Photos from K&C's Hong Kong office and store (1 Viewer)

Steven Chong

First Sergeant
Aug 25, 2005
With the assistance of John (Njja), I was finally able to resize the photos I took of K&C's Hong Kong office and store without blurring the photos.:D


The gentleman with glasses is Andy's brother, Gordon. Notice the master of DD59.


Samples of various paint schemes tested on the Slug and IV. Did the paint scheme of the small King Tiger model inspire WS71?

More pictures to come.:)
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Finally, some pictures of my Mecca... Keep em coming.
Oh to be in Hong Kong with the winning Power Ball ticket, thanks for photos, Steven. Keep 'em comin'!

That Elvis figure will be the only personality figure not on display at the symposium. Bill Sager is bringing Charlie Chaplin, and my Sgt. Peppers, Clark Gable, and Winston Churchill will be on display. We will also have pretty much all of Andy's "oddity" figures (the Hong Kong Jockey Club Racers, the 90mm Scottish Golfers, the Midaevil standard bearers from the Pallio Races in Sienna, and the modern Hong Kong Police Force with Swat Team).
You know what would be good if Andy could put on his web site some kind of virtual tour of the store. I think I've seen things like that done with on line listings for houses. You can see the whole house. It would be nice if we could see the whole store or the displays that way.
Excellent idea, buy the way Steve, are any of these items for sale? Or are

they just display items?

Dear John,

I should clarify that I have not yet posted any pictures from K&C's Hong Kong store in Pacific Place Mall. To date, all the posted pictures are from K&C's office at No. 3 Lockhart Road -- only display items. Here, there are over 70 shelves filled with masters, prototypes, and samples of figures and vehicles, many of which were ultimately produced for retail. Unfortunately, the collection at the K&C office does not contain an example of every piece ever made by K&C -- there are very few early K&C glossy figures. I asked Andy whether he would consider selling one or two pieces that Louis needs but his response was then he would not have them. Maybe Louis, Hans and Larry can get another "gift" (figure not included) for hosting this year's symposium.:)
There's a few Forces of Valor tanks sneaked in there as well.
Who says you can't display FOV with K&C? :)
Steven Chong said:
Dear John,

I should clarify that I have not yet posted any pictures from K&C's Hong Kong store in Pacific Place Mall. To date, all the posted pictures are from K&C's office at No. 3 Lockhart Road -- only display items. Here, there are over 70 shelves filled with masters, prototypes, and samples of figures and vehicles, many of which were ultimately produced for retail. Unfortunately, the collection at the K&C office does not contain an example of every piece ever made by K&C -- there are very few early K&C glossy figures. I asked Andy whether he would consider selling one or two pieces that Louis needs but his response was then he would not have them. Maybe Louis, Hans and Larry can get another "gift" (figure not included) for hosting this year's symposium.:)

Even with prototoypes, I believe Andy will make them, for a price;)
Louis Badolato said:
That Elvis figure will be the only personality figure not on display at the symposium. Bill Sager is bringing Charlie Chaplin, and my Sgt. Peppers, Clark Gable, and Winston Churchill will be on display. We will also have pretty much all of Andy's "oddity" figures (the Hong Kong Jockey Club Racers, the 90mm Scottish Golfers, the Midaevil standard bearers from the Pallio Races in Sienna, and the modern Hong Kong Police Force with Swat Team).
Dear Louis,
Not a great photo, but in the background is another "oddity" set of figures: "Les Miserables.":)

Two more pictures from K&C's office.:)


This picture is of the same shelf as the first picture posted on this thread but with the glass door open and from a different angle. Note the turret with the long canon to the right (on top of the truck) -- looks like a Firefly turret?


Picture a little blurry, but it shows some of the EA stuff painted for the European theatre.
Very nice of you to share these terrific pictures with us Steve. How often

do you get a chance to visit Hong Kong?

Njja said:
Very nice of you to share these terrific pictures with us Steve. How often do you get a chance to visit Hong Kong?
Dear John,
I travel to Hong Kong about four times a year -- next scheduled trip is June for three weeks. Some of the pictures I took are too blurry (probably need to get a tripod), so I plan on visiting K&C office again to take more and better pictures.:)

I hope you have a nice trip and take lots of photos! We sure appreciate you

sharing them with us! It must certainly add to your enjoyment of the trips

getting to stop in and visit a bit with Andy C & his team. I'll bet the flight is

a killer, how many hours to Hong Kong?

In the top photo there is another rarity, the Sgt Peppers set.

You are certainly right, I overlooked the Les Miserables figures. However, in my defense, they were only sold in Hong Kong, and the only reason I knew about them was when I bought the Kowloon Noon Gun set, it came with a Hong Kong only brochure with the Les Mis figures on the back cover. As I recall, Andy told me he was comissioned to make them for the Hong Kong Les Mis premiere. I have never seen the set in person, it must be pretty spectacular.


Love the pictures Steve, makes me want to hop a plane and fly to HK and visit KC. Oh wait, maybe in 2 weeks after the West Coaster, LOL.

Louis Badolato said:
... when I bought the Kowloon Noon Gun set, it came with a Hong Kong only brochure with the Les Mis figures on the back cover. As I recall, Andy told me he was comissioned to make them for the Hong Kong Les Mis premiere. I have never seen the set in person, it must be pretty spectacular.
Dear Louis,
Just a minor correction in case the description ends up in your K&C book, the set is "The Noon Day Gun," not Kowloon Noon Gun. The Noon Day Gun is on the Hong Kong island side, not Kowloon side. Originally listed separately but later added to the Streets of Old Hong Kong line as HK059.:)
desk11desk12 said:
Love the pictures Steve, makes me want to hop a plane and fly to HK and visit KC. Oh wait, maybe in 2 weeks after the West Coaster, LOL.
Dear Carlos,
If you do visit Hong Kong, contact K&C Hong Kong to make sure Andy will be around. I know Andy will be in New York attending Louis' symposium the week after the West Coaster.:)

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