Should I go boxless? (2 Viewers)

I thought I might contribute, or more accurately, comment here as this thread does fascinate me... even if it has gone slightly AWOL.

Clearly, no one is going to end up changing anyone's practise with their collection but here are more of my thoughts.
I collect other things, besides soldiers. I have a fine collecion of books and keep some in such a way as to make them inaccessible - so I have readers copies to pour over. I also, Lord forgive me, have some old Star Wars and Super hero figures. I got doubles of the ones I really like so the rest can be displayed and enjoyed.

I have to say, I hate the thought of keeping any of my soldiers in their boxes. It makes me wonder what it is we are really collecting here? The majority of boxes only indicate at the gold within by a code. Some of the SL etc have pretty pics on the cover...
I have yet to reach the stage when I have run out of room (though I fear the inevitable). When that happens I hope to keep some of my guys, unboxed, behind cupboard doors for rotation through the shelves.

The concept of keeping boxes is a recent one, I think. Obviously there is a practical use, in terms of storage and moving house, but any other value strikes me as arbitrary and possibly a carry-over from other hobbies.

Gentleman (and the odd lady) - cast open your boxes and enjoy what you have! Eat drink and be merry...
Without being pedantic what is the point in having a collection if you are going to keep it boxed?

Ah Mitch...good question. As you know, I am a wargamer/collector and don't want to arouse the suspicion of my wife. The last thing I need is an independent investigation. So, I keep the pieces out of sight until the game. Then I pack them neatly away. Now, she's not stupid and probably knows good and well that my pile of boxes keeps getting higher. But there's no reason to tempt fate. ;)
This was discussed a couple of weeks ago about wives and collecting and, I am one of the fortunate whose wife is unbelievably supportive over what I want to do and takes the lead in getting me a lot of the older sets that I am now collecting.
Never had to hide or sneak a set into the house don't think I could cope with it any other way

Ah Mitch...good question. As you know, I am a wargamer/collector and don't want to arouse the suspicion of my wife. The last thing I need is an independent investigation. So, I keep the pieces out of sight until the game. Then I pack them neatly away. Now, she's not stupid and probably knows good and well that my pile of boxes keeps getting higher. But there's no reason to tempt fate. ;)
It was an oversight on my part not to mention the importance of boxes for collectors who live in tropical climes with high temperatures and humidity.

Thusfar, I have not been able to find any authoritative articles on the effect of high temperatures and humidity on displayed figures as in dioramas etc.

It is obvious that figures should never be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time. I think high temperatures per se are not as deleterious as high humidity.

Victor (Blaster) and I had a discussion on this topic in Bernard's (Cardigan600) thread re: "The Importance of Boxes" so time back, but I think the discussion was not conclusive.

I tend to keep my collection boxed in my belief (? erroneous) that the figures especially paintwork are better protected this way.

Does anyone have any input on this ?

Thanks, Raymond.:)

We reside in the same part of the world :)

I display my figures in a cabinet as I wish to enjoy them as much as possible.

No direct sunlight at all times (colours fade), preferably minimal spotlights (high temperature? - from some fellow collectors). When I met Andy at the K&C shop in HK, he advised the use of those mini photographer's pump to blow away dust that might settle over time on figures.

We reside in the same part of the world :)

I display my figures in a cabinet as I wish to enjoy them as much as possible.

No direct sunlight at all times (colours fade), preferably minimal spotlights (high temperature? - from some fellow collectors). When I met Andy at the K&C shop in HK, he advised the use of those mini photographer's pump to blow away dust that might settle over time on figures.



Thanks very much for your input.

I agree that collections should be displayed, so as to be enjoyed and appreciated to the fullest.

The use of a mini-photographer's pump to blow away dust is interesting.

I use a number of very soft brushes used in art for placing mica pigments onto surfaces to clean my figures. The brushes allow all dust etc to be removed from every small crevice and do not harm the paintwork. I do this once a week and not only keeps them pristine it allows me the enjoyment of looking at the collection in detail.
The pump sounds a good idea but, would it not just move dust etc around not remove it?
Maybe it is worth keeping them in their boxes... check out these dioramas!!!

D-Day and Wacht am Rhein...

Go, baby, go...


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Thanks very much for your input.

I agree that collections should be displayed, so as to be enjoyed and appreciated to the fullest.

The use of a mini-photographer's pump to blow away dust is interesting.


My pleasure, Raymond ;)
I use a number of very soft brushes used in art for placing mica pigments onto surfaces to clean my figures. The brushes allow all dust etc to be removed from every small crevice and do not harm the paintwork. I do this once a week and not only keeps them pristine it allows me the enjoyment of looking at the collection in detail.
The pump sounds a good idea but, would it not just move dust etc around not remove it?

Truth be told, I have not actually got round to getting and using the pump yet :eek:

When I consulted Andy (K&C) on how I should maintain the figures i.e. like using a soft brush (perhaps?), he suggested using the pump. A glass cabinet was also suggested to keep out the dust - and also minimise "accidents".

Seems like you are doing fine with your very soft brushes. Doing it once a week is most commendable :)

You could not complain about the prices either. Finally, a cheap hobby lol
We reside in the same part of the world :)

No direct sunlight at all times (colours fade), preferably minimal spotlights (high temperature? - from some fellow collectors).

Do collectors in the UK really ever have to worry about direct sunlight?!

Just think of the financial opportunities in after-market K&C boxes!!...maybe Del Prado could make them, only not painted as well.
Scarlet Pimpernel....

I will have you know that the sun came out for two hours here today!!!!!

Do collectors in the UK really ever have to worry about direct sunlight?!

Just think of the financial opportunities in after-market K&C boxes!!...maybe Del Prado could make them, only not painted as well.
Originally Posted by g18
We reside in the same part of the world

No direct sunlight at all times (colours fade), preferably minimal spotlights (high temperature? - from some fellow collectors).

Do collectors in the UK really ever have to worry about direct sunlight?!

Just think of the financial opportunities in after-market K&C boxes!!...maybe Del Prado could make them, only not painted as well.

Scarlet Pimpernel....

I will have you know that the sun came out for two hours here today!!!!!

We get the sun almost all year round. Sunny Singapore!!! :) :D
:D...I think you have missed out the "ER"....:D

Seriously...always keep the boxes.


Good advice, its what the loft, garage,Garden shed, in-laws loft is for;)

All for naught. 2 retired ACW figures and 1 current went for $200. Seemed a good bit out of my range.
All for naught. 2 retired ACW figures and 1 current went for $200. Seemed a good bit out of my range.

Sometimes, you just have to let it pass. There will be good ones coming. That's the way I stay sane. :cool:

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