RAF Fact of the day... (1 Viewer)

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Mods please don't cater to generation snowflake, you know in your heart that supporting freedom of speech on the internet is the right thing to do.
I don't think we should start editing historical facts. The RAF conversation actually happened. I got the point of the post, it was in good taste. There is a difference between restricting or deleting opinion versus facts. For an extreme example - the Holocaust was and still is an extremely offensive topic to Jewish people, but it happened and as having a family half Jewish, we don't sweep it under the rug. You can make the same argument about a lot of history. So while I am all for not singling out or offending anyone, the RAF conversation was a fact of history and a true one at that - The RAF had no equal in the Falklands War.

A decision was made by the moderation team to edit the post, we had received complaints and felt it was the best course of action.

Lets not turn this into a debate just because "you disagree" we are after all human and provide our time freely to keep the forum a pleasant place to be.

We can't win them all.

I think for now the thread is best locked so we can all move on.
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