Rob (6 Viewers)

poor Rob,
Now that he's off the forum :confused: he's still in the middle of everything.
I don't know what happened. In fact, I don't really want to know. I've met Rob in person and he is by far a first class dude. I can certainly understand his decision. If I received threats of any kind over the subject matter of toy soldiers, I would be buying a plane ticket in order to go knock on that persons door. I still can't understand why something that is a hobby would be taken to threat level for any reason. Agree to disagree and move along, wow.
It is all over Toy soldiers no matter how hard it is to comprehend. anyone can should they wish find where all of this type of stuff started many, many years back. However, as long as threads like this are allowed then people will talk about this rubbish than toy soldiers. Especially, when it has no validity as the member has not left. I am not really sure how some people survive in the real world if what they say are insults and threats on here affect them so badly?? I have been openly called a Nazi, had a physical threat made in PM against me but, have also given as good as I have got. Not one of the remarks from a toy soldier forum has made me hide behind the curtains fearing going out or, has in anyway shape or form affected or changed my lifestyle.

Why not shut it down then everyone can get back to what they all say we are hear to talk about TOY Soldiers?????

;553318]I seriously doubt it is really about toy soldiers. Some people get along, some don't; some are reasonable, some aren't: some are nice, some aren't; Sharing an interest in a hobby doesn't mean you will magically get along. None of this is a mystery really.[/QUOTE]
Gentle Friends,

I strongly suggest we respect Rob's privacy and discontinue the critique of his actions. Rob is a long time member of this forum and he continues to be a member in good standing. He may decide to discontinue his posting for now or forever. He may also decide to return at a later date. Further, it is his right as a member in good standing to discontinue posting while continuing his membership in a "read only" mode. These are all choices he has a right to make, as do we all.

Let's give Rob a break and allow him the opportunity to exercise his rights without questioning the motives underlying his decisions.

Warmest personal regards,

ROB I'm sure your PM is full so that's why I'm posting here instead, I'm sure you're reading this. Many years ago I decided to join this forum in no small part due to your participation. You made me feel appreciated, respected and welcomed and I thank you for that like many others on this forum. I don't know why you left the forum but it must be serious to withdraw yourself from something so intergral to your day. Although I've never met you I've shared your passion for all things K&C and toy soldiers in general. We have similar collecting habits and have shared PM's. I won't tell you what to do but I'll simply say you not on this forum is a tremendous hole and something for which I'm very saddened about. I hope to see you posting again soon someday. PM me when you get a chance. :( :( :(

Your mate
Everyone stop panicking he will be back for the first ashes test,that is a certainty............................:wink2:^&grin

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