Russian movie “Brestskaya krepost" (1 Viewer)

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The movie based on the real story.
One of the best war movies I have seen.

The movie with english subtitles.

”Russian war movies are so brutal they make Hollywood war movies look like romantic comedies.”

Brestskaya krepost or Brest Fortress

The defence of Brest Fortress took place 22–29 June 1941. It was one of the first battles of Operation Barbarossa. The Brest Fortress was defended by the Red Army against the Wehrmacht, held out longer than expected and, after the Second World War had finished, became a symbol of Soviet resistance.

What is written below is a very short compilation of evidences of the surviving fortress defenders and local people from the neighborhood as well as scientific researches of Brest Fortress museum. You may call it propaganda but since we lack written documents (I can't regard Carrel book as a serious source) it makes sense to use it as a source.
Indeed, during 29-30 June Wehrmacht conducted heavy attacks on the last “organized” (sic!) stronghold using gas and flame throwers at the Eastern Fort. On June 30 German troops managed to blow up the main basement where the biggest group of officers and soldiers was located. Almost all the commanding officers from the so-called “fortress defense HQ” were killed. Only 2 of them survived but were heavy wounded and captured. Comissar Fomin was executed few hours later, captain Zubachev died in 1944 in concentration camp.

From June 30 there was no more organized defense but strongholds in different parts of citadel. German soldiers continued to search every accessible basement and underground passage ways firstly throwing grenades inside or using flame throwers. Shots had been heard in different parts of the citadel.
2 July - Northern Gate captured
4 July - Eastern Fort cleared (about 20 remaining defenders killed)
12 July - Breakthrough of Major Gavrilov group (Major was wounded during breakthrough and hided in ruins and was captured after a short fight only 23 July!)
14 July - Pioneer Barracks captured – ( 7 remaining defenders killed)
15 July - unknown soldier jumped out of the upper section of Terespol Gate with pack of grenades on a passing by column of german soldiers

The date July 20 was widely used in Soviet historiography for a very simple reason. During the post-war excavations a personal messages in Russian found scratched on pieces of wall: “ I am dying but not giving up. Farewell, Motherland! 20.7.41”

Surely in pure military sense the organized defense did not exist any more after 30 June that’s why you won’t find it in primary documentations of division level, but few groups and individual soldiers did not give up and continued to fight and this fact was widely exploited by Soviet ideology to show the spirit which every soldier should have. For me it is quite natural.
All this facts regard only the citadel itself, outside the fortress fights in the zone of armored bunkers continued within the first decade of July.

Can any one of you imagine that Allied soldiers would resist so stubbornly ?

For some reasons I can’t.

Dunkirk (2017) - Opening Scene.

public comment...

11 months ago
You're right, but the battle of Dunkerque wasn't a failure for the French army, it was a strategic victory. The English didn't fight it, or only in the sky with the help of the French air force. And it was a strategic defeat for the nazis, they couldn’t prevent the escape of the english army, and a part of the 1st french army.

Is this a battle???
You're comparing apples with oranges again Serge and doing yourself no favors in the process.

I doubt anyone would question the bravery of Russian troops during WW2, but down-playing the efforts of allied troops is crossing a line in my book.

Don't forget the merchant navy that risked life and limb sailing supplies to Russia via the North sea nor the efforts of the allies during D'day and through Italy and the western desert, not to mention fighting the Japanese.

Stalin was quite happy sitting on his *** in 1939 when things got messy and lets not forget his deal with the Nazi's regarding Poland and the Baltic states.

Your one eyed view of history is staggering.........:mad:

If you love Russia so much why the heck are you hiding in NZ????
You're comparing apples with oranges again Serge and doing yourself no favors in the process.

I doubt anyone would question the bravery of Russian troops during WW2, but down-playing the efforts of allied troops is crossing a line in my book.

Don't forget the merchant navy that risked life and limb sailing supplies to Russia via the North sea nor the efforts of the allies during D'day and through Italy and the western desert, not to mention fighting the Japanese.

Stalin was quite happy sitting on his *** in 1939 when things got messy and lets not forget his deal with the Nazi's regarding Poland and the Baltic states.

