Resale market collapse (3 Viewers)

And at what point are YOU refering too? I'd like to see where one can start purchasing past sets and/or retired vehicles besides the past 2-3 years where the asking price is not 3x higher if not more that the original sale price.

Chase retired/expensive pieces.
It's not a matter of the chase, but of trying to obtain a piece from the not so far past. Some can be used for current ranges now available. Example. Past vehicles to be used with the current battle of Arnhem releases.
The expensive=GREED. Were not talking about figures produced during the 1930's 0r 40's.

Yes, there are several. But I think most will agree that most manufacturers don't mix well together. And without naming companies, they charge ALOT MORE, for let's say a vehicle than another, so it's wise to remain with one company. Again without naming companies.

This hobby should not be out of reach to many people cause of price. If anything, it should encourge more collectors to get on board without roadblocks in the way. I attend shows and always hear from dealers about poor attendance. Wonder why?

The point in time is today. There are lots of pieces available from dealers and on ebay at retail prices, some of which are one, two or three years old. And several of the manufacturer's sets go well together and I do mix them. IMO some of the current sets from different manufacturers go together better than current and old sets by the same manufacturer.

It is very easy to start a collection today buying pieces at only retail prices and ending up with a very enjoyable collection and wide ranging or focused collection depending on preference.

Kaiser staff car goes for 75.00 on ebay.

Isn't this item you are referring to something that came out in the last couple of years though?
I would not count on items that recently retired to be going thru the roof.
But 5 or 10 years from now that would be different. Even if you are purrchasing items as investments I think you should expect to hold onto them 5 plus years. But just my 2 cents of course.

Chase retired/expensive pieces.
It's not a matter of the chase, but of trying to obtain a piece from the not so far past. Some can be used for current ranges now available. Example. Past vehicles to be used with the current battle of Arnhem releases.
The expensive=GREED. Were not talking about figures produced during the 1930's 0r 40's.

This is true for any collectible market. Once something is gone, its gone, the value either goes up or down depending on demand. That is NOT Greed, it is a free market.

I have posted this in the past, but will do again so to put my opinion in perspective. I have been collecting since I was 4, now 36, therefore, in 32 years, you get a lot going and since I have been gainfully employed the last 15 years, I have obtained a multitude. Therefore, when my wife yells or I tire of something, I sell it off via ebay, etc. I put a price on it that I will accept, if it sells, great, if not, so be it. That said, over the years, if I came into a big buying opportunity, I have flipped some items, that is the CPA business guy in me and it is quite fun to do so. That is what makes my hobby even more fun for me, I reinvest any "profit".

Regarding the prices, I figure it this way, if I want to give something away to a friend, I do, if I want to make a charitable contribution, I write a check to my favorite charity. I don't give away my toys because I never put myself in a losing position of having to sell, therefore to me, there will be no market collapse as I would rather keep something and find a place for it.

also why the true collector can't get the stuff he wants....due to speculaters, who don't even take the things out of the box.
Said it before and I'll say it again. I don't buy TS as an investment. I buy because I love them. The future value makes no difference to me. I do not buy to make money and I don't worry about a market collapse. Future value is of no consequence. I just love the hobby. -- Al
That is why a whole bunch of us have been saying for years "Buy the stuff you like, don't worry about the resale". Over the years a number of "hobby" items have offered good returns on investment for a while. That's why I only buy the items I enjoy and want on my display shelf. If they accrue in value, fine, if not I have a fine miniature to display.

Gary B.

Gary is soooo right, that is why I stick with the pacific--stuff I like and WON't be selling. I just got the entire Figarti lines of Wake Island, Tarawa, and finished up my K & C collection on thier fine Iwo Jima line---with alot of help from several of the on this forum especially---- Larry.

I look at it this way, I am not buying this stuff for an investment or to make money down the road. I buy it because its of MY historical interest, and the fact that I'm a former Marine. I could care less what its going to be worth 10 years from now or ever. Stryker
Said it before and I'll say it again. I don't buy TS as an investment. I buy because I love them. The future value makes no difference to me. I do not buy to make money and I don't worry about a market collapse. Future value is of no consequence. I just love the hobby. -- Al

Gary is soooo right, that is why I stick with the pacific--stuff I like and WON't be selling. I just got the entire Figarti lines of Wake Island, Tarawa, and finished up my K & C collection on thier fine Iwo Jima line---with alot of help from several of the on this forum especially---- Larry.

