Possible new Australian flag according to survey. (1 Viewer)

Yeah, your not wrong Jack. Next thing they'll propose is a boxing kangaroo at the bottom of this flag!

Leave the current flag as it is, it's a flag that I think most Australians recognize and want to retain and our serviceman (and service women) have fought under and currently serve under.

If someone showed me that flag, and I was to guess which country? I's have to say, "Oh some
third world African country." Not very welcoming for some reason.

I like your current flag. It has class.

Sorry, no offense intended.
What survey ??

Know one asked my opinion but now you are it is S#$% !!
If someone showed me that flag, and I was to guess which country? I's have to say, "Oh some
third world African country." Not very welcoming for some reason.

I like your current flag. It has class.

Sorry, no offense intended.

What you say is quite true. It is exactly what I thought when I saw it.
Why do they want to change the flag?

Stupidity would be one of the major motivators. {sm4}

Beyond that, there is a growing push from the left to discredit our traditional links to the UK and America as part of what is derided by the Right as the 'black armband' view of our history which can be parodied as 'we are all racists and the daily beneficiaries of great evils perpetrated on our indigenous peoples and our foolish preparedness to be the lackies of the UK and the US'. There is a strong Irish Catholic link to the Labour Party as well which has its own traditional dislike of anything linked to the English. There is also the 'pom bashing' which is an embarrassing though much enjoyed pastime. We also have the small country sensitivity about our relative lack of power and the presence of the Union Jack is viewed as a symptom of that almost as though it is a symbol of national immaturity. I love our flag because it actually looks good and it also has our history on it - the Southern Cross as a symbol of our place in the world and us as a people, black, white and all the rest, the Union Jack for our European links and the Federation Star with a point for each state and one for the territories to celebrate our peacetime achievement in federating without war. (As an aside, we were world leaders in giving women the vote but we rarely mention that. Too many sporting successes!)

You will be pleased to know that it is still possible in polite company to badmouth the English, the Americans and the Israelis. Anyone else is, of course, off limits. That would be in bad taste!^&confuse
Keep out beautiful flag and only consider changing if we ever go down the republic road and try than to incorporate our Aboriginal relations within it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Robin.
When will the west regain a respect and appreciation for it's history and traditions? Every Australian, and anyone who has been alongside them, should be proud of that flag.
My opinion on this issue would go beyond forum bounds. Some of you might get that without any further comment from me, but suffice for me to say that the political forces behind this are active worldwide, and they need to be vigorously opposed. I'll leave it at that.
Stupidity would be one of the major motivators. {sm4}

Beyond that, there is a growing push from the left to discredit our traditional links to the UK and America as part of what is derided by the Right as the 'black armband' view of our history which can be parodied as 'we are all racists and the daily beneficiaries of great evils perpetrated on our indigenous peoples and our foolish preparedness to be the lackies of the UK and the US'. There is a strong Irish Catholic link to the Labour Party as well which has its own traditional dislike of anything linked to the English. There is also the 'pom bashing' which is an embarrassing though much enjoyed pastime. We also have the small country sensitivity about our relative lack of power and the presence of the Union Jack is viewed as a symptom of that almost as though it is a symbol of national immaturity. I love our flag because it actually looks good and it also has our history on it - the Southern Cross as a symbol of our place in the world and us as a people, black, white and all the rest, the Union Jack for our European links and the Federation Star with a point for each state and one for the territories to celebrate our peacetime achievement in federating without war. (As an aside, we were world leaders in giving women the vote but we rarely mention that. Too many sporting successes!)

You will be pleased to know that it is still possible in polite company to badmouth the English, the Americans and the Israelis. Anyone else is, of course, off limits. That would be in bad taste!^&confuse
I am and will always be Republican and the sooner Australia becomes a republic the better, I did once favour changing the flag but after taking a belated interest in my Grandfathers and Uncles service and sacrifice in the Great War and my Fathers and Uncles in the Second World War I am no longer in favour of any change only because they served and died under that flag and it would dishonour their memory if it was ever changed. As to a Republic....well the Queen, bless her is British, lets have an Australian as head of state.
Stupidity would be one of the major motivators. {sm4}

Beyond that, there is a growing push from the left to discredit our traditional links to the UK and America as part of what is derided by the Right as the 'black armband' view of our history which can be parodied as 'we are all racists and the daily beneficiaries of great evils perpetrated on our indigenous peoples and our foolish preparedness to be the lackies of the UK and the US'. There is a strong Irish Catholic link to the Labour Party as well which has its own traditional dislike of anything linked to the English. There is also the 'pom bashing' which is an embarrassing though much enjoyed pastime. We also have the small country sensitivity about our relative lack of power and the presence of the Union Jack is viewed as a symptom of that almost as though it is a symbol of national immaturity. I love our flag because it actually looks good and it also has our history on it - the Southern Cross as a symbol of our place in the world and us as a people, black, white and all the rest, the Union Jack for our European links and the Federation Star with a point for each state and one for the territories to celebrate our peacetime achievement in federating without war. (As an aside, we were world leaders in giving women the vote but we rarely mention that. Too many sporting successes!)

You will be pleased to know that it is still possible in polite company to badmouth the English, the Americans and the Israelis. Anyone else is, of course, off limits. That would be in bad taste!^&confuse

Pretty good summary of the situation:salute::

Better not give my thoughts on Australian of the year.
Stupidity would be one of the major motivators. {sm4}

Beyond that, there is a growing push from the left to discredit our traditional links to the UK and America as part of what is derided by the Right as the 'black armband' view of our history which can be parodied as 'we are all racists and the daily beneficiaries of great evils perpetrated on our indigenous peoples and our foolish preparedness to be the lackies of the UK and the US'. There is a strong Irish Catholic link to the Labour Party as well which has its own traditional dislike of anything linked to the English. There is also the 'pom bashing' which is an embarrassing though much enjoyed pastime. We also have the small country sensitivity about our relative lack of power and the presence of the Union Jack is viewed as a symptom of that almost as though it is a symbol of national immaturity. I love our flag because it actually looks good and it also has our history on it - the Southern Cross as a symbol of our place in the world and us as a people, black, white and all the rest, the Union Jack for our European links and the Federation Star with a point for each state and one for the territories to celebrate our peacetime achievement in federating without war. (As an aside, we were world leaders in giving women the vote but we rarely mention that. Too many sporting successes!)

