Russian collectors.... (1 Viewer)

Although I like the poses, it is true that the new Russian`s sculpts are not, IMHO, among the best we've seen done by K&C, but nevertheless this does not reduce my interest and enthusiasm for them, since I think they fill a long time void in the product range of such an important theater of operations of WWII. Since my interest is totally focused on WWII, at least for me having these new figures will greatly enhance my collection, and the 3 different markings on the T-34`s certainly enable great ease in making dio`s, since there will be no need to change markings on AFV`s as so many of us had to do before in order to have more of one of the same model of a tank on the same display. I think this is an interesting initiative by K&C and I hope it works so they might extend this concept to other AFV's in the future.
Can`t wait to see the other 2 versions of the T-34 and the inevitable soon to arrive winter russian soldiers, not to mention the hope I have to see new versions of their superb T-34-85 and who knows a KV... Overall, I`m very happy with this "go east" move!
The tanks appear to be pretty good representations of 1943 production 183 Factory T-34s with the stamped hexagonal turret, rubber rimmed road wheels and radio. These will fit nicely into Kursk displays.

I'm a big fan of optional vehicle numbers as it creates opportunities for multiples in larger displays. It seems like a relativlely simple option for manufacturers to provide.
Who's excited? This guy! Finally some T-34/76's for Kursk.
What is (are) the different between these tanks? ...Besides the numbers...

3 identical tanks on the same dispatch...I don’t understand..

It's what we army builders love ... Mass numbers with small variations. For instance, I collect ACW, AWI and NAP ... And I would love it to have K&C for instance release artillery pieces, supply trains in such manner. In a way, it's being done for the latest AWI marching figures .. And when the time comes, i hope it's also applied to new cavalry releases.

I don't collect WWII .. But if I did, I would get all 3 T34s for a platoon sized dio. {sm4}

I am going to pick up number 25 and the captured German version.
A few points to mention here. I remember about this very time last year when one of my threads mentioned releasing some new Russians. Quite a few here fought me tooth and nail stating`Hardly Likely ` or `Won't Happen. Now alas here they are. !!! I think the T-34`s done in these low numbers will turn out to be interesting. These will definately compliment the Volksturm releases from last year quite nicely. The infantry figures done individually versus sets of 3 or 4 allows the ability to pick and choose based on each collectors needs. {bravo}} I'm in on these. ^&grin
A few points to mention here. I remember about this very time last year when one of my threads mentioned releasing some new Russians. Quite a few here fought me tooth and nail stating`Hardly Likely ` or `Won't Happen. Now alas here they are. !!! I think the T-34`s done in these low numbers will turn out to be interesting. These will definately compliment the Volksturm releases from last year quite nicely. The infantry figures done individually versus sets of 3 or 4 allows the ability to pick and choose based on each collectors needs. {bravo}} I'm in on these. ^&grin

I for one hope that what K&C is doing with the T34 becomes a trend for all their AFV's...I got my #25 T34 ordered...Also what you mention about infantry all coming individually instead of in sets , also like that...We also can look forward to a white T34 & russian winter infantry to follow...

Well this forum is only a tiny representation of the TS collecting world I know, but the reaction to the release of these new Russian AFV's has been overwhelmingly positive (look at the posts in two threads on this)and I wonder just how long they will be around? Kudos to K&C, when they do a new range they really do it properly, three AFV releases to start the series is quite something, as a previous poster says, hopefully a trend that may continue.

I think you seem to forget that many of the collectors who said they would not come were commenting on the actual words from Andy. Look back at how he adamantly stated they would not come or, were not good sellers and, he should knoiw he has the figures from the first release. The whole never going to happen came from source and, some collectors were just reiterating what he said.

A few points to mention here. I remember about this very time last year when one of my threads mentioned releasing some new Russians. Quite a few here fought me tooth and nail stating`Hardly Likely ` or `Won't Happen. Now alas here they are. !!! I think the T-34`s done in these low numbers will turn out to be interesting. These will definately compliment the Volksturm releases from last year quite nicely. The infantry figures done individually versus sets of 3 or 4 allows the ability to pick and choose based on each collectors needs. {bravo}} I'm in on these. ^&grin
Well this forum is only a tiny representation of the TS collecting world I know, but the reaction to the release of these new Russian AFV's has been overwhelmingly positive (look at the posts in two threads on this)and I wonder just how long they will be around? Kudos to K&C, when they do a new range they really do it properly, three AFV releases to start the series is quite something, as a previous poster says, hopefully a trend that may continue.


