Second Armored in Iraq (1 Viewer)

Currahee Chris

Sergeant Major
Apr 24, 2007
Ok fellas-

the weather here in Central PA has been PERFECT!!! A most beautiful day to be messing about outside. So, I think tomorrow I am going to take my last "personal day" and go outside and snap all sorts of pictures with my troopers (My wife is begging me not to- too scared of the neighbors):D

So, we came home from my daughters parent teacher conferences and I snapped these quick shots of some FOV's. Then I hear from my neighbors yard "Dude- what the @#$%@#$ are you doing???" I told him and he was howling- we just finished a few Coors lights (it was all he had:(:()

Enjoy!! Tell me what you think



Outstanding! Thats an exellent patch of dirt for those shots they look great.Cant wait to see more.
Ok fellas-

the weather here in Central PA has been PERFECT!!! A most beautiful day to be messing about outside. So, I think tomorrow I am going to take my last "personal day" and go outside and snap all sorts of pictures with my troopers (My wife is begging me not to- too scared of the neighbors):D

So, we came home from my daughters parent teacher conferences and I snapped these quick shots of some FOV's. Then I hear from my neighbors yard "Dude- what the @#$%@#$ are you doing???" I told him and he was howling- we just finished a few Coors lights (it was all he had:(:()

Enjoy!! Tell me what you think

Great photos. FOV make some pretty cool AFV's don't they.

Thanks guys- here's a couple more quick picks then it's off to the gym!!

Navy SEAL in the Mekong


VC sniper thought he'd get another American but thanks to our SEAL on long range patrol, he's getting a one ticket to his ancestors- courtesy of Uncle Sam's Finest


Mess with the best die like the rest!!


Not sure how many clover patches there were/are along the Mekong!!:D Pretend like they are palm fronds.
Outstanding! Thats an exellent patch of dirt for those shots they look great.Cant wait to see more.

Thanks Eric!! Not sure if that is a good thing that my backyard is so ripped up it could credibly pass for war torn Iraq!! :D:D:D

Looks good, can't beat a bit of genuine lighting. You need more tanks! Get yourself down to Walmart and stock up! I'm looking for a complete armoured division here!:)
How about some McFarlane action?

Thanks Simon!! :) I am really pleased with the middle shot. The FOV's modern stuff is mostly sold out at retail around here- but I'm a scrounger!!

Your wish sir:

A young marine has been hit and his heroic brothers in arms move forward. The LT (that would be our one and only Joe:)) takes command to setup and secure the casualty collection point. The Navy Corpsman readies his kit:



Another 1:18th scale with some FOV stuff:

A US Armored column is moving through the mean streets of Baghdad when the alert TC of the Stryker notices some insurgent activity!! He shout to Cpl Brooks who prepares his fellow squadmate:




Those shots are amazing. At first glance I thought they were newsreel stills
Absolutely incredible and I doff my cap to your skill and your camera.

Love the concast blocks too:D

Cool work CC. Nice to see the various series of McFarlane mixed together as they should be and the shots are great, as Bob says, very lifelike. Need more, need mooooore...........:D
WOW!!!! Thanks Reb- that means a ton coming from a pro like yourself!!! It is really amazing the effects you can get with some good sunlight. Thanks again!!

This is a view from my driveway- I took it for BritFarmer (and any other farm fans out there)


Here is today's faithful diorama companion!! :)


OK- Back to the show-

LZ XRay- Lt Colonel Hal Moore (how's that for MOORE Simon ??:D) is getting his boys into the fray!! Major Crandall (CMOH Recipient) drops some replacements into the Colonel's OP


Here is another shot of the 60 Gunner in B&W- sort of gives it a nostalgic feel- I love that 60 gunner btw- one of my alltime favorite toy soldiers!!


Here is another view- this is a more improved version of the 21st Century Viet Nam figures- they are QUITE articulated. The guy has this Howdy Doody smile on his face- clearly a FNG who hasn't been in country more than a day or two. Charlie will get him in the proper spirits here in a day or so:eek:


We did have a casualty in this dio:( The "Platoon Leader" figure there back by the huey- his arm sheared off!! I had to glue it on and made a mess. Gonna have to go back and touch him up.


Here is another view- this is a more improved version of the 21st Century Viet Nam figures- they are QUITE articulated. The guy has this Howdy Doody smile on his face- clearly a FNG who hasn't been in country more than a day or two. Charlie will get him in the proper spirits here in a day or so:eek:


We did have a casualty in this dio:( The "Platoon Leader" figure there back by the huey- his arm sheared off!! I had to glue it on and made a mess. Gonna have to go back and touch him up.



Either a FNG or one happy sniper who is scoping his next target :)

Chris, re you casualty, this is why Medical Corps exist. You've got to leave it to the experts ;)
Thanks Chris

Great view you have (glad to see some read my posts :D)

Those are some truely awesome pics, a couple I had to look twice I thought they might have been real. Is everything 1/18th scale? Way to go and get em in the dirt !!!!!

Thanks again

Hi Chris, great photos there with some very accurate figures. I also enjoy looking at exterior shots, especially of the country as I had some great childhood years on my parents cattle properties, or ranches as you guys call them.

Maybe we should start a 'driveway' photo thread?
Great pictures Chris.
FOV makes some really great armor. They are often quite reasonably priced.
Thanks for posting
Nice set up Chris, also what a beautiful view from your farm you have…
Thanks for the positive comments fellas!! I appreciate it- Oz I think you've got a great idea there!! :D

Okay- day 2 of the shoot-a-thon

Here we return to our SpecOps boys making a quick snatch and grab in Bosnia

We have the infiltration team dropping the flash-BANGs and the Platoon Sergeant providing overwatch from a vantage point along a war torn radio station- somebody should probably tell these guys that they don't need the NVG's during the daylight!!



Ok- this makes it look "dark"


Here we go back to ancient Thermopylae- a middle aged Spartan, Thuryidies, decides to skip breakfast and pick a fight with the heathen Persians!!



North Africa- 1943- Rommel takes early morning breakfast and ponders his latest scheme for taking out the LRDG Desert Rats!!



Across the desert, unbenownst to Herr Rommel, a Desert Rat platoon leader sizes up his next Afrika Korps victim. Surpremely confident in his and his mens ability and knowing his cause is right, the intrepid Brit's stare cuts through the choking desert sand challenging all friends of tyranny to give it their best.


Who doesn't love Britains Agincourt line??? These glossies look really nice with the sun reflecting off of them. I am going to shoot a few more in addition to these:




Ok- You know what, Britains should give me a merit badge or something for snapping these Agincourt shots- there were bees buzzing in the shots and then when they saw I was getting upset- they would come buzzing in my ear, face, etc!! :p



I can just hear the one song from Excalibur playing in the background


Ok- back to the dirt- I am UTTERLY filthy in dirt from snapping these shots- wish someone were here to take a picture of a 1:1 scale amatuer photographer:)

Somewhere along the Afghanistan/ Pakistan border- we got your number- you can run but you can't hide!!!





Thanks Chris

Great view you have (glad to see some read my posts :D)

Those are some truely awesome pics, a couple I had to look twice I thought they might have been real. Is everything 1/18th scale? Way to go and get em in the dirt !!!!!

Thanks again


Thanks Scott- most of yesterday's stuff was 1:18th scale. The FOV Abrams tanks are 1:32nd and of course today's shots are of normal, everyday figures.

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