You will be pleased to know that it is still possible in polite company to badmouth the English, the Americans and the Israelis. Anyone else is, of course, off limits. That would be in bad taste!^&confuse

Yes,you have certainly summed up the situation comprehensively.Two things I would add.1)I knew nothing of this survey,but it may have been prompted by the recent vote in New Zealand where they voted to change their flag,apparently because it looked too much like the Australian flag.2)I doubt that this flag would ever be allowed to get up-the politically correct class would say it discriminates(a capital crime) because it shows nothing of the Aboriginal flag(black,yellow and red).
...the Union Jack for our European links..

Not European--British. That is, you, and we Americans, and our Canadian neighbors, we are all cousins in a British political family, that is distinct from that of continental Europe. "A man's home is his castle" is distinctly British, and it's just one philosophical link that we all share, and that sets us apart from the Europeans, and the rest of the world, for that matter. There is a very real and distinct difference between us and the rest of the world, starting with the relationship between the individual and the State. Our heritage is that we believe the State serves the individual, and not the other way 'round. The French didn't come up with that, nor the Spanish, nor the Italians, certainly not the Germans, nor any of the peoples on any other continent. So, I'd say the Union Jack symbolizes that heritage, not a European one.

So cheers! my cousin, and may the sun shine on you all!
If a republic comes then that is the time to consider changing the flag. Not before.

NZ is having a competition to choose alternative flag and that will then run off against current flag which also has Union Jack in it. Will be interesting to see how that goes as NZ PM wants to change it.

Have there been moves in Hawaii to change their flag ?

I have it on "good authority" that poll/survey was done in Nova Scotia...:smile2:

Texas was a Republic with the same flag, became apart of the Union with the same flag and always threatens to secede with the same flag. Australia is recognized, respected and hailed for their flag and I hope that y'all keep it with or with out the Crown. By the way, why are you all still apart of the Crown anyway?

John from Texas
I believe the Prime Minister is showing strong leadership in urging restraint during the reign of the current British ruler. I don't think even as the leader of the Republican movement , the head of the Conservatives would be impressed by the label of the Left. Likewise the former army chief who was just named Australian of the year after long distinguished service under that flag. But it is indicative of the confusion around the question.
The matter of the Republic concerns the future and does not threaten to rewrite the past...a future that all of our ancestors fought and died for. I would think there are few that forget that Oz was originally a penal colony of Britain's, and that none would wish it had remained that way. History is nothing if not a record of change, and human history of the striving for change for the better. The current flag represents whatever any institutional symbol would have represented. It is neither good nor bad as a symbol. But as the representative symbol of an Australian Republic, that Union Jack would represent only a minor portion of the shared cultural heritage of the population and would thus be inappropriate.
Like most here, I don't think that the flag is a separate issue from the Republican question and is therefore also not a counter to that question.
I too favour the Southern Cross but as a side issue not the retention of the redundant State Governments moving forward. So that star with all the points? Lest we forget the unequal representation of territories against states...Viva Republic, Viva equality. As the PM shows, this movement is not owned by the Left.
Gents and fellow Australians,

(1) If you have every carried a coffin of a fallen mate draped with the Aussie flag you will all understand that he fought and died for his country and mates under this flag. Change it over my dead body. I will never stop flying this flag from my flagpole no matter what some dumb arse leftist politician tries to make me do. You took my guns but you will never take my flag.

(2) Australian of The Year. An outstanding choice for a man who as General of the Army changed the thinking towards female members and the culture of bullying of members in the forces.

Just my two cents worth while this is still a FREE country

Cheers Howard:salute::
Reminds me of the flag debate in Canada in the early 1960s. Canada had 2 flags. The official flag was the Union Jack and the unofficial flag was the Red Ensign which had a Union Jack in the top left corner and the Canadian Coat of Arms in the centre of the flag. The Red Ensign became Canada's official flag in 1945. But the real debate was prior to Canada's Centennial. Some voices wanted to keep the Red Ensign, some wanted a new flag but one which retained the union Jack and some wanted a new flag with no Union Jack. Sounds like the current Aussie debate. We ended up with the red and white Maple Leaf Flag. Not a bad looking flag especially when compared to some of the monstrosities suggested.

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Reminds me of the flag debate in Canada in the early 1960s. Canada had 2 flags. The official flag was the Union Jack and the unofficial flag was the Red Ensign which had a Union Jack in the top left corner and the Canadian Coat of Arms in the centre of the flag. The Red Ensign became Canada's official flag in 1945. But the real debate was prior to Canada's Centennial. Some voices wanted to keep the Red Ensign, some wanted a new flag but one which retained the union Jack and some wanted a new flag with no Union Jack. Sounds like the current Aussie debate. We ended up with the red and white Maple Leaf Flag. Not a bad looking flag especially when compared to some of the monstrosities suggested.

Having recently visited the Canadian monuments on the Western Front, I did not notice any comments about the sacrifices being made under a different flag. That change for the future appears not to have diminished the memories. And your flag looks great Terry. I think there is a fear that we might fly the kangaroo just as QANTAS crashes or worse, honour the failed Eureka uprising with a pure Southern Cross 😄.

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