You're comparing apples with oranges again Serge and doing yourself no favors in the process.
1. I doubt anyone would question the bravery of Russian troops during WW2, but down-playing the efforts of allied troops is crossing a line in my book.
2. Don't forget the merchant navy that risked life and limb sailing supplies to Russia via the North sea nor the efforts of the allies during D'day and through Italy and the western desert, not to mention fighting the Japanese.
3. Stalin was quite happy sitting on his *** in 1939 when things got messy and lets not forget his deal with the Nazi's regarding Poland and the Baltic states.
Your one eyed view of history is staggering.........
4. If you love Russia so much why the heck are you hiding in NZ????
Hi Toddy.
Firstly I never “down-playing the efforts of allied troops” EVER.
The only thing I sad was: “I can’t imagine that Allied soldiers would resist so stubbornly”
I didn’t seen any resistance to Germans in the movie Dunkirk (2017).
I could not find any info about stuborn resistance durring the actual evacuation from Dunkirk.
Please disprove me if you can.
Who attacked the Allied forces if the Germans weren’t there.
Why that event calls “the Battle of Dunkirk" if there was no battle.
the Battle of Dunkirk was the defence and evacuation to Britain of British and other Allied forces in Europe from 26 May to 4 June 1940.
Adolf Hitler was in a position to deliver such a devastating military defeat to the British that they might never have recovered.
But on May 22, the panzers were halted by orders from above, and again on May 23.
If the panzers had been allowed to roll onward during those two days they could have driven the opposing British and French forces into the sea. Instead, the allied forces gained just enough time to be evacuated from the beaches of Dunkirk.
A top British general noted:
“I still cannot understand how it is that the Bosches [Germans] have allowed us to get the BEF off in this way. It is almost fantastic that we have been able to do it in the face of all the bombing and gunning.”
Clive Irving
Updated 07.24.17 1:10AM ET / Published 07.23.17 12:00AM ET
2. There’s no need to remind me about those incredible people who sacrificed they life for all us.
I allready told that I don’t divide soldiers for yours and mine. I have a huge respect to all of them.
3. What is the reason that all of you are going on about Stalin? Is it because you don’t have anything to say about the subject?
And just because you did mention: “lets not forget his deal with the Nazi’s regarding Poland and the Baltic states.”
You might need to learn about
the Munich Agreement first.
It was signed by the top leaders of Germany, France, Britain, and Italy. Militarily in 1938.
The Munich Agreement was soon followed by the First Vienna Award on 2 November 1938, separating largely Hungarian inhabited territories in southern Slovakia and southern Subcarpathian Rus' from Czechoslovakia, while
Poland also annexed territories from Czechoslovakia in the North. In March 1939, the First Slovak Republic was proclaimed, and shortly by the creation of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia
Germany took full control of the remaining Czech parts.[4]
As a result, Czechoslovakia had disappeared.
Is there anything you want to say about that?
There are no reasons to be an angry.
Kind Regards.