Queen Elizabeth may have to start laying people off... (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
May 22, 2005
Unless she gets more from the British citizen.

Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but what purpose does the Royal family serve to Great Britain at this point?

What do they do and what is the general sentiment in UK towards them?
They are a huge tourism pull. Think of all the things people go to see in London. Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Changing of the Guard, Trooping of the Colour, The Royal Mews.

For me it's the Monarchy and there are few of them left in the world. It gives me a sense of pride
I differ to Christopher Hitchens on the Royal Family. My neighbor and his Welsh parents are "polite" about the Royals.
Certainly a lot more then we are getting from our current royality!:eek::D
well i am not English so i can only gues but i think it is only two options:you like the Queen or not?
Because half of the English like the Queen and they think she is like a mother to all of them,they think more comfortable to have some one to look after thema nd stuff like that.They are just use to that they have a king or a queen and that make special to them.They are also very traditional nation,and they have a lot of diferent opinion than the rest of the world,like they are driving on the left side,they still have pounds and not euros even if they are in European Union,...stuff like that make them diferent than the others.
But the other half is more modern people and they realise that they do not need the queen,that monarchy is too expensive,...stuff like that.
My opinion is that there is too much atention to this queen.Because there are many other countries that have monarchy as well but you do not know a lot about them,except english queen.I think this is the result because the media must write something and they write about the queen,princ Charles,Wiliam,Harry,...boring as hell and i think they must be ignored.Who cares if they are monarchs-let them be and let them live in their castle,hunt fox,....i think people have a lot of other worrys in their live,than thinking about the queen.They are just pupets of the nation,like a circus atraction
I think the British Queen is more regonisable as she is still the head of the commonwealth for a lot of countries, where as the King of Spain for example is just that the King of Spain.

I think they are more than just an attraction (I certainly don't think of them as that). I think it also has a lot to do with Patriotism as well.
Unless she gets more from the British citizen.

Forgive me if I sound ignorant, but what purpose does the Royal family serve to Great Britain at this point?

What do they do and what is the general sentiment in UK towards them?

I suggest you may want to have a look at this http://www.royal.gov.uk/ it may help you understand why we have a Royal family.

As a Yank, I can't imagine England without a Queen or royalty. It's an important part of the English fabric.
The queens great, some of the royals are dopes but not the queen. Took the kids to see her a few years ago, when she was over here we got the royal wave.
I think the British Queen is more regonisable as she is still the head of the commonwealth for a lot of countries, where as the King of Spain for example is just that the King of Spain.

I think they are more than just an attraction (I certainly don't think of them as that). I think it also has a lot to do with Patriotism as well.

Even if the King of Spain is just the king Spain, I feel that he is the one living royalty that really merit respect after bringing democracy to Spain when he had been prepared by Franco to be his successor.
I have more respect for the British royality than our glorious leaders but I don't know about the expense of having them. But that is up to the British people to decide.
Even if the King of Spain is just the king Spain, I feel that he is the one living royalty that really merit respect after bringing democracy to Spain when he had been prepared by Franco to be his successor.

Well I think OUR Queen also warrants some respect - she servered in the armed forces in WWII and did her bit - that it why she is so popular with the vets.

Unlike the US system of government where there are 'checks and balances' in our political system they are limited. Therefore, the Royals (and law lords) remain the only check to a rogue PM, so I am keen that they remain.
HRH came to Boston back in 1976 for the Bicentennial. She and Prince Philip reviewed hundreds of Minutemen and Britsh reenactors at the Government Center. I wa there with my "company" of militia. A fun day!
The cost to the British public is 66 pence per person per year. Hardly an earth shattering amount even in these times. The Royal Family are patrons of a huge number of worthy charities. They pay income tax like all other citizens. They are prepared to go into harm's way for their country, The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in WW2, Prince Andrew in the Falklands, and Prince Harry in Iraq. I can't think of many other heads of state or politicians who have done the same.
As a reward for the hard work they do, and the Queen at eighty plus still puts in a full days work, they are the subject of intrusive reporting, abuse from so called comedians, and a target for every dissatisfied idiot who thinks that their assassination will cure all ills.
It is many years since I enlisted and swore an oath to protect and serve Her Majesty but I still feel bound by that oath and I am sure most ex servicemen feel the same.
Well I think OUR Queen also warrants some respect - she servered in the armed forces in WWII and did her bit - that it why she is so popular with the vets.

Unlike the US system of government where there are 'checks and balances' in our political system they are limited. Therefore, the Royals (and law lords) remain the only check to a rogue PM, so I am keen that they remain.

No disrespect was intended. Sorry if it was understood otherwise.
And clearly the UK Royal Family merit admiration for their role.
I agree with other comments on this thread : if you look at Royalties and politicians it's most easy to see were respect should go.
Yep i'm very proud to be a Royalist.Its a big part of our History and tradition in this country and I for one am very proud of it.They also did not flee to another country when invasion threatened during WW2,they stood with their people to face what may have come.Yes indeed some of them act rather stupidly on occasion(Prince Harry dressing as a Nazi for a party was a disgrace-but i guess it was the folly of youth) but overall i think they are a big plus to this country and god forbid we ended up with President Blair or President Brown:rolleyes:.

Ales, personally I don't believe people should inherit a position of authority. However it's clear that the majority of people in the UK want to retain the monarchy and to be fair their current Queen has proved more capable than most of those that were elected to positions of power.
It's in a movie so it must be true!LOL!!:D I better not go into the Woods then,in case Shrek gets me!:D:D

They are a huge tourism pull. Think of all the things people go to see in London. Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Changing of the Guard, Trooping of the Colour, The Royal Mews


You forgot the London Toy Soldier show in your list of why people travel to London :D

As for Maam! she's a national treasure to most Brits and she has hardly put a foot wrong in 60 years. She's real "old brigade" and we will never see the likes of her again-bless her!


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