Your one eyed view of history is staggering.........:mad:

If you love Russia so much why the heck are you hiding in NZ????

Yes one wonders when constantly posting about the virtues of the efforts of soldiers of the Motherland (A country with a list of crimes that rivals Nazi Germany) that one chooses to live in NZ? Obviously a better place to live.

Yes one wonders when constantly posting about the virtues of the efforts of soldiers of the Motherland (A country with a list of crimes that rivals Nazi Germany) that one chooses to live in NZ? Obviously, a better place to live.

Like a lot that live here mate bag the **** out of the place but live simple solution piss off back home !!!!
You're comparing apples with oranges again Serge and doing yourself no favors in the process.

1. I doubt anyone would question the bravery of Russian troops during WW2, but down-playing the efforts of allied troops is crossing a line in my book.

2. Don't forget the merchant navy that risked life and limb sailing supplies to Russia via the North sea nor the efforts of the allies during D'day and through Italy and the western desert, not to mention fighting the Japanese.

3. Stalin was quite happy sitting on his *** in 1939 when things got messy and lets not forget his deal with the Nazi's regarding Poland and the Baltic states.

Your one eyed view of history is staggering.........:mad:

4. If you love Russia so much why the heck are you hiding in NZ????

Hi Toddy.

1. Firstly I never “down-playing the efforts of allied troops” EVER.

The only thing I sad was: “I can’t imagine that Allied soldiers would resist so stubbornly”
I didn’t seen any resistance to Germans in the movie Dunkirk (2017).
I could not find any info about stuborn resistance durring the actual evacuation from Dunkirk.

Please disprove me if you can.

Who attacked the Allied forces if the Germans weren’t there.
Why that event calls “the Battle of Dunkirk" if there was no battle.

the Battle of Dunkirk was the defence and evacuation to Britain of British and other Allied forces in Europe from 26 May to 4 June 1940.

Adolf Hitler was in a position to deliver such a devastating military defeat to the British that they might never have recovered.
But on May 22, the panzers were halted by orders from above, and again on May 23.

If the panzers had been allowed to roll onward during those two days they could have driven the opposing British and French forces into the sea. Instead, the allied forces gained just enough time to be evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk.

A top British general noted: “I still cannot understand how it is that the Bosches [Germans] have allowed us to get the BEF off in this way. It is almost fantastic that we have been able to do it in the face of all the bombing and gunning.”
Clive Irving
Updated 07.24.17 1:10AM ET / Published 07.23.17 12:00AM ET

2. There’s no need to remind me about those incredible people who sacrificed they life for all us.
I allready told that I don’t divide soldiers for yours and mine. I have a huge respect to all of them.

3. What is the reason that all of you are going on about Stalin? Is it because you don’t have anything to say about the subject?

And just because you did mention: “lets not forget his deal with the Nazi’s regarding Poland and the Baltic states.”

You might need to learn about the Munich Agreement first.

It was signed by the top leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. Militarily in 1938.

The Munich Agreement was soon followed by the First Vienna Award on 2 November 1938, separating largely Hungarian inhabited territories in southern Slovakia and southern Subcarpathian Rus' from Czechoslovakia, while Poland also annexed territories from Czechoslovakia in the North. In March 1939, the First Slovak Republic was proclaimed, and shortly by the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia Germany took full control of the remaining Czech parts.[4]

As a result, Czechoslovakia had disappeared.

Is there anything you want to say about that?

There are no reasons to be an angry.

Kind Regards.
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Re: Russian movie “Brestskaya krepost"

I resisted the temptation to respond when I first saw this thread. However BS needs to be pointed out.

This comment is obviously untrue - "Firstly I never “down-playing the efforts of allied troops” EVER". He starts off by commenting upon Russians in combat at Brest. Then as a comparison he picks Dunkirk. Dunkirk is most well known for the successful evacuation of a large number of troops rather than as a battle. Why does he not pick Tobruk, El Alamein, the bravery of the Paras at Arnhem, Imphal, Americans Rangers at Point de Hoc etc. Simple, they do not fit his narrative which is to constantly hype the Russians efforts whilst belittling the "good guys".

