Rework of an older piece! (1 Viewer)


Command Sergeant Major
Nov 3, 2005
I reworked my old artillary battery making it larger and adding a lower level with infantry positions. I also had a little help building this one as you can see!:cool: She also helped her dad build the first one also.
What do you guys think? Does it look better like this?







Thank you for sharing hese photos. A vey nice display -- you (and your helper) did an excellent job. Thanks again.


Wow Tim, that surely is a great DIO !!! Do you happen to live in a warehouse to be able to display such a massive piece ??? LOL
Hi Tim,

Your expanded diorama is a very impressive work! The size of it must fill a large space in your new "Man Cave." What are the dimensions of the diorama? Given how recently you moved into your new home, you sure constructed this scene in record time! But, then again, from the pictures, it appears you had some excellent help with your endeavor. My compliments to you and your helper for a really fine piece of work!

Thanks for sharing it with us!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Wow! The scope and spectical of your diorama's are really great. That's one of the issues I have with collecting the napoleonic era, the formations have to be large to truly get the feel of the era.:)
A definate two thumbs up for this one, a very nice display to say the least.

I have a much larger open space down in the basement now its not like the small apartment any more!:cool: This was just a quick set up to display the new piece, I didn,t even add any french troops to assault it. I,ll do a larger one in the future when I have more time. Its a lot of work to unpack and then repack all that stuff. Maybe I,ll have to have the LT. come over and give me a hand and try a really large diorama??? but times tight these days so that,ll be awhile away.
Thanks guys! So I guess the battery looks better like this then it did before???
A larger one? :eek: That one is massive already and it looks like a lot of fun. Really cool stuff.


No wonder you moved you old fish you

That is a great diorama.
Well done.
It looked great before it looks greater now.

Great Diorama! Impressive work!! Are you going to now do one for the French?
Very nicely done!

This is the kind of piece I mean when I say I wish more guys would bring their work out to a show and exhibit live. I know there are logistical problems to think about, but it's really great to see pieces like this in person, as opposed to online. There's a lot of talent out there, and I'd like to see the toy soldier collectors show the "serious" painters what we're capable of.

But that's neither here nor there, in regards to this thread, again, very nicely done, well executed!


Great Diorama! Impressive work!! Are you going to now do one for the French?

I,ll get around to it at some point but I,ve got so many things I want to do. I need to build up my french artillary crews.
I was also thinking of converting up some civil war figures into artillary sets and useing this battery as a civil war battery also. I think it would fit into that era also but, I need to convert 6 gun crews first and get them painted up, and also paint up some more rebs also for the infantry posts below.

I think I would use it as a reb artillary post and have the yanks attack it.

This thing would also work for revolutionary war dios also.
I might make a couple batterys for the flanks in the future.

This piece could be used for a lot of things I guess. If I had some portugesse artillary crews or even a few more british ones I could use it a a peice of the lines of Torres Vedras.

So many ideas but I really would like to do a large Napoleonic village attack of some kind but I need to make a few more buildings first.:cool:

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