I look at it this way, I am not buying this stuff for an investment or to make money down the road. I buy it because its of MY historical interest, and the fact that I'm a former Marine. I could care less what its going to be worth 10 years from now or ever. Stryker

Got to say,me too!.I buy Toy Soldiers (Please, not miniature artworks, Military miniatures or God knows what else)for the same reason I always have,a love of Military History and a great pride in my country and that of its Allies.I have no interest in selling it,I buy to keep and to enjoy it,when I'm dead my good lady can sell it all,until then its for my enjoyment:cool::cool:

Got to say,me too!.I buy Toy Soldiers (Please, not miniature artworks, Military miniatures or God knows what else)for the same reason I always have,a love of Military History and a great pride in my country and that of its Allies.I have no interest in selling it,I buy to keep and to enjoy it,when I'm dead my good lady can sell it all,until then its for my enjoyment:cool::cool:


GOOD STATEMENT, ROB!!!!........................Stryker
This is true for any collectible market. Once something is gone, its gone, the value either goes up or down depending on demand. That is NOT Greed, it is a free market.
It's not quite true...all these NEW TOYS SOLDIERS are for big boys, not for the little kids( as Britains and other brands at the time)...they will never be played with and will stay mostly in original condition and released quantities for the next 50's why TS companies use "retirement" strategies :) - just to stimulate a buying hype...which is actually quite against free market idea: you should keep on selling as long as you can and could be "curved" only by a competition or a lack of demand....:)
Just IMHO.
Kaiser staff car goes for 75.00 on ebay.

Resale market in full collapse

retired stuff now worth less than original price


To help bring the resale market back from the brink, I will gladly pay original price plus 10 percent for the Hellcat, Stug IV, Winter Tiger and Berlin tenement!:D
It's not quite true...all these NEW TOYS SOLDIERS are for big boys, not for the little kids( as Britains and other brands at the time)...they will never be played with and will stay mostly in original condition and released quantities for the next 50's why TS companies use "retirement" strategies :) - just to stimulate a buying hype...which is actually quite against free market idea: you should keep on selling as long as you can and could be "curved" only by a competition or a lack of demand....:)
Just IMHO.

good points for sure. Again, just so everyone is clear, I am a collector, a quite nutty one at that! I don't think there is as big a speculator market as some on here think. AND I also think that as a collector, I have been able to find any current piece and most retirements that I want. I don't think speculators are keeping pieces out of the everyday collector's hands.

May I just say that e-bay is our own worst enemy as it annoys me that some prices are inflated and, forget the collector who enjoys the piece but, cannot get it as its too high. I for one am glad that things may take a hit and, in a word its just tough.

Too many people are being fleeced and, its a nice bit of payback to those who are unscrupulous and always try to scam collectors. Buy to enjoy, not buy to resell I think if you look at the price of K&C stuff in the classic disco you will see prices are going up but, our collecting world is quite small and, for me I am sure collectors can by-pass e-bay and, deal properly with each other and get a good deal done between each other.

I repaint a lot of my stuff anyway to fit era's I enjoy and, do this for collectors regularly for the cost of postage and paint. some people will pay the same for these pieces as normal pieces others won't and, believe, it diminishes the value but, It just depends I suppose on what you are in a hobby for.

If I can ever find out how to put stuff on here I will share some repaints etc with you.
I suspect we're all watching the effects of a tough economy and toy soldiers are no more immune to downword price pressure than housing, autos, stocks or sports memorabilia. Like others have said, I buy what I like and what interests me...not because it'll possibly be worth more in 18-24 months.

I'll never hold a grudge against collectors/buyers who choose to speculate in toy soldiers any more than I hold a grudge against the folks who bought Apple stock at $50 or Google at $100-they paid their money, took their chances.

Besides, as my father taught me-you haven't lost a dime...until you sell, so patience will prevail :p
If this is true what's the problem? this is exactly what so many people on the forum want!, Sounds like a great time to buy?!!?!?!?
This is true for any collectible market. Once something is gone, its gone, the value either goes up or down depending on demand. That is NOT Greed, it is a free market.


My point is this.
A certain WW2 release in 2003 and retired in 2003 originaly priced at $89.00 Now the asking price is $800.00. That's greed in my book.I'm all for free market and making a profit but that's out of line. There are some collectors who would like to add a certain piece or pieces to their collection to enhance what's being released today, since there ARE NO re-releases of a particular vehicle. They find it can't be done.
It's obviously a business, not asking for a free ride but in the same breath, let's not exclude people from this great hobby due to cost.
Can't agree with you on this. Scarcity determines price not necessarily the seller. If a seller asks for an exorbitant price that no one wants to pay, it won't sell and either the seller won't sell it or he/she will have to lower the price.

As far as a person not wanting to pay $800 for a retired collectible, no one says you have to. We all came into this hobby at different points. There are probably certain things you want that I was able to pay at the retail price and which costs a lot now just as there are certain things (such as one of the old 88s) that were retired by the time I came into the hobby and which I would love to have but don't want to necessarily pay current market value. Those are just the breaks. If I want a 88 either I ante up or I don't. That's a decision we all have to make. However, if a seller can make $800 I don't begrudge him that.
After reading these posts I took a look at e-bay and saw some very ridiculous prices being asked by a seller.....all I can say is "GOOD LUCK"..AND.."NO WAY BUDDY":D:D.....too many other choices out there today.....Hopefully the days of hording for re-sale are comming to an end. These guys ruin the hobby....I say let them sit on their multiples.....WE WILL NOT BE FOOLED BY YOU

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