He did something similar in his thread about Afghanistan and his one about snipers.

He says he did not see any resistance to the Germans in the movie Dunkirk. Perhaps that is because the Director deliberately chose not to show German ground troops ! Strange he could not any accounts of resistance during Dunkirk as there are plenty of examples to be found including a Victoria Cross award.

This is his 10th thread along similar lines. I think we can predict more to come.
You guys keep falling for his tricks. It’s funny to see, sort of like Lucy taking away the football from Charlie Brown, very predictable.

You guys keep falling for his tricks. It’s funny to see, sort of like Lucy taking away the football from Charlie Brown, very predictable.

View attachment 253405

So pleased you're enjoying yourself Jazz, at least some of us choose to stand up for our relatives rather than hit the ignore button and hope it all goes away.

While Serge has every right to express his views I certainly have a right to respond.

PS. if you want to see something really predictable, try reading all the hours of responses to 'Katana' posts, they're an absolute hoot and not a patch on Tanks stuff.

Each to there own I guess. :salute::
If you want to continue to waste your time, by all means feel free. The more you respond the more he likes it. There are a lot of people in the world who say silly things, do you respond to all of them.

Well, I will be making some more popcorn to enjoy the festivities.

Oh, Charlie Brown!
If you love Russia so much why the heck are you hiding in NZ????

Man I thought he left..

I have a suspicion he's not even in NZ..I think this is a troll farm. There has not been a post that is not Russian propaganda. Here one for you serge ole buddy..
Can we some pictures of your toy soldier collection ? That's what this forum is for..
Re: Russian movie “Brestskaya krepost"

Man I thought he left..

I have a suspicion he's not even in NZ..I think this is a troll farm. There has not been a post that is not Russian propaganda. Here one for you serge ole buddy..
Can we some pictures of your toy soldier collection ? That's what this forum is for..

Can you really blame Serge? He needs to hone his skills for the 2020 US POTUS election so he and his comrades can attempt to disrupt it! Lol

Oh Serge will have no problem showing pictures of A toy soldier collection. Not HIS collection, mind you, but somebody’s.

Russia certainly excels at attacking computer systems. Of that there can be no dispute. What else would a thugocracy produce but a boatload of thugs, hackers, spammers and malicious coders?

You know Russia is better than the US because there are about 3.1 million people of Russian descent who’ve defected or otherwise fled it for the US. Wait. Hmmm.

Meanwhile there are perhaps 50,000 Americans living in Russia (counting Edward Snowden), most of whom reside there for work and will one day return to the US.

Almost no Americans actually want to live in Russia. The few exceptions that occur are promoted heavily by the Russian state controlled media. Meanwhile, Russians move to the US all the time and it’s a complete non event - unless they are former spies or something.

Bottom line, Russia is an unpleasant place with few redeeming characteristics.if you don’t live there, be thankful. The military is a rare point of national pride. They really don’t have anything else to crow about. It’s actually kind of sad.
If you want to continue to waste your time, by all means feel free. The more you respond the more he likes it. There are a lot of people in the world who say silly things, do you respond to all of them.

Well, I will be making some more popcorn to enjoy the festivities.

Oh, Charlie Brown!

Not sure why you feel the need to tell me how to spend my time, but I guess at over 30 thousand posts you're more than used to getting in the last word......

Enjoy you're popcorn. ^&grin
We will never see Tanks TS collection because there isn't one, he is just an Russian windbag.
Re: Russian movie “Brestskaya krepost"

I resisted the temptation to respond when I first saw this thread. However BS needs to be pointed out.

This comment is obviously untrue - "Firstly I never “down-playing the efforts of allied troops” EVER". He starts off by commenting upon Russians in combat at Brest. Then as a comparison he picks Dunkirk. Dunkirk is most well known for the successful evacuation of a large number of troops rather than as a battle. Why does he not pick Tobruk, El Alamein, the bravery of the Paras at Arnhem, Imphal, Americans Rangers at Point de Hoc etc. Simple, they do not fit his narrative which is to constantly hype the Russians efforts whilst belittling the "good guys".

