Return of the Seewulf (1 Viewer)

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I could be wrong (but very well may be) but from the size of the conning tower, this almost looks like a full sized submarine, which (I assume) would be big.

I always thought this was a great series and am glad to see that K & C are bringing it back in some version.
It seems like Andy wants us to guess at what we see. The conning tower is one found on a Type IIB U-boat. The Type IIB was a small coastal submarine of about 144' or 4.8' at 1:30. The markings are that of U-23, a famous and successful U-boat. The markings include the Olympic Rings for joining the Kriegsmarine in 1936; the year of the Berlin Olympics. The Blue, Yellow and Red flag is of the Hamburg Alter Pirates football club. Altogether, these 3 clues seem to indicate U-23

Nice touches Andy

So, what are you saying exactly, that we're getting almost a five foot sub or maybe just a conning tower? {eek3}
But will it fit in my submarine pens?^&grin, Robin.


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I do have a few kriegsmarine boys in my collection. If this is a full size U-boat I am in !!!!!!
So, what are you saying exactly, that we're getting almost a five foot sub or maybe just a conning tower? {eek3}

I don't know. Ask Andy. I'm curious as to how he is going to do it. He can do the entire length that's above the water in sections and sell it in Oz as a display piece. Or just do the tower (and deck gun??) and somehow make the ends disappear. It may be too big for a mass produced piece to sell and ship - but maybe he can? I did some idea work for a conning tower display as one of the potential shock and awe pieces for Figarti in 2010.

I guess we will just have to wait until Thursday.

It seems like Andy wants us to guess at what we see. The conning tower is one found on a Type IIB U-boat. The Type IIB was a small coastal submarine of about 144' or 4.8' at 1:30. The markings are that of U-23, a famous and successful U-boat. The markings include the Olympic Rings for joining the Kriegsmarine in 1936; the year of the Berlin Olympics. The Blue, Yellow and Red flag is of the Hamburg Alter Pirates football club. Altogether, these 3 clues seem to indicate U-23

Nice touches Andy


Hi Terry,

Great detective work, (is your "day job" being a Policeman?) 100% correct. Being "challanged" in the area of figures, myself, I have great respect for someone who also gets the maths correct. A model Type IIB is "managable" in a diorama setting, A Type 7, or a Type 23, etc, would be out of the question.

To answer Robin (Villiagehorse) : No, it wouldn't fit in your submarine pen. You will have to get the lads from Organization Todt in to make some extensions. Alby Speer could knock up a set of plans for you in no time at all. (now, there's another idea for a "related" figure, Andy?)

Everything in life is a compromise! The big drawback to the Type IIB is that one is severely limited as to the number of figures one can physically fit on the Tower. With a Type 7 one can fit 6 or7 of the existing range of K&C Kriegsmarine figures on the Tower. I know this because the gentleman who made the Type IIB Conning Tower featured in this thread has also made a Type 7 Conning Tower (No!! it is not me) [He has also made a full size: Type IIB, and a Type 7, and a WWI Boat!! I am working on him to post pictures, but, like all great artists, he is a little shy!]

As to whether or not Andy should produce a "full" model or just the "Conning Tower and deck section" (as in this thread) Keep the spirited debate going. I think a full boat in three sections ( bow section, Conning Tower midships section, and stern section) allows for both options at a reasonable cost.

Glad to see Andy moving on this project. I guess he had to move quickly before he was "KO'ed" by that other manufacturer who is about to release U Boot crew figures. (Sorry, I couldn't resist that awful pun!)


Hi Bob

So the conning tower is a one of a kind custom. I should have guessed. The weathering is just too well done and too realistic to be a production model.

Got my attention any body got the makers email ^&grin superb job,i reckon if SOMEONE who had the resources took a gamble and made a 100 they would sell.
I could be wrong (but very well may be) but from the size of the conning tower, this almost looks like a full sized submarine, which (I assume) would be big.

I always thought this was a great series and am glad to see that K & C are bringing it back in some version.

I could be wrong (but very well may be) but from the size of the conning tower, this almost looks like a full sized submarine,

You were Joking......Right ?
While teaching Australian history the attack on Sydney harbour by three Japanese midget submarines inevitably always had at least one student expressing surprise that a navy would man a submarine with midgets. Try not laughing when a student who has just questioned the mark you awarded for their last assignment says that aloud!
I'm loving this thread......midgets and 5 foot subs....or we need now is a German float-plane & motorboat.^&grin

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