Pricing Announcement (1 Viewer)

Whining, whose whining!!!

MAN, I sure wish they would not increase the price, though!!! I hate it when that happens. Everything has to change and prices have to continue to rise. Gas, food, electricity, water, waste, dogs, cats. lol!!!!!

Tell me about it $300 bucks yesterday at the vets for an ear infection !! :eek:

Regarding the price increase, currently the savings I receive from my dealer covers the postage and tax. Hopefully he will implement a shipping discount to offset this like he does with his K&C. If that is the case it shouldn't affect me that much.
I read the new TF Rivet newsletter this afternoon which had this announcement in it. I also have noticed just recently that the eBay stores I have dealt with in the past suddenly raised their prices. Also the brick and mortar store I regularly buy from used to give a nice "pre-order" discount which they have suddenly changed due to this new pricing policy. Seems to be a common announcement with several manufacturers that pricing is going up. I suppose this is to be expected with the new labor laws being regulated in China along with the changing world economy. Like you Donnie, I am very glad that I have developed my WB ACW collection as much as I have. Looks like going into next year I will have to be more selective in my purchases and learn to live with less. With the recent price increase announcements from K&C, I have also decided to stop adding to my K&C collections and going forward will only be concentrating on my WB ACW figures sets and H&A accessories. I have seriously given some thought to divesting myself of all of my K&C items going in to the first of the year and spending the proceeds on my WB ACW habit . . . er I mean hobby :rolleyes: ;)

:) Mike

Nice post Mike- pretty much sums it up for me too. 2011 and going forward are going to see me buying whatever is available for Rome and the War in Iraq- Figarti. I have decided to drop WW1 before I got too far into it.
We are now approaching or at the price a cottage industry British made figure costs. To me, this Chinese made stuff has been more than a steal, a tremendous bargain in fact. All those K&C releases over the years at $20 to $27 bucks per figure... And many of thought that could last??? :D

Shoot, those Romans were actually close to St Petersburg in quality and finish!

Be all that as it may, we are already seeing limited editions. For a while now.

K&C switched from three and four figure sets to single figures a few years back. Now they sell an Austin at $99 in editions of 250 each? Come on, if that's not limited I don't know what is.

Figarti makes 100 +/- of any given vehicle they make and there's still product on dealers shelves.

As I watch these production numbers, it is the definitive gauge of collectors in the market place and new people coming into it.

Prices have to up if even these limited editions don't sell out and as China is forced by its own success to reach parity with other currencies.

I really truly hope that the hobby can get over this hump. If it doesn't tho, it will re-emerge in other ways with new names in place of others. This is the way of things.
Shoot, those Romans were actually close to St Petersburg in quality and finish!

Get outta here- that's like saying a South Philly Cheesesteak is as good anywhere else in the State of Pa. :)

KC Romans were average at best- the barbarians were the real treasure of the related releases. I've seen one figure that KC has ever done which could almost halfway reach a St. Pete quality and that was the standing pharoah they relased almost 2 years ago. St. Pete is a universe apart from KC.
Hello all,
As I have stated in other places the general increases we are seeing in individual figure pricing is a direct result of real increased costs of materials and labor for this kind of product. It is a reality for every single manufacturer of collectibles using white metal alloy and hand decoration.

I think the real intent of the W. B. policy statement was to minimize the possibility of advertised 'price wars' to attract sales. This has occurred in the past with many products in all areas of the hobby. As any retailer knows there is a 'tipping point' at which some products are no longer worth investing in for store inventory. The profit margin just becomes too low.

From a personal perspective, I think every manufacturer knows that retailers may make case by case decisions when adding up the final total on any customers bill. Any good salesman knows how to 'close a deal' and build relationships with repeat customers.

Here is a direct copy from a memo sent to me by Richard Walker should I be asked about this policy statement...