He did something similar in his thread about Afghanistan and his one about snipers.

He says he did not see any resistance to the Germans in the movie Dunkirk. Perhaps that is because the Director deliberately chose not to show German ground troops ! Strange he could not any accounts of resistance during Dunkirk as there are plenty of examples to be found including a Victoria Cross award.

This is his 10th thread along similar lines. I think we can predict more to come.

Hi there.

I actually like your post.
You rised a good points and there’s no more the opponent's mocking. Thanks for that.

Now back to your:

“However BS needs to be pointed out.”
This comment is obviously untrue - “Firstly I never “down-playing the efforts of allied troops” EVER”. Then as a comparison he picks Dunkirk. Dunkirk is most well known for the successful evacuation of a large number of troops rather than as a battle.

For some reasons the Wikipedia doesn’t agreed with you:

Just wondering if you know why the event calls “the Battle of Dunkirk” if there was no battle.

"He says he did not see any resistance to the Germans in the movie Dunkirk. Perhaps that is because the Director deliberately chose not to show German ground troops !”

The answer is simple: the Director deliberately chose not to show German ground troops simply because the German ground troops weren’t in vicinity.

The panzers were halted by orders from Hitler on May 22 and again on May 23.

Also it would be great to have your comment on:

A top British general noted: “I still cannot understand how it is that the Bosches [Germans] have allowed us to get the BEF off in this way. It is almost fantastic that we have been able to do it in the face of all the bombing and gunning.”
Clive Irving
Updated 07.24.17 1:10AM ET / Published 07.23.17 12:00AM ET

Brest Fortress defence


Russians: 9,000 men, 2 Tanks, 1 armour car
German about 17,000 men, 2 Panzer Divisions

Give me at least one instance when Allied where fighting to the bitter end in such conditions as Russian did in the Brest Fortress

I hope you wouldn’t offer to compare Brest Fortress with the Tobruk defence this time.

Tobruk defence


Allied 100,000 men, 850 tanks In artillery, the ratio was 8: 5 in Allied favor. 604 airplanes
Germans 90,000 men 282 german tanks + 228 italian tanks 542 airplanes

“Strange he could not any accounts of resistance during Dunkirk as there are plenty of examples to be found including a Victoria Cross award."

Richard Annand, Marcus Ervine-Andrews, Christopher Furness and George Gristock won they Victoria Crosses in May of 1940 or at least one month before the BEF evacuation from Dunkirk.

“Simple, they do not fit his narrative which is to constantly hype the Russians efforts whilst belittling the “good guys”.

That is not true.

For many years the Westen propaganda machine was doing everything to belittling the role of Russia in WW2 and I must admit they prevailed.


Kind Regards.
We will never see Tanks TS collection because there isn't one, he is just an Russian windbag.

Hi Wayne.

What the reason do you talk to me like this. Does it make you feel better?

You wanted to see my tank collection.
Here are some pics for you.



  • IMG_0951.jpg
    29.9 KB · Views: 85
Can any one of you imagine that Allied soldiers would resist so stubbornly ?

Bastogne immediately comes to mind.

But no, for all intents and purposes, the US military was constantly on the offensive- we weren't interested in stubborn resistance- we were on the offensive.

"Stubborn resistance" is all you have left when opposing forces are planting their flag in your capital. The Germans nor the Japanese were never pushing an offensive across the continental US so wondering if the US could mount a "stubborn resistance" is a moot point. Any nations army is going to fight harder if the battle is on their doorsteps- even the Iraqis.

...There are a lot of people in the world who say silly things, do you respond to all of them...

I'm convinced that that's how my little brother became a Cowboys fan. When he was little, he discovered that he could get attention by walking into the TV room full of Eagles fans, at Thanksgiving or Christmas, and say, "I like the Cowboys!" As he got older and paid closer attention to the game and the team, he found other reasons. But I'm sure if we had ignored him, he'd root today for Philly, or maybe Pittsburgh.

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