I'm not sure I totally agree with you Rob. Of the people who have posted on this thread about six or seven said they planned to buy one while a few others have said they won't or are non committal. I think part of that is due to the sculpts, which, compared to the figures shown with the tanks, seem out of scale. Photos can be deceiving so it's best to reserve judgment on that question for now.

K & C has, in my opinion, hedged its bets by only producing 150. If they don't do well, not much capital put at risk. On the other hand you have a marketing strategy that almost guarantees a sellout because 150 or 450 if you like is not very much. Unless most collectors were quick yesterday many will be shutout. This, in turn, will result in a chorus complaining they didn't get theirs and demanding more, particularly as ebay goes crazy (which it will). This will also guarantee the later versions sell out as well.
I'm not sure I totally agree with you Rob. Of the people who have posted on this thread about six or seven said they planned to buy one while a few others have said they won't or are non committal. I think part of that is due to the sculpts, which, compared to the figures shown with the tanks, seem out of scale. Photos can be deceiving so it's best to reserve judgment on that question for now.

K & C has, in my opinion, hedged its bets by only producing 150. If they don't do well, not much capital put at risk. On the other hand you have a marketing strategy that almost guarantees a sellout because 150 or 450 if you like is not very much. Unless most collectors were quick yesterday many will be shutout. This, in turn, will result in a chorus complaining they didn't get theirs and demanding more, particularly as ebay goes crazy (which it will). This will also guarantee the later versions sell out as well.

If I may be so bold I totally agree with Brad's 2nd para above. The T34's will be in more demand than the WWI aircraft were.

I think they took the same approach with the first Hurricane and there's nothing wrong with that. If you're going to invest a lot of money in a line, you want to make sure the interest is there. We (or is it us) collectors are notoriously fickle. We may say make it and we will buy but we also change our minds on the turn of a dime.
I'm not sure I totally agree with you Rob. Of the people who have posted on this thread about six or seven said they planned to buy one while a few others have said they won't or are non committal. I think part of that is due to the sculpts, which, compared to the figures shown with the tanks, seem out of scale. Photos can be deceiving so it's best to reserve judgment on that question for now.

K & C has, in my opinion, hedged its bets by only producing 150. If they don't do well, not much capital put at risk. On the other hand you have a marketing strategy that almost guarantees a sellout because 150 or 450 if you like is not very much. Unless most collectors were quick yesterday many will be shutout. This, in turn, will result in a chorus complaining they didn't get theirs and demanding more, particularly as ebay goes crazy (which it will). This will also guarantee the later versions sell out as well.

Hey Brad,

I was taking into consideration posts on this thread, Dispatches and elsewhere.I guess time will tell but I do think these will be very popular ( as will the new P40 I think). When one posts these Dispatches threads a few times ...{eek3} often pick up a good, bad or indifferent vibe from posts and in general I feel they've been very positve so far. I think from just this snapshot forum the T34's, P40 and RAF set seem to be favourites from this issue of dispatches.Cheers mate

K&C is going to produce 5 versions of the T-34 for a total of 750 - IMO that is not a small number even if it is over 5 models spread across a few releases. And the tanks seem to be well received by collectors. The few dealers I have heard from via posts or directly all say the same thing - selling well.

I think coming out with several versions of the same tank gives collectors the option to have several in a scene without them all being identical.

My only complaint is that the tank has less detail than other AFV models by K&C and certainly less detail than K&C's old Captured T-34 from a few years ago which was really well done and IMO is a better model of a T-34.

