Rob's Normady Photo's Part1 (1 Viewer)


Great pics - thanks for sharing ! :D

I really want to go and see all of those sites - really amazing.


Next time you go to Paris, it is an interesting car trip to the beachheads.

I know you will enjoy it, wait till you see the tolls:eek: I think it was $45 for

the highway and this was 10 years ago. It was a wonderful experience getting

out of the city and into the countyside.

Thanks Rob and Harry for the photo trip to Normany and nicely taken photos Rob..........The Lt.
Great set of photos. It's been years since I've done Normandy, and then only small parts. Must get going again soon. H, thanks for taking the time to post the photos.

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part14

Collecting sand for Louis's museum!


Thank you again Rob, the sand remains in its original packaging on display with my K&C D-Day stuff - the post marks prove the sand is from you and from Normandy.
Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part2

Remains of Mulberry Harbour.


Yourself and Ron have posted some great pics recently, would it be an idea to have a seperate thread which brings them all together , where pics are posted from trips to actual battlefields and war related sites. Its great to view where all these things actually took place:cool:
Sorry guys have been away over night and just got back.Thanks for all your comments its very kind of you all.Again i urge any of you thinking about going to Normandy to do it,you'll be so glad you did.Another trip to WW1 Battlefields is my next plan,so i'll keep you posted!.

Rob my friend; you are a luck guy to be there on this special and historical site. I loved all the pics, but one took my attention, it is the Flack 88mm. I loved this piece of artillery and to have a chance to see it live in color should be a special thrill…
My dream is to start a trip, by car, from Normandy to Volgograd (Stalingrad) one day maybe....:rolleyes:

Thanks again.

Hey Rod,thanks for your post.Yes this 88mm was in the yard of a small private museum.However a few hours later my wife and i parked up on the boundary of a farmyard nearby,looking over the farmyard wall there sat another 88,they were everywhere!!:eek::)

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part14

Thank you again Rob, the sand remains in its original packaging on display with my K&C D-Day stuff - the post marks prove the sand is from you and from Normandy.

You are very welcome Louis.I know how much places like Arnhem,Somme,Merville mean to us Brits so i can easily imagine how you guys feel about Omaha,Utah,Bulge etc so i was happy to help mate.:)

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part14

You are very welcome Louis.I know how much places like Arnhem,Somme,Merville mean to us Brits so i can easily imagine how you guys feel about Omaha,Utah,Bulge etc so i was happy to help mate.:)


When are you going to come to a Symposium so I can properly thank you?
Hey Louis,i am working on Ness re the symposium and she's not entirely hostile to the idea(she see's shopping potential in New York:)), so there is hope!.I am definitley going to make it over to you one year as i can't die a happy K&C collector until i've seen your museum.It will be great to meet you and the other this space!;)

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part11


This Sherman was just behind Omaha beach outside one of the many excellant museums in Normandy.If my memory serves this museum was dedicated to all sorts of machinery,vehicles and equipment collected from under the waves off of the beaches.The amount of stuff in there is incredible.I was looking at a fully complete US Flamethrower found in the sand in August 2007.I tried to imagine what on earth became of the guy who dropped it,i like to hope somehow he made it off that beach that day.

The sea off of the landing beaches must have remained so dangerous for decades after the war.Beach obstacles,live ammo,mines,barbed wire and so much more still remain down there to this day.

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part32

This was a very enjoyable and very loud sound and light presentation.It involved the German troops engaging targets with this gun,after a while you here mg's and hand grenades being thrown as the Paras finally burst in.Can't have been nice being trapped in here knowing the Red Devils were coming in to kill you!.

Great set of photos. It's been years since I've done Normandy, and then only small parts. Must get going again soon. H, thanks for taking the time to post the photos.

You guys in the U.K. have it made, what i would give to be able to jump in a car and drive over to the battlefields of Normandy, and the beaches, Ardenne Forest, and all of the other great battle locations, we here in the U.S. also have alot of great history as well, but I wish I could trade places with one of you guys for about 2 or 3 weeks!! ...sammy

Sounds like a "road trip" is in order!

You guys in the U.K. have it made, what i would give to be able to jump in a car and drive over to the battlefields of Normandy, and the beaches, Ardenne Forest, and all of the other great battle locations, we here in the U.S. also have alot of great history as well, but I wish I could trade places with one of you guys for about 2 or 3 weeks!! ...sammy

I guess we are quite lucky in that many WW1/WW2 sites are within easy reach.But hey,you guys have all those ACW sites.Love to see Gettysburg,Antietam and so many more,Ken Burns series has a lot to answer for!;).

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part32

This was a very enjoyable and very loud sound and light presentation.It involved the German troops engaging targets with this gun,after a while you here mg's and hand grenades being thrown as the Paras finally burst in.Can't have been nice being trapped in here knowing the Red Devils were coming in to kill you!.

This is not a poor picture actually,its the smoke effects from the gun!

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