Rob's Normady Photo's Part1 (1 Viewer)

I guess we are quite lucky in that many WW1/WW2 sites are within easy reach.But hey,you guys have all those ACW sites.Love to see Gettysburg,Antietam and so many more,Ken Burns series has a lot to answer for!;).

Hi Rob, I lived most of my life in Virginia and have seen many a battlefield and most are amazing to visit, alot of the original trenches and earth works are still in place, I lived in Mechanicsville VA. also and that is where the battle of cold harbor took place, and the battle of seven pines, was right down the road, I guess we are both lucky in different ways, but if I get a chance to come visit the (other side of the pond) you will have to give me some pointers on where to go and how to get there.....sammy
Hi Rob, I lived most of my life in Virginia and have seen many a battlefield and most are amazing to visit, alot of the original trenches and earth works are still in place, I lived in Mechanicsville VA. also and that is where the battle of cold harbor took place, and the battle of seven pines, was right down the road, I guess we are both lucky in different ways, but if I get a chance to come visit the (other side of the pond) you will have to give me some pointers on where to go and how to get there.....sammy

Would be happy to Sammy.:)

Now thats something i'd really like to see.ACW Trenches that are still there.That for me is one of the best things to see on a battlefield,the remains of man made defences.Do you know if there are still defences at the top of the Gettysburg Big and Little round tops?.

Would be happy to Sammy.:)

Now thats something i'd really like to see.ACW Trenches that are still there.That for me is one of the best things to see on a battlefield,the remains of man made defences.Do you know if there are still defences at the top of the Gettysburg Big and Little round tops?.

Hi Rob, sad to say that is one battlefield (Gettysburg) that i have not been to, but I plan on going there next year on my vacation, I recently found out my great great grand father fought in Gettysburg for the south, he was captured at cashtown and was put in a prisoner encampment in point lookout Maryland, later released and rejoined his 55th Virginia unit, but far as the defenses around Gettysburg I am sure they have been preserved as much as possible, maybe some others on the forum could answer this.....Sammy
Hope you enjoy it when get to go there Sammy.Was very interesting to hear of your Great Great Grandfather,it will give an extra emotional meaning to your trip to Gettysburg.

Small world isn't it,i see from your post you are from Arizona.I have many American relatives who live in and around Phoenix and Prescott,i have twice visited Phoenix and Arizona was beautiful.

Hey Rob

Great Pictures matey.

Sammy..........Lucky is one way to look at it as obviously Europe is steeped in history..........but i guess it would have been great if these things had not happened so there was not this kind of history to take in!

But i know where your coming from!:)

Hey Rob

Great Pictures matey.

Sammy..........Lucky is one way to look at it as obviously Europe is steeped in history..........but i guess it would have been great if these things had not happened so there was not this kind of history to take in!

But i know where your coming from!:)


That is so true, .....sammy
Hey Rob

Great Pictures matey.

Sammy..........Lucky is one way to look at it as obviously Europe is steeped in history..........but i guess it would have been great if these things had not happened so there was not this kind of history to take in!

But i know where your coming from!:)


Thanks Tony

I'm just glad you were able to post them, they are some woderful pics for sure, now maybe you can post some of your collection now you got the hang of it, take care.....sammy

Thank you for sharing, Great pics, absolutely agree with sam ... eagerly waiting to see your soldiers Rob ;)

I will have a go at the weekend Sammy,i need to get the wife on side to help me out!;)


That's the best arrangement .... a husband & wife involvement in the same hobby. You line them up and she shoots them.

Next, you will be visiting the TS shows together ... wait a miinute :eek:

Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part21


What kind of tank is this?
Re: Rob's Normady Photo's Part21

It is one of my major goals in life to go to Europe and tour famous battlefield sites such as Normandy and to visit Castle Gudenau located in Wachtberg Germany. The castle is a family castle and was built around the 13th century. During WWII it was mostly destroyed and rebuilt. So far only my grandfather and uncle have had a chance to go and visit. I hope one day I to can go to Europe to not only see the family castle but to visit historic sites such as Normandy. Once retirment comes I plan on going with or w/o the wife since I'm sure all she will do is bicker and tell me how much more fun she could be having on a beach somewhere.
I'm very happy to be corrected if i've got this wrong KV,(perhaps Gary might help here)but it looks to me like a Centaur IV (95mm Howitzer).

I'm very happy to be corrected if i've got this wrong KV,(perhaps Gary might help here)but it looks to me like a Centaur IV (95mm Howitzer).



From what I know (which isn't a lot!) this is correct.

You are very welcome,glad you liked them.

They are really great photos. In many ways, they remind me of the photos I took. I'm sure many other visitors to Normandy have the same tale to tell.
Thanks Brad,am hoping to grab a few more days there next year too.I was reading in collector that it was your trip to Normandy that sparked your Toy Soldier hobby,was very interesting.


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