Recession: Are we near the bottom, sinking deeper or moving upward? (Non political) (1 Viewer)

We as a nation face a difficult time ahead. Our national debt is heading for 14 Trillion by the end of the year and interest payment on the debt exceeded
100 Billion for December alone. You do not have to be an economist to understand that with a budget of 3.8 Trillion you cannot afford 1 Trillion + a year to cover the interest on your debt.

As stated by someone earlier I believe we will be a long time coming out of this situation.

Brad had a good point about your collection looking like a warehouse. Its nice when you can see things without having them overpower you.:eek:
I work with all the local banks and credit union and thay all say the same thing, no new builds and purchases this year, the unknown ahs basically shut down and even minimally risky plans.
what most don't know is to cover for all the big bad boy bail out the FDIC and the same entity that ahndles the credit union demanded of a jump in there reserves to be held by them. They did that twice last year, well guess where that money came from? most profits and budgets were wiped out last year to feed the machine. they can make the call anytime they feel the need, no ones doing anything but covering there *****.
I'm glad I'm still at school, but I am pannicking about when I leave, as I always wanted to b a policeman but they are cutting the number back which is why everyone is saying to me that the police is a 'BAD IDEA'!:(

Its a little bit of scaremongering this cutting front line malarcky.The police will have to re-scale resources but, it will be much of the waste they have that will be addressed first and, extra unecessary staff they have. Still apply for the job but, be prepared for knock backs and the possibility of moving to another local force.
Always go for what you want and not let others try, however, well intentioned to put you off.

I'm glad I'm still at school, but I am pannicking about when I leave, as I always wanted to b a policeman but they are cutting the number back which is why everyone is saying to me that the police is a 'BAD IDEA'!:(

Its a little bit of scaremongering this cutting front line malarcky.The police will have to re-scale resources but, it will be much of the waste they have that will be addressed first and, extra unecessary staff they have. Still apply for the job but, be prepared for knock backs and the possibility of moving to another local force.
Always go for what you want and not let others try, however, well intentioned to put you off.

Hmmm, not so sure unfortunately.
Most forces have got as freeze on recruitment for the next couple of years, which means that whichever way you look at it, those retiring / leaving will not be replaced and so there will be a reduction in numbers.

That said, there is a limit as to what will be allowed. Forces are looking at a 25% budget hit by 2013. That means numbers. There's only so many ways we can switch of lights, extend the service life of vehicles, potpone building works etc. Most forces operate at about 85% of budget being made up of wages, so will we see a drop off in front line policing? Absolutely. It's already started. How far it will be allowed to go is anyone's guess. There's always a little fat on any organisation which can be trimmed, but the police have progressively been getting leaner in terms of budgets for the last 7 or 8 years.

As for Scott, I agree, stick with it. The recruitment freeze will cease in a couple of years and then it will be business as usual as far as recruitment goes.

Just quoting one northern force I know well and, a few in this area. I am currently helping one force to evaluate what it can and cannot do so, know a little bit. some are looking to possibly reduce PCSO's rather than sworn officers and looking at civillian staff also to reduce in number, with vehicle and every budget looked at also. Don't know what Notts doing but, its all still up in the air at the moment as is everything but, I would bet we are out of the worse of the economic stuff but, now have to sort out the debt.

Hmmm, not so sure unfortunately.
Most forces have got as freeze on recruitment for the next couple of years, which means that whichever way you look at it, those retiring / leaving will not be replaced and so there will be a reduction in numbers.

That said, there is a limit as to what will be allowed. Forces are looking at a 25% budget hit by 2013. That means numbers. There's only so many ways we can switch of lights, extend the service life of vehicles, potpone building works etc. Most forces operate at about 85% of budget being made up of wages, so will we see a drop off in front line policing? Absolutely. It's already started. How far it will be allowed to go is anyone's guess. There's always a little fat on any organisation which can be trimmed, but the police have progressively been getting leaner in terms of budgets for the last 7 or 8 years.

As for Scott, I agree, stick with it. The recruitment freeze will cease in a couple of years and then it will be business as usual as far as recruitment goes.

