Panzer Meyer Vehicle (1 Viewer)

jazzeum said:
If you take the time to look at that figure versus other figures, the figure that Alex used appears to be an aberration. That figure is almost 70 mm. A more typical figure comes out to around 65 mm, including AK and EA figures. The Rommel figure is a little smaller around 63mm or so but then he is not standing fully erect. The Britains figures that I have are true 54. So getting back to the original point, that Para is not the correct figure in which to compare Rommel against. You need to use other AK figures. As first indicated, it's apples and oranges.

Come on it's clearly Apples and oranges.........meaning its not fair to prove

your point!

Anyone can clearly see there is a scale difference in the two figures.

I'm still waiting for the Strictly Limited half figure at $5000 with the

production run of 50,000.

I notice the new Strictly Limited Piece is still available......the last one

sold out in two days.......could it be the price?......Production?

Flooding the market with products?.......class, class anyone, anyone??

Njja said:
Come on it's clearly Apples and oranges.........meaning its not fair to prove

your point!

Anyone can clearly see there is a scale difference in the two figures.

Pretty clear.
However, figures that belong on vehicles of any kind including wagons, limbers or AFV simply have to be smaller in order to fit. Sure there might be other examples in which they manage, but by and large they have to be a bit smaller.After all they are metal and can't bend twist and give like flesh and blood trying to position in a vehicle.I'm 6'2" and getting in the 251's drivers seat is very difficult.
Not being the die hard KC like most of you, I have noticed some figures in my collection are quite a bit larger than others.I have perhaps 60 foot figures
and there are a few BIGGGGGGG guys.Oh well.
Nothings perfect.I do think they do a good job overall keeping to their scale.
I doubt we would hear any defenders of scale irregularities if it was some other maker. Just moans and scorn.
my 2 cents
Well, to get back to the original question, before we get sidetracked on the height of figures, Andy has told me that the figures are fixed in the vehicle. The reason he did this was because of all the comments he received about positioning Rommel in the Greif and damaging him in the process. That's how Andy sees the whole scene. In addition, loose figures would have meant a bigger box, hence higher postage and transportation costs, leading to a higher price.

Njja also wondered if this had been sold out. All 1,250 have been snapped up dealers. It was officially sold out at King and Country within 36 hours. Notwithstanding what others may think, he does seem to know what he's doing.
Andy's decision to keep the figures in the vehicles is a big boost to the collector making an investment for the purposes enjoyment and keeping their collection as perfect as possible over time. This will help maximize the resale value high. Therefore the collector should applaud Andy for that.

To the rest of us who love KC sets but like to display them in various vignettes and dioramas, we prefer the flexibility of using his wonderful figures in a variety of various poses to suit a imagination. It's not that we don't like to maximize resale value but loosing a little resell value because of an occasional scratch that mind develop is okay for the fun of the diorama.

There you go Andy, once again, you CAN’T please everyone all of the time. There are always tough choices. I wonder which agreement maximizes KC short term and long term revenues.

I don't know, time will tell. When the smoke clears, my expenditures will still occupy the majority of my toy soldier budget but I would prefer free standing figures.

I want to add a clarification. When Andy said he said "that's how I see the scene," he meant diorama wise, not positioning and damage wise. Just in case that wasn't clear.
Thank you for the clarification Brad,

The fact remains as follows:

  • KC Collectors can conceivably maximize their investment on these sets due to reduce risk of damaging them over time due having stationary figures in the vehicles. Hooray for them.
  • Lack of flexibility of using these figures in other diorama themes isn't a trend that I'm happy about. Oh well, if the market see it differently Andy made the right call
  • Hard to believe this set is a "strictly limited edition" (1,250) unless Andy's market share has risen significantly over the last year or he wants to make sure as many as possible get a shot at this excellent piece.
Then, if that is so, then is it really a limited production run? This is just speculation and frankly I don't care if they are deemed "limited edition" and have already ordered my set, they’re fantastic looking.

Since I had to eat my words about this before, I agree with Carlos' observation in the third bullet point. I think the reason this is sold out at the dealers is that people are gun shy after what happened with the Greif.
Lets just see how long it takes to become sold out to the public.

