Project X (1 Viewer)

Hi John,

Yes, the picture is emerging as fast as I can sculpt the figs...

Here are the titans with most of the main work done. I've given them some colour and will correct the defects.

Tiny Tim has a tear in his coat and ***in has been painted.

The last pic shows the smaller figs being developed.
Top row the cross dresser is now a bearded peasant, the priest has been defrocked and made smaller, and the horseman has had his pose altered.
Middle row a group including 4 priests
Bottom row more men in business suits

Some WIP in the strange structure.

The priest has been sized down. I soak his head in thinner overnight and removed the excess paint and putty. The body was sanded down.

The horse head and ears have been repositioned.

There appears to be two different types of priests. Guy with sideburns is wearing buttoned coat. The businessmen are having the overcoats being made.

Figures are coming along quite fast. I was quite surprised that each figure required quite a bit of the epoxy putty to sculpt. Luckily I am stockpiled with this stuff.

The bare-headed priest is shaping up quite well. I've added feet to all the business types.

Here are the 4 priests all completed. Notice that I have linked them as two pairs with wire for ease of location. The businessman is walking just in front of two of the priests.
The bare-headed priest is near completion.
The mtd horseman has been reposed. Now working on the details. The horse is missing a couple of hooves. It doesn't matter as the lower part is hidden by a crowd.

Ive completed these 3 business types. All wearing overcoats (must be cold). Notice the height disparity. The fig to the left belongs to another group in the background. Notice the legs. I am slowly transiting to using 1/35 scale parts.

The mtd horseman has been radically reposed and sculpted. The upper torso was removed and repositioned. Both arms were redone. Details incl buttons and a whip were added.

Just completed the horseman ready for painting. Added stirrup, reins, pistol holster etc. I added pins to the horse feet and strengthened the joints with putty.

Completed another business type figure. Actually, these seem to be Sunday best (hint).

And I have completed painting the horseman. Not bad, huh? Speed painting too. hahaha.

Completed sculpting the bareheaded priest. Added the censer. Ready for painting.

I've completed an officer type.

Here's the crowd scene with mostly completed figures so far - fairly ambitious as you can see.

I've started on another mtd figure. This time I am using Dobbin, a reject from my previous QOOH Yeomanry kettledrummer. I have already cannibalised his head and rear left leg for another project. So here's a replacement head.

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I decided to work on two mtd monks at the same time. One is on a much smaller horse (Cafe Storme/Mokarex) and has a 54mm head while the larger one is mtd on Dobbin. This is to represent the proposed perspective.

Surprisingly, both of these were quickly sculpted in three sessions of around 15 min each time with one hour to allow the putty to harden. After spraying with matt grey to reveal imperfections, I decided to add a left hind leg for Dobbin as it may be possible to see the legs even though the horses are behind the main crowd. The pair were painted the next day. I still have to finish the white horse but the figures are mostly completed.

Here are 3 more mtd figures to be made up. The upper row comprises 2 figures mtd on Tamiya donkeys to be converted to smaller horses. The lower row has the figure on a Cafe Storme/Mokarex horse. Hopefully the perspectives will play out.

Just amazing work, Victor!:salute::

Hi Louis,

Thank you for your kind comment. Just lucky so far. I've discovered that with practice, I can develop and finish the figures quite fast to a standard suitable for this piece.

I've gathered all the more or less sculpted pieces for a mockup to test the visual perspectives.

For this mockup, I've squashed the pieces as the shelf space is fairly narrow. The actual scene is more spread out. As can be seen, the foreground figures are quite large (as per the ptg) and the figures diminish towards the back. Notice the iconic structure perched on the yokes. The mtd figures help to convey the sense of visual perspectives as well, getting smaller further in the background. I think that I've only reached the halfway mark on the number of figures and there's still a lot of work.

Rgds Victor

Back to the grindstone. No rest for the wacked....

Here are the 4 mtd figures (I don't plan to make anymore mtd figs) to be done next. Notice that I've stuck the fig directly onto the horse. Maybe this will help me to work faster.

For the horses, I've used progressively smaller horse heads.

Some WIP on 3 of the mtd figures. I think that the overall dimensions are what I wanted. I found some Dragon 1/35 cossacks and used part of the right leg for one of my monks. Starting to putty all over the figures.

I finished the resculpt on the bareheaded priest. Mainly on the beard, ear and the open sleeves. Will continue to paint this.

I painted the faces of the titans to check their likeness. Looks OK generally to me (the paint is still wet) but I will have to finish sculpting the hair and beards as well as the cassocks.

I've reached a point where I have to determine the final dimensions of this piece, and how many more figures to sculpt. This is true especially for the background figures where many of the details are getting smaller and stay hidden.

So I've built a base mockup to test-fit the positioning of all the figures. The base is elevated towards the back to create some perspectives. The figures are being transferred from the cork bases and are more correctly represented according to the painting. Notice the titans cassocks being finalised.


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