I sent this updated policy out about two weeks ago. From time to time we have this issue come up and thought it best to put it more firmly in black and white. The logic is simple, new collectors come into this hobby overwhelmingly through brick and mortar stores. These stores have considerable overhead. Therefore they will only carry and promote product lines that they can make a decent margin on. If they can’t then they will eventually drop the line. In essence the position I found WB in when we took over from RC2. I will not let that happen again, especially after five years of hard work and the production of considerably better figures, developed and promoted at considerably higher cost. Ultimately this hobby and this business will die without new collectors, so we must maintain our momentum. One final thought, over the last five years we have brought in 2,850 new collectors into W. Britain and the hobby (and these are just the ones we can confirm), the influx of these new collectors has allowed us to develop the extensive ranges we have and to go out and meet collectors all over the world at a myriad of events. We’ll never forget, nor let down our core base of collectors and this strategy is designed to insure the aggressive development of new figures to keep all our stalwarts happy and keep us in business for another 117 years.

Thank you,


Hope this helps clear up any questions,
All the Best,
Ken Osen
Hi Ken,
Thanks for posting Richard's note.

Nevertheless, I suspect a number of brick and mortar stores, not to mention product lines, will disappear over the next year. Increase costs in China combined with a dropping dollar do not promote sales of toy soldiers.

Thank you Ken. This statement makes me feal much better. I will still buy every Napoleonic figure as long as avererage prices are below $35, and as long as I can get the figures for $25. I know my dealer will still sell me these figures at that price, because I know he is makng a fair profit, and no one is getting slighted. I am glad Richard is being realistic, and knows that in this hobby, making more money is ultimatly less profitable than making more friends. I implore everyone to keep their words warm, and not to **** theselves with self destructive speech and actions. Keep buying as usual. Nothing has really changed. Then other manufacturers will se what a comprhensive policy can do.
All the best,
Thank you Ken. This statement makes me feal much better. I will still buy every Napoleonic figure as long as avererage prices are below $35, and as long as I can get the figures for $25. I know my dealer will still sell me these figures at that price, because I know he is makng a fair profit, and no one is getting slighted. I am glad Richard is being realistic, and knows that in this hobby, making more money is ultimatly less profitable than making more friends. I implore everyone to keep their words warm, and not to **** theselves with self destructive speech and actions. Keep buying as usual. Nothing has really changed. Then other manufacturers will se what a comprhensive policy can do.
All the best,

Here is the announcement from Shannon in the Rivet which indicates that prices are NOT to be discounted except for WB approved sales:

Recently W. Britain revised their dealer terms and conditions, announcing a new Minimum Pricing policy (MAP) that requires all dealers to match the price set by W. Britain for their products.

Up until now Treefrog has, with the consent and permission of W. Britains offered pricing slightly lower than manufacturer suggested retail price (MSRP). however we must now revise our pricing to reflect these updated dealer terms.

Pricing on current product and future releases will increase to full retail at the end of the month (November 30th). Current pricing will be honored on orders placed prior to November 30th.

We may be able to offer an occasional sale on Britains in the future but will only do so with express permission and consent of W. Britain.

The new dealer terms and conditions do not impact Rivet Rewards and we will continue to accept W. Britain Collector Club vouchers as well.


Tell me about it $300 bucks yesterday at the vets for an ear infection !! :eek:

Regarding the price increase, currently the savings I receive from my dealer covers the postage and tax. Hopefully he will implement a shipping discount to offset this like he does with his K&C. If that is the case it shouldn't affect me that much.
Hello all,
As I have stated in other places the general increases we are seeing in individual figure pricing is a direct result of real increased costs of materials and labor for this kind of product. It is a reality for every single manufacturer of collectibles using white metal alloy and hand decoration.

I think the real intent of the W. B. policy statement was to minimize the possibility of advertised 'price wars' to attract sales. This has occurred in the past with many products in all areas of the hobby. As any retailer knows there is a 'tipping point' at which some products are no longer worth investing in for store inventory. The profit margin just becomes too low.

From a personal perspective, I think every manufacturer knows that retailers may make case by case decisions when adding up the final total on any customers bill. Any good salesman knows how to 'close a deal' and build relationships with repeat customers.

Here is a direct copy from a memo sent to me by Richard Walker should I be asked about this policy statement...

