well i am not English so i can only gues but i think it is only two options:you like the Queen or not?
Because half of the English like the Queen and they think she is like a mother to all of them,they think more comfortable to have some one to look after thema nd stuff like that.They are just use to that they have a king or a queen and that make special to them.They are also very traditional nation,and they have a lot of diferent opinion than the rest of the world,like they are driving on the left side,they still have pounds and not euros even if they are in European Union,...stuff like that make them diferent than the others.
But the other half is more modern people and they realise that they do not need the queen,that monarchy is too expensive,...stuff like that.
My opinion is that there is too much atention to this queen.Because there are many other countries that have monarchy as well but you do not know a lot about them,except english queen.I think this is the result because the media must write something and they write about the queen,princ Charles,Wiliam,Harry,...boring as hell and i think they must be ignored.Who cares if they are monarchs-let them be and let them live in their castle,hunt fox,....i think people have a lot of other worrys in their live,than thinking about the queen.They are just pupets of the nation,like a circus atraction