No doubt "investors" will snap up bulk loads and we will see plenty on e-bay with an uncomfortable mark-up. Do we want to start the ethical discussion now or wait till the outrage hits?
If it is truely to be a limited edition or what ever the marketing term of the day is, why not limit customers to one and not allow dealers to "store" extra until the secondary market begins to show promise and then sell them on eBay.
The release of a "Strickly Limited" set at 1 250 exemplaries brings me to make the following statements (please, note that they worth what they worth):

1- The only difference between the WS77 and the WS73 or WS74 is that we know, from the beginning, how many of them (WS77) will be produced.

2- That privilege costs us a minimum of 50,00$ US per set.

3- The "Strickly Limited" label creates among the collectors the need, for obvious reasons, to act fast and, accordingly:

4- Makes the dealers comfortable to order as much as possible exemplaries of that item from K&C as they know that they will sell it fast (for some of the small dealers, it will even helps them to reach the minimum to do business with K&C).

5- At 1 250 exemplaries a "Strickly Limited" set is everything except a strickly limited edition of anything; it is a trap.

It is my opinion that a strickly limited set should not, in the case of K&C, goes beyond 500 exemplaries, in the view to support the value of our respective collections.

I fully agree with the opinion express by John (njja) in the thread entitled "Anyone notice the cost of our hobby is going up?" and l also think that our hobby of collecting valuable art objects is in danger and is on his way to become, in a very near future, the habit to purchase what will had be transformed in unvaluable things.


I generally agree with most of you what you have been said except when you begin to look at this from an investment point of view. As we've said elsewhere, this is a hobby and it shouldn't be treated as an investment. If we look at it as such, then we should put our money into true investments because collectibles are a notoriously unpredictable market, e.g. Beanie Babies.
i dont see the sixth figure, where is? why only this command cars like strictly limited? for this year i have the full of rommel affair, but probably i keep up this too, the price is high in this Sl and in the sidecar too
i think many collectors for buy this sl, dont buy other sets... so for k&c is good a politic of prices more convenients.....i have noticed on ebay a decrease of value of retired sets.. is a my impression?
zup66 said:
i dont see the sixth figure, where is? why only this command cars like strictly limited? for this year i have the full of rommel affair, but probably i keep up this too, the price is high in this Sl and in the sidecar too
i think many collectors for buy this sl, dont buy other sets... so for k&c is good a politic of prices more convenients.....i have noticed on ebay a decrease of value of retired sets.. is a my impression?

I agree the M/Bike is very expensive for a little 2 man set even though it looks great, will still buy it but be more choosy about where I get it thats all.
Maybe the 6th figure for the 251 is the driver and thats why you cannot see him?
You should only buy any lead figures for personal enjoyment - this hype about figures doubling in value once they go to retirement is never going to last - after all with all the competition now coming out it won't be long before they release something similar and then why pay an inflated price? With 1250 being released it is hardly a 'Limited Edition' and has anybody thought that once the speculators start off loading them that there will be a big choice of who you buy it from? It's not likely that we will only see a couple of sets coming up on ebay like some of the stuff before, but more likely a couple of hundred sets becoming available!! People really should get a reality check before they throw their money away.
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You can see Andy's comments on the Panzer Meyer in the "Recent Posts…replies & Rebuttals" thread.
To give a dealers perspective on the WS 77, I have officially sold through my quantity ordered as of 10:00am today, less than four days after I began to spread the word to customers. I did two toy soldier shows over the weekend and between the two shows, I presold eight sets. I ordered almost twice as many WS 77's as AK 29's for what it's worth. I sold through my AK 29's in a day and a half.

Since 10:00am, I have been approached by five people wanting to buy one and had to tell them I had none available. None of the five had ever purchased from me before, which can only mean supplies are scarce with other dealers at this point. All five asked to be notified when the next limited edition set is released.

Also, I sold one and only one to everyone who wanted the item although several customers wanted two (one wanted four).........................
It will interesting to see how many are produced in the next Strictly Limited issue, 1,500 or even 2,000 perhaps :)
Hey Warrior,

That's because you're too good at promoting your business, LOL.

Continued good luck to your business,

Thanks for the kind words Carlos; I'm blessed as I get to do something I love for a living. Can't ask for anything more really...........

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