Panzerschreck Party / Part 2 -finished dio (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2010
Late October, early November 1943 the 2nd Falschirmjäger Division was ordered to the Eastern front to take up positions near the Russian held town of Zhitomir . The Russian attack forced the 2nd Fj's Div back and they had to take up defensive positions South-West of the town;
The dio shows a party of 4 Falschirmjägers equiped with Panzerschrecks and ready to take on the Russsian tanks advancing towards their position
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Really a great dio :salute:: I like the soft pastel colours and the poses are very suitable to the action, thank you for posting! {sm3}
Excellent camo really blends in with the surrounds. Very nice paintwork Guy.:salute::, Robin.
Guy Ive been waiting for the finishes DIO to comment and it was worth the wait,superb mate great figures you chose to repaint and as per usual brilliant attention to detail.
Very we'll done, Guy. I like the color combinations very much.
Great work Guy, awesome paint job on the troops, great dio and pictures-wow !
There has been a lot of controversy on facebook about this dio . Some claim that these smocks and jump suits existed but were never issued and that the FJs never wore pea dotted smocks. When I make a dio, I do my research and I can assure you they did wear the dotted pattern camo suits. First of all this style smock is illustrated in the SS camouflage book page 237 to 239. Late war dot pattern suits were used in Russia and Poland . According to the Waffen SS camo book, the majority of SS jump smocks were Luftwaffe splinter pattern however there is also a rarer pea dotted issue that is known to have been used too.The camo outfits were produced in Dachau and two original ones are in the Bavarian war museum and one is to be admired in the "Musée de l'Armée" in Brussels . Just to proof the above I add a picture of a FJ wearing the pea dotted pattern smock ( and trousers ??? not so clear in this picture) in the field.

This time you are correct. I have pictures of the SS FJ's in camo pattern and, there are a number of pics taken on OP Rosselsprung that come from veterans that have Rybka wearing these pattern. In Budapest they wore a mish mash of uniforms

I have only known one time your SS camo to be wrong when you painted a 50's or 60's reformed german heer pattern on WWII TG figures!! Both Frank and I mentioned that to you

Controversy over I would say
There has been a lot of controversy on facebook about this dio . Some claim that these smocks and jump suits existed but were never issued and that the FJs never wore pea dotted smocks. When I make a dio, I do my research and I can assure you they did wear the dotted pattern camo suits. First of all this style smock is illustrated in the SS camouflage book page 237 to 239. Late war dot pattern suits were used in Russia and Poland . According to the Waffen SS camo book, the majority of SS jump smocks were Luftwaffe splinter pattern however there is also a rarer pea dotted issue that is known to have been used too.The camo outfits were produced in Dachau and two original ones are in the Bavarian war museum and one is to be admired in the "Musée de l'Armée" in Brussels . Just to proof the above I add a picture of a FJ wearing the pea dotted pattern smock ( and trousers ??? not so clear in this picture) in the field.
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I doubt anyone on this forum that know's you would doubt the attention to detail you put into this dio. Looks wonderful!

This time you are correct. I have pictures of the SS FJ's in camo pattern and, there are a number of pics taken on OP Rosselsprung that come from veterans that have Rybka wearing these pattern. In Budapest they wore a mish mash of uniforms

I have only known one time your SS camo to be wrong when you painted a 50's or 60's reformed german heer pattern on WWII TG figures!! Both Frank and I mentioned that to you

Controversy over I would say

I surely accept positive criticism and you were right Mitch I painted 1 German in the wrong camo in my ruined farm dio . Error put right in the meantime.
It does not help that often even those who have published books have done the same thing. I have seen it in a few books.

I surely accept positive criticism and you were right Mitch I painted 1 German in the wrong camo in my ruined farm dio . Error put right in the meantime.

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