Beyond Awesome!!Welcome to the forum! What part of Texas do you hail from? While not a native Texan, I lived in Beaumont and Irving for several years.
Hey Wadepat and Louis, I am originally from Irving, just outside Dallas and I now live out in the country (and I mean COUNTRY) in Lenapah, OK (45 min north of Tulsa). Lived in Wichita, KS for about 5 yrs as well, but there's no place like TEXAS!
Thanks for your comments as well. I'm working on a 1/150 scale?? (something like 1in. = 12.5ft) of the Alamo right now. I'm horrible at figuring scale. Do they have scale charts of some sorts? Anyone? Should have the facade finished tonight. If I finish, and it looks presentable, I'll post some shots. Just hope I don't break it. That balsa foam gets kind of thin at that scale!
What do you collect besides Alamo?
Hello Everyone, This is my first post, so be patient if my images don't come through! I scratchbuilt this Alamo over the last 2 months out of balsa foam. The only part not from the balsa foam is the ledge molding over the four front columns, the cannon ramp and the palisade, which were all made from strip styrene. The ground work was pretty much thrown on for photo purposes and can be swept off until ready to be secured. So don't critique me too much on that! Hope you enjoy.