I think I'll re-start this thread with a picture of what's currently passing through my hands for repair - from a variety of "job-lots" which I have purchased over the past couple of months.
The pic (attached below) shows several pieces - which I'll identify - and explain what is happening with each of them.
At rear left is a Britains WW1 mounted Cavalryman in steel helmet. He came to me with just a missing arm and a few holes to fill - so an easy one to fix up - I will be giving him an arm with sword at the carry. As usual - I give all mounted figures a good solid stand (base).
Next along is a Mule from the Mountain Artillery set - first produced way back in 1893. This specimen arrived minus the lower part of all four legs and an ear missing. I repaired the legs with spare parts from Dorset Model Soldiers - and made an ear to match his surviving one by carving it out of the top part of a spare leg - finishing off by filing. He's now ready to paint.
Next is a Britains mounted Huntsman figure (No.608). He came minus both left side horse legs, a hole in his bowler hat and missing whip arm. More spares from dorset soon fixed him up - and he's my first completed figure from this batch. I have two dogs in my stash to repair which will go with him when completed.
Next along is another Britains mounted figure - which is an early Mounted Officer from the Mounted Artillery set, once again - as did the mule. He had various holes in the body of the horse - which are on the other side shown (Sorry!). Otherwise okay - he's a rare survivor in this condition.
To the left front is my first (of six) Lucotte figures - now nearly completed - by adapting Dorset spare parts ( made to repair Britains, really) and made to fit. So really he's a conversion - but with original Lucotte head - and two Dorset arms. Why on Earth anyone would "junk" six damaged lucotte figures into a "job-lot", beats me - but Hey!, I shouldn't complain!!!{sm4}
To his right - is an interesting pair of figures. Standing up - is a Britains British "Tommy in a gas-mask" Available from 1937 - 1940, he is older tha me! This figure, and the partial figure lying next to him - is a good example of a "Donor Figure" - as one arrived without legs - but had his head - and the other had legs - but no head. I removed the good legs and stand (base) from the one with no head (shown lying down) and grafted his legs onto the other who hadb a head ( hope that's clear). I'm currently waiting for an arm with rifle at the trail to complkete him. I'll also keep the other parts - justb in case another of these old and getting quite scarce figures, ever comes my way again.
Next to him is a Britains Pilot - currently without a head - which is on order. Note that he also had no feet when he arrived - but I gave him a pair of boots and a new stand which was also missing - once again boots came from Dorset - which I took off a stand by surgery - and pinned into his hollow legs. Once head arrives - he'll be good for airborne duties once again.
Next see two Britains NZ Infantry in Service Dress - both from set 1542 (1937-1959). These are the later ones with larger head and hat - so probably from the Fifties. Once again - no feet - and left arms missing - which should hold rifles at the slope. Again, I've repaired the feet and made up a new stand - so at least one can now stand up again. (More boots on order for the second figure, as well as arms with rifles).
John Hillco airman with spanner is next - and once more - another donor figure lies at his feet. This time the head of the prone figure was removed and fitted to the standing figure - the paint on his head conveniently disguises the joint. ( I'm rather pleased with how this one came out!).
The Base Drummer - was a nightmare figure - but so old - I kust had to fix him up again. He's by REKA - which was in business from 1908-1932 - so this guy COULD be around 100 years old - and boy, did he look it!!! He had no head, no feet, no drum-stick - and holes all over the place. This time I found an old head in spares box - which looks similar to his original ( picture in one of my books by Joplin). I pinned his legs to a new stand - and made up some new boots with Milliput. Same for the holes in bodywork - whilst his new drum stick is a piece of cut paper-clip and a ball of Milliput.
There are two prone machine-gunners to the front - only one having the complete gun. I gave him a new tin-hat from the casualty figure shown to his left - which was hanging off when he arrived. He's another donor figure now - so will use him as a spare parts figure from now non. Note the other gunner with no gun or head. I'm now looking for a spare machine gun to turn up - but am getting a "soft-cap" head for him in the meantime.
So.......that's about where I am with this current batch - though I have around Eighty-odd others stashed away for some future time - and this number seems to grow almost every month!!!
Great Fun

:salute:: jb