I sent this updated policy out about two weeks ago. From time to time we have this issue come up and thought it best to put it more firmly in black and white. The logic is simple, new collectors come into this hobby overwhelmingly through brick and mortar stores. These stores have considerable overhead. Therefore they will only carry and promote product lines that they can make a decent margin on. If they can’t then they will eventually drop the line. In essence the position I found WB in when we took over from RC2. I will not let that happen again, especially after five years of hard work and the production of considerably better figures, developed and promoted at considerably higher cost. Ultimately this hobby and this business will die without new collectors, so we must maintain our momentum. One final thought, over the last five years we have brought in 2,850 new collectors into W. Britain and the hobby (and these are just the ones we can confirm), the influx of these new collectors has allowed us to develop the extensive ranges we have and to go out and meet collectors all over the world at a myriad of events. We’ll never forget, nor let down our core base of collectors and this strategy is designed to insure the aggressive development of new figures to keep all our stalwarts happy and keep us in business for another 117 years.

Thank you,


Hope this helps clear up any questions,
All the Best,
Ken Osen

Thank you Ken. It is thoughtful communication such as this and also a great product line at a great price point that keeps me a loyal customer of Wm Britain and Hudson & Allen offerings. All my best . . . .
:) Mike
Polar Bear- if you read the wording of Richard's message, you will see that it
leaves some wiggleroom, and is very forgiving. I don't often order online, where there is no wiggleroom, but by phone or in person, where my dealer will do just that- deal, no mater what. Please do not look on the negative side, as things are not that bad. Come on guys- fraternity not fighting.
higher prices = less sales = less releases to continue to maintain high prices
I sell my figures last week from the WWI and WW2:(, just buy ACW Union cavalry
Im so new that there are still some items that are selling cheaper then the new stuff but bottom line is quality and nothing I have seen looks better then WB stuff....So I will stay regardless of the price....the only debate I have and it is killing me;) is should I go to the WWl line???? I really want to just not sure......
Im so new that there are still some items that are selling cheaper then the new stuff but bottom line is quality and nothing I have seen looks better then WB stuff....So I will stay regardless of the price....the only debate I have and it is killing me;) is should I go to the WWl line???? I really want to just not sure......

Everyone needs at least two lines to collect Pops so I would go for it!!! You can always sell of some of those tractors to pay for it:D
Everyone needs at least two lines to collect Pops so I would go for it!!! You can always sell of some of those tractors to pay for it:D

Hey not a bad idea....:rolleyes: and I just bought my wife a $40,000 dollar car to go bowling in so I should be allowed some more toys!:D
This is just my opinion, but stick with one line, and put all your cash into that era. I too have thought about doing Zulu as a second line, but to just get one of every W.B. matt Zulu set would be around $7000, which is money I do not have. Belive me, there is nothing more that I want than this, but...yeah:(:(:(:(:(:(:mad:
For me, it simply means I will have to buy a little less and will pre-order less from some dealers. Other than that, not a huge deal. I do think the higher and more stringent pricing strategies in the industry, however, may have negative effects on collectors in general - this is becoming a very high-priced hobby and is already making me decide to spend more of my money elsewhere. Although I love a lot of the newer items coming out from Britains and many other manufacturers, it all comes down to enjoyment for the dollar, and toy soldier collecting is starting to look less attractive in that regard. I am starting to get very selective and buy only special items instead of items it would be nice to have.
Buying Britains figures at retail prices would be a totally new experience if I decide to do so.
It is about 10 years now since I discovered the Toy Soldier market and started to buy figures and watched what's going on and comes out. There were always Britains figures I bought during those years but there was never ever a need to buy them at retail prices, not during the Britains/Ertl times and not since Britains is with First Gear.
In all those years there were exactly two figures, or let's say one figure and one 3-piece set, that I bought at retail. Any other Britains set I bought at discounts between at least 10%, in most cases 20 to 30% and on some occasions better then that.
And I am not talking about one source where I had a deal with. At any given time there were numerous sources to buy.
I understand that Britains would want to implement a strict price policy, but it sure will be a tough piece of work. I don't believe that I was a lucky collector in all those years. There must be 100's or 1000's of buyers who in all those years got used to constant discounts.
It will be interesting to see how this new rule will work out.
I have to say that I have bought all mine at retail.

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