Prince Harry in Afghanistan (1 Viewer)

By the way George 2 was a sausage eating German so does he qualify?

This is a gentle reminder that we should be cautious about making stereotyped-based remarks such this, although am sure it wasn’t meant to offend.

But imagine if a similar kind of remark was posted on this forum coupling some other ethnic group with its supposed eating habits-the list is long. It would generate indignant responses with accusations of racism, and rightly so.

Does this mean-that’s it’s “okay” to make comments like this about one group but not another?

It never fails to amaze me, given the hyper-sensitive nature of race and ethnic consciousness in America, that it still is more or less open season on Germans with the same tiresome stereotypes in popular fiction, movies, TV, the print media and the internet. The reason for this may seem obvious but this kind of thing also went on in this country before the World Wars.

And I don’t believe in the dubious concept of collective guilt-especially generational- i.e., “the sins of the father”, etc. It just perpetuates a vicious cycle of hate, animosity and divisiveness.
This is a gentle reminder that we should be cautious about making stereotyped-based remarks such this, although am sure it wasn’t meant to offend.

But imagine if a similar kind of remark was posted on this forum coupling some other ethnic group with its supposed eating habits-the list is long. It would generate indignant responses with accusations of racism, and rightly so.

Does this mean-that’s it’s “okay” to make comments like this about one group but not another?

It never fails to amaze me, given the hyper-sensitive nature of race and ethnic consciousness in America, that it still is more or less open season on Germans with the same tiresome stereotypes in popular fiction, movies, TV, the print media and the internet. The reason for this may seem obvious but this kind of thing also went on in this country before the World Wars.

And I don’t believe in the dubious concept of collective guilt-especially generational- i.e., “the sins of the father”, etc. It just perpetuates a vicious cycle of hate, animosity and divisiveness.

Roan, I fully agree that there have been far to many comments like this lately.
Back on Harry,it looks like as the operation worked to start with he may be allowed back on the frontline sometime in the future.I think he has done a lot to wipe away the somewhat negative view of him the British press liked to portray in the past.Good luck to him.

If I could just chime in here. I agree that words can be very hurtful but sometimes I think we may all be a little bit oversensitive. It is fine to be politically correct and all that but in a world where female children are circumcised, car bombings occur on a daily basis in Iraq, global warming threatens huge parts of the world and AIDs, malaria and Tb kill people by the bucketload, hunger famine and war on biblical proportions stalk the world I sometimes think a bunch of well off toy soldier collectors feeling aggrieved and hurt over a bit of vigorous banter is a little bit ,for want of a better term self indulgent. There is a fine line to be trod, I agree with that but a sense of humor does go a long way. It is like the old days ( 2007) where people were taking mortal offence about what was said about some old WWII general who has been dead for more than a few decades and carrying on like the world was comming to an end because some one or other didn't share their admiration for the particular leader under discussion. Similarly the incessant debate between the rivet counters and those who can tolerate a bit of leeway in their collectables needs to be put in perspective. Think on this more than two thords of teh world lives on less than a dollar a day, in Mozambique of every 10 children born only three will reach the age of five. One should act and not react in this world.
Damian Clarke

Wow :eek: What a terrific line of logic and perspective on what is what.

I tip my hat to you.

I spoke to Andy at the West Coaster and suggested The Prince Harry figure for the Collectors club fig. line.
That would be cool. He could use it to reintroduce a modern range a follow up to the SF range of 2002.
I think there might be some legal technicalities with getting that one issued.
Well if Britains can release Trooping of the Color and Coronation sets then I cannot see the legal issue. As a potential future king of Great Britain and the Commonwealth his image must be in the public domain
I seriously doubt that his image is in the common domain. Under common law, a person's image can't be appropriated without his/her permission. I'm sure it would have to be approved by the appropriate department of Her Majesty's Government before use would be allowed.
I think there might be some legal technicalities with getting that one issued.

Actually in Talking with Andy about it, he says there's no issues with the royals, don't exactly know how that works, he also said maybe both brothers in dress blues. I would prefer the "field dress" myself, perhaps with his weapon on hip pointing? Considering my understanding is no member of the american congress has a son/daughter serving in theater he represents a true hero, as Pat Tillman, gives up the millions a year to follow his beliefs and face the dangers our countries ask us all to face.
I could be wrong but I know that the law in the US to the contrary and if I were him, I'd run it by his solicitor as you wouldn't want another Patton situation.
Not sure if you mean Afghanistan only when you say theater, but several U.S. Congressmen/Senators have or have had family sons etc serve in the Iraq theater of War.

Jim Webb- Democrat - VA - Son in the Marines in the CZ
Max Baucus- Democrat - MT - lost a nephew in Iraq
Todd Akin -Republican - MO - son in Fallujah, Iraq

There are of course others, so we should be very careful in our comments;).

All these troops do a dangerous job and deserve our thanks, including Prince Harry. Even a few weeks of being in the CZ is more danger than most people will ever knowingly be put in. Also just like to say that there is no "safe" rear echelon areas in this type of warfare.

Don't want to be preachy, just thought you would like to know:).

Best Wishes, Saber
Does anyone know what troops PH was with in Afganistan? I heard it was the Gurkhas, but his regiment is the Blues & Royals? So was he placed in command of a Gurkha platoon for a while? Royal Gurkha Rifles would get a kick out of that!

Also, can i find out from anyone about the Toy Soldier Show in NYC in Greenwich Village. I both live and work in NYC and would like to see it.



If you're referring to the Symposium next week, Louis posted some details about it in the Symposium thread.
Hi Brad, there'a a lot of thread on that and its hard to navigate in this rather odd format. I would appreicate if you or someone might know the location, or is it all top secret and hush-hush??

Also, has anyone seen the 2008 USA Tour of the Coldstreasm Guards and Royal Scots Dragoon Guards? I saw them early this month and they are coming back this week to perform at the Temple of Dendur at ther MET Museum, and then out in LI and CT for the weekend. Great show for military band lover like myself, but also ceremonial and just good, rosuing history and music.


I just sent you an email with the details from Louis' post.
Hi, thanks again Brad. Would enjoy hanging out with any local collectors in NYC sometime as that is where I reside.

Hi Brad, there'a a lot of thread on that and its hard to navigate in this rather odd format. I would appreicate if you or someone might know the location, or is it all top secret and hush-hush??

Also, has anyone seen the 2008 USA Tour of the Coldstreasm Guards and Royal Scots Dragoon Guards? I saw them early this month and they are coming back this week to perform at the Temple of Dendur at ther MET Museum, and then out in LI and CT for the weekend. Great show for military band lover like myself, but also ceremonial and just good, rosuing history and music.


Roger, I was not able to see the Coldstreams and RSDG's but wanted to. We did see last years tour of the Black Watch and Welsh Guards and loved it a lot.


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