The next batch of our German Kubelwagen's have arrived with 3 new variants to choose from.
ACC PACK 013B in an early war grey colour scheme.
ACC PACK 013C Desert camouflage scheme.
ACC PACK 013D Desert Kubelwagen in the personal colour scheme of 158 aerial kills, fighter Ace Hans-Joachim Marseille. This car was painted by Italian ground crew for Marseille and is adorned with some beautiful looking animals adorning the words 'Otto' which were also hand painted onto the side of the car. Otto is the Italian word for the number 8 and commemorates Marseille shooting down 8 Allied aircraft in one day, a record for the Desert theatre.
All Kubelwagen's in this release are priced at $89/£75 each and limited to 100 in number worldwide.
Please note the Desert versions have hand painted green camouflage stripes as per the real wartime Kubelwagens. For those of you looking for a less authentic Hollywood type looking vehicle then this model probably not for you, for those of you who appreciate reality over fake news then this model definitely for you!
As you can see the Kubelwagen looks great with a couple of your favourite figures stood next to it or on its own say in an airfield diorama or outside a Head-Quarters, another possibility is to portray it with Allied soldiers and some German prisoners, or even dead and wounded Germans surprised in an ambush!