Project X (1 Viewer)

There is also a wealth of interesting details in the figures surrounding the pompous mtd officer. These figures form a connection from the foreground figures to the mid ground figures. These details are visible in the ptg and should be captured in this piece.
WIP in the figures

Ive placed the peasant accosting the dignitary. This figure is a pain to sculpt. Even in the painting, he looks odd. Anyway, here he is, almost done, but I think he is a tad too tall.

Several figures around the pompous mtd officer. The leftmost figure is actually on crutches. There are two interlinked women next to the mtd officer's right side. THere is another almost hidden peasant just behind the boy.

This pix shows the figures according to the ptg.

As I am now also focused on creating more titans, I am starting to further detail the front titans as well.

The additional titans being sculpted.
More WIP

L-R This figure is directly behind the figure on crutches. More detailing on the two women. The hidden peasant. He is too tall and has been trimmed down.

The front row titans being finalised.

I painted the women and the cripple.

More WIP on the other titans. Notice that one of them is a converted female head.

Added 2 cossacks to the mix. These figures will be just behind the cripple. Since I have to add more figures behind this lot, I think that I will have to remove one row of bkgd figures to make space.

The completed cripple has been added to the scene.
Nx stage WIP

Here are the titans being recruited and sculpted. The new titans are being pinned to each other and the bar for stability. Easier to sculpt and keep them at the same height. Two other peripheral titans are of smaller build and to the right side.

The main titans being finally detailed. They are placed nx to two mid-foreground women to show the size disparity.

The two women fully painted.

The two women are placed within the scene.

The titans almost detailed and painted.
More WIP

The 7 main titans being lined up.

The front three titans completed.

The peripheral titans being fleshed out.

The front mid-foreground figures being worked on. The five figures are having an altercation with one of the mtd officers.

These three figs are to the right side of the scene.
More WIP

I fixed their location within the scene. Notice that I have already removed one row of background figures to create space.

Finished sculpting the other titans n the mid ground figs. Starting to paint them.

More WIP over Easter weekend.

Finished ptg the titans.

I also installed the LED light strip. Seems bright enough.

I placed the frame over the scene. The glass seems to create an atmosphere to the scene. Probably I will reduce the frame to cover the sides.

Added some completed midground figures to the scene.

The same scene when viewed from the front.
More WIP

Added into the scene a WIP cossack, mtd marshal and I redid one of the foreground marshals as he was too tall and large.

Here is the resized marshal.

The WIP cossack and mtd marshal on a new mongrel horse.

All the completed titans located in the scene.

The icon being precariously perched within the scene.
All your hard work is certainly paying off Victor!! {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Hi Jeff,

Still on a roll so far although I have to backtrack now and then to rectify earlier shortcomings. Just got the mat frame resized at a cost (grrr ) and had to redo one of the foreground figures and a couple of mid figures.
I did manage to do up all the Titans so will try to develop the whole icon vignette as the next kpi target.

Here is the resized mat frame. With and without lighting. I also cleaned up the glass so that the scene is fully revealed and the lit scene is correctly coloured.
Here is the resized mat frame. With and without lighting. I also cleaned up the glass so that the scene is fully revealed and the lit scene is correctly coloured.


that looks brilliant !!!!

I really think it needs the lighting so that we can see the wonderful work you have achieved with this project..

Great job :)

Congratulations, John
Hello John, Louis, Mike and Jeff,
thanks for yr very kind words of encouragement. Fully appreciated. The correct lighting does help matters … hahahaa. Wish I had installed the lights earlier.
I’ll be raising the height of the scene by abt a cm for final adjustment. Some of the figures will also be adjusted slightly as more figures are added to the scene

Here are the foreground and also the midgd mtd marshals ready for ptg. I’m also developing a grp of midgd figures

rgds Victor
Some WIP

Ive relocated the reworked marshal back into his position. His height and size had been reduced drastically to fit into this line of three marshals.

The poles for carrying the icon were lengthened.

The mockup for this scene was tested.
Following a test fitting with one of the cross bars, I decided to alter the heights of two of the Titans.
One was reduced in height and the other made taller.

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