Red Beach 1 More. (1 Viewer)


Brigadier General
Nov 20, 2015

Trust you all spotted the Bunker, Tank and Artillery Piece as well as the Infantry !
Steve, very nice photos taken from different perspectives . . . . very effective in telling a story without words . . .
:smile2: Mike
Fantastic 👍👍👍👍 it keeps getting better and better.
Thanks for sharing.😁👍

The flexibility that you utilized in this setup sure makes it easy to setup and photograph wonderful depictions of Marine landings.

Very different from most other shots.

--- LaRRy
Steve, very nice photos taken from different perspectives . . . . very effective in telling a story without words . . .
:smile2: Mike

Thanks Mike, I try to make the landings look dramatic !

Fantastic 👍👍👍👍 it keeps getting better and better.
Thanks for sharing.😁👍


Cheers Harrie. Still needing a fair few Marines for the scene. I've got another two dead marines, which will make six and the flag stretcher set on it's way to me and a preorder on a stretcher being carried, but would still like to see K&C produce a variety of further poses for dead and wounded in the future for this series.


The flexibility that you utilized in this setup sure makes it easy to setup and photograph wonderful depictions of Marine landings.

Very different from most other shots.

--- LaRRy

Cheers Larry, Since I don't have room for permanent dioramas, this set up consists of eight boards, two water, two, tide line, two beach and two jungle floor with moveable vegetation and trees.

If not spotted:
Steve ... these are some of your BEST photos yet.

The Marine, just about to take out the (Ha-Go?), is really well done.
But the one that I like, is the one where the Marines just neutralized the Jap Type 41 75mm gun and are "cautiously" {sm2} heading into the dense brush.

You know, Steve, if I didn't know you were such a young guy, I'd swear you were actually there to witness these actions ...{sm4}

--- LaRRy
Steve ... these are some of your BEST photos yet.

The Marine, just about to take out the (Ha-Go?), is really well done.
But the one that I like, is the one where the Marines just neutralized the Jap Type 41 75mm gun and are "cautiously" {sm2} heading into the dense brush.

You know, Steve, if I didn't know you were such a young guy, I'd swear you were actually there to witness these actions ...{sm4}

--- LaRRy

Cheers Larry ! Fortunately there's a bit of foliage to hide the base as does the sand, which is what makes doing marine landings much easier to look good and believe. Yep you got the Tank. Maybe K&C will re-release their Chi-Ha again, perhaps in cammo like the Ha-Go.

Just been reversing the scene to see it from Japs eye view and we get to see the Marines faces instead of their backs !
All I need is a bit of Sunlight and hopefully tomorrow will provide that !

I guess it was all the War films they used to show on TV when I was a Kid Larry ! {sm4}

Cheers Larry ! Fortunately there's a bit of foliage to hide the base as does the sand, which is what makes doing marine landings much easier to look good and believe. Yep you got the Tank. Maybe K&C will re-release their Chi-Ha again, perhaps in cammo like the Ha-Go.

Just been reversing the scene to see it from Japs eye view and we get to see the Marines faces instead of their backs !
All I need is a bit of Sunlight and hopefully tomorrow will provide that !

I guess it was all the War films they used to show on TV when I was a Kid Larry ! {sm4}


Hi Steve,

reversing the same scene will be a great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing it from Japs eye view...I completely agree with's like you've been there...everything seems so real.:smile2: As I've already said, you're an artist!


Enrico :salute::
Think the scenes coming off the landing craft and moving past the field gun into the jungle are my favorites. Looks so natural and realistic. Especially the Marines bent over as they enter the jungle. Perfection. Chris
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Hi Steve,

reversing the same scene will be a great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing it from Japs eye view...I completely agree with's like you've been there...everything seems so real.:smile2: As I've already said, you're an artist!


Enrico :salute::

Cheers Enrico, very good of you to say and hope you'll like the Japs eye view photos too !


Think the scenes coming off the landing craft and moving past the field gun into the jungle are my favorites. Looks so natural and realistic. Especially the Marines bent over as they enter the jungle. Perfection. Chris

Approaching the beach and coming off the landing crafts must of been one Helluva stressful and stomach churning time followed by Hell itself. You've got to salute all those allied forces who faced all that wherever it was !

Hi Steve,

you haven't let me down! :rolleyes: Every little detail is absolutely breathtaking! {eek3} There's too much natural light,isn't? As I've already said, it looks so real from both eye view!!!
I wish I'd half your talent, mate! :)



Thanks Enrico, Wasn't as bright a day as I'd like, so had to lighten the photos and try to remove some of the shadow. Compared with what I started with I'm pleased.
No doubt will return to some Pacific island at a later date when K&C have released a few more USMC figures.


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