Panther G Arrived; My Initial Review (1 Viewer)

He looks like the stock photo pictures and in the picture below from another thread that someone took of the prototype. It's a full body figure so he can be displayed outside the tank as well. Pretty good sculpting and painting for a Figarti figure IMO. He's of the King and Country size/proportions so he's too big for my taste, as I prefer the true 1/30 size and more slender look of First Legion figures with my armor.

That's my only gripe, if its size was slightly smaller I'd be very happy with it.

I collect both K&C & FL, but I wish this guy was the FL size
Mine arrived yesterday,looks just like the one on display at the Chicago Show. Having trouble trying to raise turret hatch to put commander inside don't want to force anything...Ron {sm4}
The panzer figure measures 66 to 67 mm so he would be between 6'6" and 6'7" in real life.

As a German I volunteered as a tanker for the Bundeswehr Leopard 2 and was rejected: with 6'3" I was way too tall for a tanker and missed the mark. In short: tank compartments are small and you need to be able to move when inside. Quickly. ^&grin
He looks like the stock photo pictures and in the picture below from another thread that someone took of the prototype. It's a full body figure so he can be displayed outside the tank as well. Pretty good sculpting and painting for a Figarti figure IMO. He's of the King and Country size/proportions so he's too big for my taste, as I prefer the true 1/30 size and more slender look of First Legion figures with my armor.

That's my only gripe, if its size was slightly smaller I'd be very happy with it.


That's one of the first things I noticed too when the pictures first came out for this release, that the commander figure looked too large for the tank. Great if the tank is 1/30 scale, but the figure needs to be in correct proportion to look right IMO. Great looking Panther though.
This being my first "larger" tank in 1/30 scale, I surfed the internet. I think constantly looking at toy-sized tanks let me forget how big these vehicles really were.





He looks like the stock photo pictures and in the picture below from another thread that someone took of the prototype. It's a full body figure so he can be displayed outside the tank as well. Pretty good sculpting and painting for a Figarti figure IMO. He's of the King and Country size/proportions so he's too big for my taste, as I prefer the true 1/30 size and more slender look of First Legion figures with my armor.

That's my only gripe, if its size was slightly smaller I'd be very happy with it.


I agree. Maybe Figarti will slim down their tank commaders in the near future to more accurate 1:30th scale:smile2:..... Most of us seem to agree that First Legion 1:30 scale WWII figures work better with Figarti WWII AFV's then say K/C, TG or CS whose figures are closer to 1:28th.......Figarti and FL seem to match well in both scale and more importantly "style"....This has been my observation...I also wish that Figarti would also consider making multiple tank commanders for WWII AFVs...That would add to the variation for those of us who would be displaying 2-3 tanks in a diorama battle scene.
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I collect both K&C & FL, but I wish this guy was the FL size

It is, you just have to do some hunting for it.

Almost weekly I lament that Honour Bound didn't make it. Their Panthers were leaps and bounds ahead of their competitors at the time and frankly are just as good as anything KC or TGM is putting out today, years later. Gold Series Tigers are still just as good as anything out their including stuff from Figarti and FL (too bad their as rare as hen's teeth).

I agree. Maybe Figarti will slim down their tank commaders in the near future to more accurate 1:30th scale:smile2:..... Most of us seem to agree that First Legion 1:30 scale WWII figures work better with Figarti WWII AFV's then say K/C, TG or CS whose figures are closer to 1:28th.......Figarti and FL seem to match well in both scale and more importantly "style"....This has been my observation...I also wish that Figarti would also consider making multiple tank commanders for WWII AFVs...That would add to the variation for those of us who would be displaying 2-3 tanks in a diorama battle scene.

Yep, I too wish the manufacturers would break away from the tired King and Country model of 1/30 vehicles w/ oversized 1/28 figures. I'm trying to help along the revolution by only posting pictures of vehicles with compatibly scaled figures.

