It seems like Andy wants us to guess at what we see. The conning tower is one found on a Type IIB U-boat. The Type IIB was a small coastal submarine of about 144' or 4.8' at 1:30. The markings are that of U-23, a famous and successful U-boat. The markings include the Olympic Rings for joining the Kriegsmarine in 1936; the year of the Berlin Olympics. The Blue, Yellow and Red flag is of the Hamburg Alter Pirates football club. Altogether, these 3 clues seem to indicate U-23
Nice touches Andy
Hi Terry,
Great detective work, (is your "day job" being a Policeman?) 100% correct. Being "challanged" in the area of figures, myself, I have great respect for someone who also gets the maths correct. A model Type IIB is "managable" in a diorama setting, A Type 7, or a Type 23, etc, would be out of the question.
To answer Robin (Villiagehorse) : No, it wouldn't fit in your submarine pen. You will have to get the lads from Organization Todt in to make some extensions. Alby Speer could knock up a set of plans for you in no time at all. (now, there's another idea for a "related" figure, Andy?)
Everything in life is a compromise! The big drawback to the Type IIB is that one is severely limited as to the number of figures one can physically fit on the Tower. With a Type 7 one can fit 6 or7 of the existing range of K&C Kriegsmarine figures on the Tower. I know this because the gentleman who made the Type IIB Conning Tower featured in this thread has also made a Type 7 Conning Tower (No!! it is not me) [He has also made a full size: Type IIB, and a Type 7, and a WWI Boat!! I am working on him to post pictures, but, like all great artists, he is a little shy!]
As to whether or not Andy should produce a "full" model or just the "Conning Tower and deck section" (as in this thread) Keep the spirited debate going. I think a full boat in three sections ( bow section, Conning Tower midships section, and stern section) allows for both options at a reasonable cost.
Glad to see Andy moving on this project. I guess he had to move quickly before he was "KO'ed" by that other manufacturer who is about to release U Boot crew figures. (Sorry, I couldn't resist that awful pun!)