Pictures! (1 Viewer)

Brad, I'm sure the camels will be finely scuplted, perfectly painted and please a lot of collectors, but no, camels don't really do much for me, now if Andy were to make some horse drawn artillery for the Wehrmacht.... now that's something that could make me feel all warm and fuzzy.:D As for Joan, she'll look really out of place among a bunch tigers, panther, Shermans and M10's, again, beautiful piece, but it's a matter of priorities, funds and personal interest.;)

I whole heartedly agree......
Let's hear it for horse drawn artillery for the Wehrmacht.......Excellent German motorcycle with side car.....Like the long coats on the german soldiers as well......
I forget if this has been mentioned is there going to be any French resistance fighters? Or has nothing been said on this subject before.

I seem to recall that Andy had some unpainted resistance figures on his desk at one point. So there may more on the way in addition to the unfortunate gestapo prisoner.
As the unit of the Camel Corps is unknow, it can be one serving in Syria and Lebanon at the beginning of the war or one serving in Tunisia in 1943.

I think that they would fit perfectly with the following plane bearing the colors of Vichy.

As this aircraft (Dewoitine D.520) fought against the Allied invasion in North Africa, this could be the occasion to develop a new range in the WWII series (saying that only for the purpose of the discussion, not asking for anything. 2007 looks already to be a thrilling year in collecting) namely the Tunisian Campaign.

VERY impressive pics. I would LOVE to get my hands on that dio piece. The gestapo car has many uses and the feldgendarmerie are a must have for me as well. And you can't have too many motorcycles.
2007 is gonna be a great year.

BTW-MORE Sarcens and Crusaders please !
If Andy expands on the French resistance/Gestapo line, would like to see a Gestapo direction finding truck that was used to track down radio transmissions. There was a great episode of "Combat" in which this occurred -also from one of the Alan Furst books.
Hi Guys,

Re the individual Tank Crew figures—the 5 pieces are all brand-new… not just an upgrade of the old WS16. So, all completely redesigned figures doing different things than WS16. I hope you’ll like them.

Plus as promised here’s a pic of the Fiesler Storch… a couple of Gordon’s latest dioramas and… one or two sneak peeks!


Best wishes… Merry Christmas and… happy collecting!

Andy C. Neilson






Are these Department 56 Palm Trees or where did they come from. Did Gordon make them?

In my opinion the camels are fabulous. It adds great contrast to a diorama made up of tanks and regular troopers, not to mention the new plane. Kudo's to Andy. The camels are really nice looking. Looking forward to examing them up close.
I'll also add the Horse drawn artillery sets is one of the best ideas I've heard in awhile.
I am not a fan of the "french resistance" fighter beiing lead away....I
Are these Department 56 Palm Trees or where did they come from. Did Gordon make them?


Hi Carlos,

Those palm trees you saw in Gordon’s desert diorama with the Fiesler Storch are custom-made by the man himself — not bought in from Dept 56. Hope this helps.

Andy C. Neilson
Hi Carlos,

Those palm trees you saw in Gordon’s desert diorama with the Fiesler Storch are custom-made by the man himself — not bought in from Dept 56. Hope this helps.

Andy C. Neilson


I knew it, LOL. Is there anything that guy can't create? Will they be up for sale in the future? After all, you have many new lines that could really benefit from them.

Great job anyway and thank you and Gordon for making it a very happy toy soldier collecting year. We'll see you guys again at the West Coaster and OSTN shows again in 2007.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's,


I knew it, LOL. Is there anything that guy can't create? Will they be up for sale in the future? After all, you have many new lines that could really benefit from them.

Great job anyway and thank you and Gordon for making it a very happy toy soldier collecting year. We'll see you guys again at the West Coaster and OSTN shows again in 2007.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year's,


I'll second that, I hope both the bomb-out factory and desert dioramas are going to be made available for sale, the detail in them is fantastic.:D

I'm with Carlos and Fred on this one; your brother is so extremely talented, it's frightening. Scratch build palm trees, what can't the man do?

Sorry if I am repeating myself, but the factory is just stunning, I'd love to have one if nothing else to use it as a permanent display, Russians, Germans, Stalingrad, the Ruhr industrial area, wow...................
That factory is indeed fantastic. I hope it becomes part of the SP backdrops set.
Gentle Friends,

I have a comment and a question. First the comment:

If K&C producted the palm trees shown in the diorama, I would buy some! I see many possible display uses for them.

Now, my question:

Several references have been made to "the factory" that is shown in the WW II dioramas. Is this structure actually a factory? To me, it looks suspiciously like Oven #6 of a large crematorium. While it is very impressive, if it looks too much like a crematory oven, I would be very, very hesitant to display such a model with my collection. Perhaps more pictures of the stucture would reduce my concern.

Warmest personal regards,


It's odd but you're not the first person who has said this to me. I wouldn't want something like that in my collection either nor do I think it's what Andy or Gordon had in mind.

It's odd but you're not the first person who has said this to me. I wouldn't want something like that in my collection either nor do I think it's what Andy or Gordon had in mind.


When you view "the factory," do you see the internal object or machinery resembling a crematory oven? Perhaps a more clear view of the machinery within the building would define its use as something other than cremation. I certainly hope so, at any rate.

Warmest personal regards,


I saw where you were looking but I don't see that as a crematorium but more as a furnace used in a factory. I don't believe Andy would do something like that. LAH is one thing but this would be quite another.

When you view "the factory," do you see the internal object or machinery resembling a crematory oven? Perhaps a more clear view of the machinery within the building would define its use as something other than cremation. I certainly hope so, at any rate.

Warmest personal regards,


To be honest, that was also my first impression, but the more I look at I see a big furnace in a rubbled out factory complex.

From the two photos, its supposed to be a diorama in Berlin or in France somewhere. I don't think it could be a concentration camp crematorium, I think it has to be a furnace in a factory. Plus when I e-mailed Andy about it, he referenced it as a "Factory Ruin Diorama".
Have a look at the height clearance and so forth - not suitable for the aforementioned use [disgraceful misuse]. I would imagine that it could represent a structure in an agricultural area of poor nutrition and that it is a lime kiln.

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