Just quoting one northern force I know well and, a few in this area. I am currently helping one force to evaluate what it can and cannot do so, know a little bit. some are looking to possibly reduce PCSO's rather than sworn officers and looking at civillian staff also to reduce in number, with vehicle and every budget looked at also. Don't know what Notts doing but, its all still up in the air at the moment as is everything but, I would bet we are out of the worse of the economic stuff but, now have to sort out the debt.

Pretty much agree there. I don't think a 25% budget cut will equate to a 25 % reduction in front line staff, nor even a 25% cut in police officers as a whole, but we will be down on numbers. Police staff (civilian) will and are already, getting hit and PCSOand civilian recruitment has been frozen here, along with Police Officers, so all numbers will be diminishing. I have no doubt that over the coming months, all forces will have a shake up of departments to minimise the hit on front line policing, but the numbers don't add up and equate to front line services been untouched.
There will have to be some fairly hard (and unpopular - police and public) decisions made in terms of the way we do business, if that magic figure is to be met.

Interesting times ahead. Good job this type of economic climate doesn't lead to civil unrest and increased crime.....:rolleyes:
I've been looking since Nov. 2008. Selling LEGOS, reenacting gear, war game figures, and plastics on eBay. Tough being 58 and have a 30 year old HR person ask me "where do I see myself in 10 years?" ;)

Can't gripe too much, my parents went though a REAL depression.

Many said to the conservatives that they should have not given the ring fence to the NHS as that is the Goliath of waste and multi millions could have been saved without even causing a problem should they have wished to. My fears and you know my interest academically etc is that standards will fall and HMIC and the Home office and government officials will be wondering why this has happened. Its a train wreck waiting to happen IMO.

Pretty much agree there. I don't think a 25% budget cut will equate to a 25 % reduction in front line staff, nor even a 25% cut in police officers as a whole, but we will be down on numbers. Police staff (civilian) will and are already, getting hit and PCSOand civilian recruitment has been frozen here, along with Police Officers, so all numbers will be diminishing. I have no doubt that over the coming months, all forces will have a shake up of departments to minimise the hit on front line policing, but the numbers don't add up and equate to front line services been untouched.
There will have to be some fairly hard (and unpopular - police and public) decisions made in terms of the way we do business, if that magic figure is to be met.

Interesting times ahead. Good job this type of economic climate doesn't lead to civil unrest and increased crime.....:rolleyes:

Many said to the conservatives that they should have not given the ring fence to the NHS as that is the Goliath of waste and multi millions could have been saved without even causing a problem should they have wished to. My fears and you know my interest academically etc is that standards will fall and HMIC and the Home office and government officials will be wondering why this has happened. Its a train wreck waiting to happen IMO.

Complete agreement Mitch. I just hope it doesn't get to a pre Edmund-Davies state of affairs. Time will tell, and I'm on the train:eek:


I think Thatcher may give the young lad a kick in the pants. I hope it does not go back to those dark days. Though some of the Sheehy nonsense issues seem to be getting air time at the HO so, I hope they tread carefully in what they change which, once realsed it to be wrong cannot be reversed

Complete agreement Mitch. I just hope it doesn't get to a pre Edmund-Davies state of affairs. Time will tell, and I'm on the train:eek:

There's a simple answer to the deficit problem, all the government has to do is go to one of those firms advertising on TV which guarantee to get you out of debt in a very short time.

Ha Ha Ha!!!!

There's a simple answer to the deficit problem, all the government has to do is go to one of those firms advertising on TV which guarantee to get you out of debt in a very short time.
I suppose they could ignore it and then envoke their own staute of limitations that nobody contacted them for a period of six years and right it off, and jobs a good one
Despite what is being reported by the administration, lost jobs are not and may never come back. I really feel bad for anyone looking for a job right now. I did see a very nice and expensive sign not too far from my house announcing that the stimulus was responsible for newly paved stretch of road. Two bad they just paved the same road less than two years ago.
I think our economy is fundamentally changing - for the better/for the worse? That really depends on the access one has to resources - money, etc.

While people waste their time fighting for the little tiny piece of the pie they have, that too can easily disappear.

Doesn't matter what side of the political coin you're on, doesn't matter who you voted for and it doesn't matter who you're going to for in the upcoming elections.

When thinking of these things, I just watch George Carlin and mourn his death. He really nailed it. I'd post the link to his last performance but it would get me another demerit :rolleyes:

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