Snow Tiger works for me (1 Viewer)

Well...I may not be right but they are a team not to be taken lightly:D....Time will tell....Best stock tip: Stay out of the Market:D....Also don't "invest" in TS
But yeah back to logs- Simon's very incisive. The right way must be the wrong way if the right sided log should be a left sided log.
Anyway I'm logging off now. :)

I love a good log debate, when all else fails, let's have some serious log talk.

Actually, if you look at the K & C tank through a mirror, you will clearly see the logs are on the correct side.

I just dug out my owners manual for my Tiger tank and on page 546 it clearly states "The logs on this luxury vehicle are indeed on the correct side", so that is good enough for me.

Just to double check, I drove it down to the dealership where I bought it; it was used, but according to the salesman, it was only driven to church on Sundays by a little old lady who lived in Lenningrad, she manovered around all the shellholes rather nicely.

I actually was fortunate as one of the mechanics is German and he told me the lady told him she always put her logs on the right side because any nitwit knows 75% of all turns are to the right, so this shifted the weight to that side and made the tank much easier to steer through turns.

If anyone has anymore log questions, call the dealership, the number is 555-1212 and the mechanics name is Rolf..............
Is that the same Browns that beat the CIA Pats?

Oh, yeah, I guess that's the same team :rolleyes:
the CIA Pats?

Another brilliant reference to spygate? Have to love Spygate; the Patriots went 16-0 AFTER they got caught video taping, which shoots holes in the entire theory, but don't tell that to a Jets fan, never let the facts get in the way.

Is Joe Namath coming to the game, I hope so, "I could care less that the Jets are struggling....................I want to kiss you!!"...............priceless, absolutely priceless.

You're so easy to get going. It's not even fun anymore :)
Is Joe Namath coming to the game, I hope so, "I could care less that the Jets are struggling....................I want to kiss you!!"...............priceless, absolutely priceless.

Not one of Joe's better days for sure:D:D:D..... being a NY Giant's Fan...I must say that even though they were not "almost perfect"... They were the "best" in 2007......Never under-estimate an inspired team
Not one of Joe's better days for sure:D:D:D..... being a NY Giant's Fan...I must say that even though they were not "almost perfect"... They were the "best" in 2007......Never under-estimate an inspired team

That's great Frank, good for you; no matter what happens in life, you'll always have 2007, so you've got that going for you, which is nice..................................
Now now don't be like that;)....... who knows the Pats might just beat the Jets this time:D
Mud in the tracks

Hi Guys,

Allow, if I may, to give you the reason why K&C puts “mud in the tracks”… Pure and simple for these reasons—If strengthens the track area… and gives you and us less breakages.

Other companies use other methods… other ways… this is our way.

Some folks don’t like it… others folks do… I’ll stick with the latter.

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
It's a cracking tank Andy - i'm chuffed with mine. Now i just want to get home from work and experiment using different crew and riders. This hobby brings out the 8 year old in me!
I love a good log debate, when all else fails, let's have some serious log talk.
Actually, if you look at the K & C tank through a mirror, you will clearly see the logs are on the correct side.

I just dug out my owners manual for my Tiger tank and on page 546 it clearly states "The logs on this luxury vehicle are indeed on the correct side", so that is good enough for me.

Just to double check, I drove it down to the dealership where I bought it; it was used, but according to the salesman, it was only driven to church on Sundays by a little old lady who lived in Lenningrad, she manovered around all the shellholes rather nicely.

I actually was fortunate as one of the mechanics is German and he told me the lady told him she always put her logs on the right side because any nitwit knows 75% of all turns are to the right, so this shifted the weight to that side and made the tank much easier to steer through turns.

If anyone has anymore log questions, call the dealership, the number is 555-1212 and the mechanics name is Rolf..............

Fair enough!…. Did you hear about the constipated mathematician who tried to work it out with a pencil when that didn’t work he used Logs! :D

I didn't want the log question to put everyone at loggerheads. :rolleyes::D Besides, I fixed the problem. I turned the tank around and now I can see the logs just fine. :p:D:D

I came home and my wife told when they got there and saw a package the kids thought it was my tank. It turned out to be sheets from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Not even camo.
It t'was the night before Christmas and all thru the house there was the mighty roar of my SNOW TIGER crushing many T-34s!!!!!

By the way Brad, I wish the Gold Edition Honor Bound tanks were $350. Each one of mine was $500+. They were and are well worth the expense, because I could customize each tank.

It would be nice if Andy would consider something like a Gold Edition for collectors. I only say this because Andy does something like this with the Wooden Warbirds.
Just an idea!

I hope my SNOW TIGER arrives for xmas! I have been trying to be a good boy of late....Now only if my wife thinks the same way!

It's a cracking tank Andy - i'm chuffed with mine. Now i just want to get home from work and experiment using different crew and riders. This hobby brings out the 8 year old in me!

Don't go playing with it outside James, or else you may not find it again. ;)
I came home and my wife told when they got there and saw a package the kids thought it was my tank. It turned out to be sheets from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Not even camo.

Ouch!!, You might want to talk to the company that is delivering it, To contact the driver To stop Playing/ Gazing at the tank. and deliver it already. ;);)
Hi Guys,...I just recieved the Snow Tiger Tank.....In general I think it is "well done"...The tracks are acceptable....This is the way K/C does them and for the most part they are fine for me...Paint is done to a good level in the K/C style......My chief critcism of this tank is the lack of photo etch screens to cover the exhaust vents....That would have made a good Tiger Tank that much better.....LACK of Photo etch details is generally true of most K/C tanks except for the King Tiger where an effort was made to add this detail......Adding the exhaust screens on these Tigers does not seem that it would add much expense and would make a big difference visually.....Over-all the Snow Tiger is a "Keeper".....
Ouch!!, You might want to talk to the company that is delivering it, To contact the driver To stop Playing/ Gazing at the tank. and deliver it already. ;);)

Well, I got my tank today, right in the middle of a nice, rare early December North Carolina snowfall. My 7-year old son said "Your snow tank came when it was snowing. Isn't that great?" Yes, it was great!:)

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