September dispatches. (1 Viewer)

well , a small paint job can put all these points you make right. That's all it takes
The Lynx looks a real beauty and a bargain. The long defunct New Model Army produced a version some years ago so it's nice to see it in model form again. Which version to choose? That's the question. I think I'll go for the Normandy version as 9th Panzer had its reece battalion equipped with it. In the East it equipped 4th Panzer. No Waffen-SS divisions though, however I can easily live with the tank commander figure.
I've ordered the armored car. It will go great with my small but growing Lawrence/Arabic revolt collection.
Wow. Love the Normandy Lynx. Great camo job. Very realistic to say the least.
Also the 116th panzer div was equipped with the Lynx. They fought in Normandy, Hürtgen forest and the Ardennes , so both versions are ok.
I think I'll go for the winterversion and do a repaint ;
I wonder, is this not just a moaning minnies???? Don't worry its a rhetorical question the answer simply being its not in the K&C section and depends on who is saying the critique.

Not a range I have the slightest interest in but, I would venture that they will all be gone in a short period. Keep up the good work TG a long way to go before your historically inaccurate in miniature mate.

Wayne mate,
I hate to rain on your parade as some of those figures look really great but the Lighthorse are a bloody disaster. I am no rivet counter and can accept some small errors but these sets take the cake.

Lets just have a look at the ALH Dress Manual:

Lanyards: Green!!!!!!!!!!!! Khaki plaited cord and sometimes on general duty or ceromonial a white plaited cord.

Feathers: The ads for these sets mention Ostrich feathers when all Aussies know that they were EMU feathers.

Pants: The two sets of Lewis gunners show two different types of pants. The ALH were issued with "breeches - riding" and in one colour.

Gloves: Brown Leather worn by the Officers. The Manual states:
(1) Ceremonial Parade - when ordered
(2) Ceremonial Parade Tropical - No
(3) General Duty - No
(4) Full Marching or Battle Order - No

My order to my dealer on these figures is ZIP.
Cheers Howard
TGM The best value in the industry !...I have all of the NMA Lynx, it will be interesting to see how these compare. Alex
I wonder, is this not just a moaning minnies???? Don't worry its a rhetorical question the answer simply being its not in the K&C section and depends on who is saying the critique.

Not a range I have the slightest interest in but, I would venture that they will all be gone in a short period. Keep up the good work TG a long way to go before your historically inaccurate in miniature mate.

Why is it ok to comment on problems with K & C issues but not do the same for other manufacturers. Howard has a great interest in ALH and is quite knowledgeable about ALH. If this is a forum for opinions, as I believe you've said, then it should be a two way street, or is it a question of whose ox is being gored?
I wonder, is this not just a moaning minnies???? Don't worry its a rhetorical question the answer simply being its not in the K&C section and depends on who is saying the critique.

Not a range I have the slightest interest in but, I would venture that they will all be gone in a short period. Keep up the good work TG a long way to go before your historically inaccurate in miniature mate.

No ,it's not just moaning minnies. Howard was asked to provide some advice and spent the time and effort to do so on a series that is very important to him historically. No different than me posting a critique of an AFV I am interested in getting. You have made posts supporting my comments on K&C errors. Howard's post is in the same vein


I have no issue with any critique of anyone's sets and never have. I don't feel the need to defend manufacturers as I have always said that is bizarre behaviour and that is what it always will be.

Now, in the last few weeks and over a number of years Northgate woods has railed those who have said the least thing about K&C the most recent for bringing up issues with new K&C releases called a couple moaning minnies and said this or that.

So, after his own outburst over some techni-colour blankets on some ALH he said '' I should have not been a moaning Sheila and spoken about this issue in private to Andy. That is affording in his mind some respect to Andy and reducing what he apparently does not like open forum critique.

Now, Terry has told me in PM that his opinion was requested because of knowledge! of the releases so, rather than saying things like ''take the cake'' and ''my dealer order is Zip'' why if you don't want critique on open forum for K&C then afford TG the same decency and respect and take the minor issues with colour to them in PM especially if its correct that they have asked?? for his opinion??

That is what I meant because as sure as eggs are eggs if someone had commented in the way he has with some of the comments then the rattles would be flying about those nasty K&C haters!

Perhaps when one is asked to opine on a subject they assume a role of responsibility in assisting the manufacturer I believe that he failed and clearly showed this in the manner in which it was posted.

If nobody agrees or does fine but, its a discussion forum and its what I think

I have no issue with any critique of anyone's sets and never have. I don't feel the need to defend manufacturers as I have always said that is bizarre behaviour and that is what it always will be.

Now, in the last few weeks and over a number of years Northgate woods has railed those who have said the least thing about K&C the most recent for bringing up issues with new K&C releases called a couple moaning minnies and said this or that.

So, after his own outburst over some techni-colour blankets on some ALH he said '' I should have not been a moaning Sheila and spoken about this issue in private to Andy. That is affording in his mind some respect to Andy and reducing what he apparently does not like open forum critique.

Now, Terry has told me in PM that his opinion was requested because of knowledge! of the releases so, rather than saying things like ''take the cake'' and ''my dealer order is Zip'' why if you don't want critique on open forum for K&C then afford TG the same decency and respect and take the minor issues with colour to them in PM especially if its correct that they have asked?? for his opinion??

That is what I meant because as sure as eggs are eggs if someone had commented in the way he has with some of the comments then the rattles would be flying about those nasty K&C haters!

