Photos of Damaged Factory!! (2 Viewers)

Ken & Ericka Osen/H&A Studio

Command Sergeant Major
Jun 22, 2005
Hello All,

What a day! We are just about packed and ready to head out to Chicago, about 6 hours behind schedule but such is life! We did finally get the gods of photography to bless us with photos of our Damaged Factory diorama. This is a tricked out version of our "standard" Damaged Factory. The "standard" version is the same building and paint but without the yard, road or interior lathe. Hope you enjoy! Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago!
All the Best!


Damaged Factory Front Windows.


Damaged Factory Corner view.


Close-up of Side Window.

More Pics coming!
Ok, more Damaged Factory pictures.


Front view of side yard.


RAF & USAAF view of side yard.


View from inside side yard looking out.

More to come!

Rooms 5215 & 5216!
and yet more...


Front of Damaged Factory looking towards the side yard.


Door and damaged end of the Factory.


Damaged end of Factory.


Trashed Window.
Yep, it's me again!


Trashed window from the inside looking out. Yep, this factory has a complete interior!


Factory interior, looking down on the rubble.

As a side note, this factory (and all our other future buildings) are researched, designed, patterned, manufactured and hand-painted here in the USA. Mostly in Michigan.
Just awesome looking Ken and Ericka. Hope to see it at the OTSn show Friday.
OK, last set of pictures before we head out the door!


Interior view of Factory Doorway.


View of Factory machinery, a heavy duty lathe.


Factory interior and lathe, and if you through the windows you can just see my arm holding the backdrop in the entirely wrong position!

See you in Chicago! Rooms 5215 & 5216.
All the Best,

PS- Too bad we didn't take any pictures of the Normandy Farmhouse Diorama...
No doubt someone will be leaving Chi town with a big smile on his face as he heads home with it. Another Master Piece from "The Master". Have a safe trip and no doubt a successful one....Joe
Well Dearest Lt. Joe, hopefully many people will be leaving with smiles on their faces. We have the one large Diorama, but we also have 2 other complete "Standard Damaged Factories" and will be taking pre-orders beyond that. What's the old saying- Busy hands are happy hands?
Best to you and the little Captain!
Off to Chicago!
Unbelievable work Ken and Ericka!!! Thanks for posting the pics! I hope you have a great show! I can't wait to see pics of the Normandy farmhouse diorama. At the Westcoaster you mentioned something else you were working on......wonder how it's coming along......:)

Thanks again for sharing your magnificient creations.

Absolutely stunning masterpiece!
Approximately what scale is it?
Semper Fi!
Absolutely stunning masterpiece!
Approximately what scale is it?
Semper Fi!

Ken and Ericka are at the Chicago OTSN show and probably won't be able to respond until Sunday night or Monday. I would imagine the scale is 1/32 or 54mm to go with the WB WWII figures that Ken has had a hand at sculpting. I am leaving for the show first thing tomorrow morning. I will be seeing Ken and Ericka there to pick up the custom scenic bases that I commissioned Ken to make for my WB ACW figures, buildings, fences, and stone walls. Can't wait to get them.
Another work of art and at first I thought first couple of photos were reference photos of the real thing.
Make sure you show us your bases when you get back.Have fun.
Ken/Ericka........that is one of the prettiest pieces I have ever seen....obviously a lot of work went into all this highly detailed piece.....all I can say is "WOW!"....I'm sure it will cost a pretty penny....but will darn well worth it.

OUTSTANDING DETAIL!!!!:cool::cool::cool:

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