etc. Contaminants prevent the paint from bonding to the primed pewter surface of the figure. A bad batch of paint can also cause flaking if the paint fails to cure properly; this problem is also caused by contaminants in the paint or primer.

Clean the area affected with alcohol on a Q-tip and repaint the area. The same technique works with chips and other damage. I use Tamiya Acrylic paint for figure painting and repair, it works well on both resin and pewter figures. Amazon has a large range of colors of Tamiya Acrylic paints in flat and gloss.
Just discovered two more victims in my collection of ACW figures. Look at the flaking occurring on the bottom portion of his frock coat near the rifle butt of the first picture. In the second picture the paint is flaking around the cuff of the figures right hand. This is awful... :(


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Any sign of a primer coat?

If they weren’t primed properly before painting, I doubt that they can be touched-up satisfactorily.

The figures will have to be stripped and completely redone.:(

Any sign of a primer coat?

I'm not sure as I'm not that well educated in the art of painting. From my very novice eyes it looks to me to just be the metal of the figure, but I could easily be wrong.
That's really unfortunate, and I feel for you. This is the first time I've seen this on a FL figure and surely it's not a widespread issue, although that is of little comfort to you at this time. I've even had it happen to a few Russian figures and always chalked it up to either hasty prep work (not fully cleaning off mold release agents or not completely rinsing off the cleaning medium itself) or improper priming where some edges are left without sufficient coverage. The good news is in some cases the entire figure does not require repainting.

My experience with Figarti figures tells me that paint flaking spreads easily over the whole thing.
Maybe toy soldiers have a limited life as everything has.
My experience with Figarti figures tells me that paint flaking spreads easily over the whole thing.
Maybe toy soldiers have a limited life as everything has.

Figarti's paint problems were much more severe. I had paint coming off in large segments from multiple figures, tanks, and buildings. It was extreme to say the least. It still annoys me to this day thinking back on it and having to absorb much of the loss. I wouldn't necessarily associate the edging paint loss seen here w/ Figarti. Once the paint on a Figarti figure started to chip, it was curtains for the figure and just a matter of time before more and more flaked away. But I don't see the paint lifting off in segments in these images, just areas on edges were the paint didn't bite.

I really feel bad for ya and to be honest a bit sick in the stomach.
Like another member said, that does not look like peeling or flaking, but more like it was worn off. Could something have happened in your move?

As you know, I also moved and had my collection of FL figures in storage for a few months last summer. I have not noticed anything like this on any of my ranges. I don’t have ACW, but do have many others from over the past decade.

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