Perhaps when one is asked to opine on a subject they assume a role of responsibility in assisting the manufacturer I believe that he failed and clearly showed this in the manner in which it was posted.

If nobody agrees or does fine but, its a discussion forum and its what I think

I don't know what features Howard was asked to comment on. If they were the ones he posted about, I took Howard's outburst to be one of frustration on a model important to him - not a double standard. That's the impression I got when he responded to my PM. From past behavior, Howard does not typically post critiques or complaints so for him to post like he did is unusual. I'm not excusing his outburst, and you have a good point made Mitch, but I think you are being too harsh for one incident.

As for responsibility to the manufacturer after giving advice - it can get tricky. What to do if the manufacturer doesn't follow the advice and produces a model with some small errors. Or even worse some very large errors. Or worse yet, what to say when a Mate PM's you about a model he knows you did the research on - what do you tell him.

Are the ALH errors big ones? Not to me, but they clearly were to Howard and he reacted to them. Look at the uproar I created over the error on the Russian slogan on the BA-64. I wouldn't purchase it with the error because it was important to me and I would never have been happy with the model. I even posted that I hoped the error was corrected so I could buy the model.

So the question remains as to how to react in the situation where a manufacturer makes an error despite asking for advice. It's not so simple.


It is not just a one of there have been a number including some good ones at K&C as I mentioned I am not singling out one person but, lets say it is frustration at a release he likes being wrong. I like WWII and the constant issues raised in terms of errors etc make me shake my head. They are seen as heresy rather than frustration and jumped upon at any opportunity. Another poster who may or may not have been asked to assist has IMO ticked all the boxes for baiting, trolling etc etc and we seem to be saying well, he is a tad frustrated!!!!. That does not really wash when someone aims to clean up Dodge from the moaning minnies.

Perhaps people should take on board how frustration at a interested range affects this person and ease off those who have it regularly in the releases they have a massive interest in both historically and financially.

Good for one should be good for everyone.

Now apologies Wayne and to TG with such stuff when there have been some superb releases but, sadly it needed saying IMO

UOTE=Phantom Warrior;598669]I don't know what features Howard was asked to comment on. If they were the ones he posted about, I took Howard's outburst to be one of frustration on a model important to him - not a double standard. That's the impression I got when he responded to my PM. From past behavior, Howard does not typically post critiques or complaints so for him to post like he did is unusual. I'm not excusing his outburst, and you have a good point made Mitch, but I think you are being too harsh for one incident.

So let me get this straight.:confused:
What you are basically saying is that its OK for you to critique K&C, etc but not OK for me to critique your favourtie brand. Since you do not collect ALH or know the first thing about the subject, I ask why you put your two cents worth in.
Your post pretty much said that these figures will sell even if inaccurate. Imagine if I said that about a K&C set that you had critiqued.
I find hypocrisy a strange thing.^&confuse
At the risk of getting blugeoned between two friends, I think what Mitch was making as his main point was that Howard owed it to TGM to voice his complalint by PM. And Howard's post could have mentioned some good points and just noted the errors without rancour and not let his frustration show.. I agree with that. He could have, but he didn't.

So I think that covers it. If you two want to get into an argument about hypocracy, that's a whole other personal level and count me out. The point is that Howard was upset over a set he is especially interested in and reacted. I guess no one considers the TGM FFL sets to be near and dear - no uproar over differences in uniform and according to one member, a difference in size.

Howard is right here, does appear of late that critique or complaint against K&C is ok but not for other companies? The idea that some folk would pm K&C/Andy before making their remarks on this forum highly unlikely if not laughable. Often its just a swipe and the author would not pm Andy with this. Besides, I think this forum has more than enough ' Poison pm specialists' :rolleyes2: Howard has the same right to raise his concerns over a product as Mitch does or indeed any other member, free speech for all I say.

I have no stick in the fire on this as I think TG have and do made/make some superb sets, some of which I have myself.:salute::

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Howard is right here, does appear of late that critique or complaint against K&C is ok but not for other companies? The idea that some folk would pm K&C/Andy before making their remarks on this forum highly unlikely if not laughable. Often its just a swipe and the author would not pm Andy with this. Besides, I think this forum has more than enough ' Poison pm specialists' :rolleyes2: Howard has the same right to raise his concerns over a product as Mitch does or indeed any other member, free speech for all I say.

I have no stick in the fire on this as I think TG have and do made/make some superb sets, some of which I have myself.:salute::


Missed the point that Howard was acting as an advisor on the ALH sets. Something went wrong.. Of course Howard has the right to post, but as he was working with TGM, he could have first responded by PM and by posting after.

So let me get this straight.:confused:
What you are basically saying is that its OK for you to critique K&C, etc but not OK for me to critique your favourtie brand. Since you do not collect ALH or know the first thing about the subject, I ask why you put your two cents worth in.
Your post pretty much said that these figures will sell even if inaccurate. Imagine if I said that about a K&C set that you had critiqued.
I find hypocrisy a strange thing.^&confuse

Howard you are free to post whatever you want my friend. (unless its very vulgar of course^&grin:wink2:) We ALL have the right to do this and what is good for one is good for all.

Gentle Friends,

It is time to calm these waters. If some members have a beef with one another, express it and work it out via PMs. I really do not want to close this thread, but unless the atmosphere grows more civil and peaceful you run the risk of having the discussion quickly being concluded.

Warmest personal regards,

I don't know much about ALH, and I do not collect it. However, if I was going to purchase it and I was concerned about the accuracy I would ask Howard as I consider him a PMK on the subject.

My question is would I do that via PM or as a post?

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