Honestly, Figarti has come a long way with their figures. Recent figures like the Panzer IV Commander, Panther Commander, ETG-079 "Look Over Their" German set are sculpted and painted better than KC figures IMO and look very good.. They're more matte/subdued in color, especially skin tones whereas KC skin is still bright pink. If they were sized smaller like FL, I'd buy a lot more of them.

Also agree that you can never have too many tank crew figures. I often have bought armor for no other reason than to acquire the crew figures.
Love the HBs too. Surprised I've never seen anyone mate them up with the Reichbahn system. The three of them would look snazzy on a train

One of the reasons might be that to my knowledge Figarti never produced a flatcar that could transport a large AFV. On Figarti's website it reads: "The "Light Flatcar Wagon"(ETG-037) was used to transport light vehicles like trucks and small armor vehicles."

And it appears to me that at this point in time they are not producing a more appropriate flatcar. I for one have given up hope of putting this scene together.
It is, you just have to do some hunting for it.

I meant I wish the Figarti tank commanders were done in FL size or sold separately in K&C size for those who want them. I didn't like the Tiger 100 commander either

Tiger Close small crop.jpg
Yes Blowtorch...Now that FL Tank Commander figure is more size appropriate for the Figarti (Grey) Early Tiger...Nice display of Figarti AFV and First Legion Stalingrad Germans:salute::
Yes Blowtorch...Now that FL Tank Commander figure is more size appropriate for the Figarti (Grey) Early Tiger...Nice display of Figarti AFV and First Legion Stalingrad Germans:salute::

Thanks. I'm lucky the Figarti DAK Tiger sold out so quickly. I've been able to keep out of FL DAK without it. Of course a FL PzIVF2 would have drawn me in as well, but no one is listening to me:rolleyes2:
I agree. Maybe Figarti will slim down their tank commaders in the near future to more accurate 1:30th scale:smile2:..... Most of us seem to agree that First Legion 1:30 scale WWII figures work better with Figarti WWII AFV's then say K/C, TG or CS whose figures are closer to 1:28th.......Figarti and FL seem to match well in both scale and more importantly "style"....This has been my observation...I also wish that Figarti would also consider making multiple tank commanders for WWII AFVs...That would add to the variation for those of us who would be displaying 2-3 tanks in a diorama battle scene.

If FIGARTI make there figures any slimmer it won't be worth making them,they are tiny now for the price so i dasagree leave them as they are so they go well with K&C and TGM.
Ive seen FL romans and there is no way known they are 1/30 so again i disagree,i hope FIGARTI doesn't change a thing im very happy the way they are now,and im not alone.
If FIGARTI make there figures any slimmer it won't be worth making them,they are tiny now for the price so i dasagree leave them as they are so they go well with K&C and TGM.
Ive seen FL romans and there is no way known they are 1/30 so again i disagree,i hope FIGARTI doesn't change a thing im very happy the way they are now,and im not alone.

Totally agree with what you said mate.

One of the reasons might be that to my knowledge Figarti never produced a flatcar that could transport a large AFV. On Figarti's website it reads: "The "Light Flatcar Wagon"(ETG-037) was used to transport light vehicles like trucks and small armor vehicles."

And it appears to me that at this point in time they are not producing a more appropriate flatcar. I for one have given up hope of putting this scene together.

The Panther requires the 4 axle SSys 50 tonne flatcar

The Tiger requires the 6 axle SSyms 80 tonne flatcar

I was always surprised Figarti didn't produce these right out of the gate when they released the Reichsbahn line considering the number of Panthers and Tigers in peoples collections.

The Panther requires the 4 axle SSys 50 tonne flatcar

The Tiger requires the 6 axle SSyms 80 tonne flatcar

I was always surprised Figarti didn't produce these right out of the gate when they released the Reichsbahn line considering the number of Panthers and Tigers in peoples collections.


I still hoping these will be done soon to Frank . . . .Figarti actually has a item number for the Panther Flat car, they have it listed as "Medium Flatcar Wagon" (ETG-045) . . . .
I saw the announcement, but never saw it for order. I might have missed that.

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