I thought there is no way I could afford the P40 and a T34 at the same time so I ordered the P40 and will go for the Winter T34 when it arrives , theres always a way round these problem!^&grin

Just my two cents! To start with criticism about the new russian releases first: I have no problem with sculpting or body/vehicle proportion issues. I like the sculpts! Sure there can be always better sculpts as K&C has proven in the past but compared to the Berlin release the figures are a lot more colourful (one of the reasons I prefer K&C WWII versus other manufactures - even if this is not always absolut historical accurate) only as a result that they painted the plashch-palatka rain cape/shelter half this time grey! My main issue is the lack of variety among the hand held weapons. Would it have been so hard to mix some Nagant carbins in or to give us a Degtjarew machine gunner even if it is absolutely correct that the Soviets equipped whole battalions with SMGs. Both points (the lack of colourfulness and almost no variety among the weapons) were the reason why I bought no russians of the Berlin batch even when I sometimes regretted that I did not! Point one solved, point two let us see what future will hopefully bring!

That leads us to the main praise: Hey, we finally have some Russians again. Sentaapua is more than right stating that the new releases will fill a long time void for such an important theater of operations. Regarding the war the Ostfront will always be the most important subject for myself (I think it is always a question of national perspective and the way to remember). So these will be my first Soviets among my collection. Thank you very, very much for this K&C!!! Well done in this regard against all commercial problems with the Soviet selling issue! I think that there would be different approaches how to deal with it. Three (five) different tanks of the same type is surely one way. RA025-3 which I ordered yesterday is already sold out at Treefrog! A modest yearly Soviet release like the Italians would be fine but also the 250 series opens a gap because of the lend and lease arrangement during WWII which offers unknown opportunities. There is also more variety among russian uniforms than most people think: not only winter versus summer but also for example scouts, pioneers, cossacks or specifically early war Soviets. Last but not least my personal dream: Naval Infantry! They would look as appealing as LAH or black German tankers and they sell dont they?
Just my two cents! To start with criticism about the new russian releases first: I have no problem with sculpting or body/vehicle proportion issues. I like the sculpts! Sure there can be always better sculpts as K&C has proven in the past but compared to the Berlin release the figures are a lot more colourful (one of the reasons I prefer K&C WWII versus other manufactures - even if this is not always absolut historical accurate) only as a result that they painted the plashch-palatka rain cape/shelter half this time grey! My main issue is the lack of variety among the hand held weapons. Would it have been so hard to mix some Nagant carbins in or to give us a Degtjarew machine gunner even if it is absolutely correct that the Soviets equipped whole battalions with SMGs. Both points (the lack of colourfulness and almost no variety among the weapons) were the reason why I bought no russians of the Berlin batch even when I sometimes regretted that I did not! Point one solved, point two let us see what future will hopefully bring!

That leads us to the main praise: Hey, we finally have some Russians again. Sentaapua is more than right stating that the new releases will fill a long time void for such an important theater of operations. Regarding the war the Ostfront will always be the most important subject for myself (I think it is always a question of national perspective and the way to remember). So these will be my first Soviets among my collection. Thank you very, very much for this K&C!!! Well done in this regard against all commercial problems with the Soviet selling issue! I think that there would be different approaches how to deal with it. Three (five) different tanks of the same type is surely one way. RA025-3 which I ordered yesterday is already sold out at Treefrog! A modest yearly Soviet release like the Italians would be fine but also the 250 series opens a gap because of the lend and lease arrangement during WWII which offers unknown opportunities. There is also more variety among russian uniforms than most people think: not only winter versus summer but also for example scouts, pioneers, cossacks or specifically early war Soviets. Last but not least my personal dream: Naval Infantry! They would look as appealing as LAH or black German tankers and they sell dont they?

I noticed the weapons thing as well. A little variety IMO would have made them better. I don't want 4 or 5 soldiers in the same dio all carrying the same weapon.
I think you seem to forget that many of the collectors who said they would not come were commenting on the actual words from Andy. Look back at how he adamantly stated they would not come or, were not good sellers and, he should knoiw he has the figures from the first release. The whole never going to happen came from source and, some collectors were just reiterating what he said.

I forgot nothing, but remember all of the `It won't happen lines`.He said, She said, The end result is here. ! {sm4}
Serves as a prime example of Never say Never. Most important I am quite happy for the other collectors to include myself of the FINAL OUTCOME of this topic. victory is Ours. !!!!!!

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