So who is buying this little beauty?? (2 Viewers)


Those brit guys would be really cold their with the gear they are wearing at the bulge!!. Please make sure the dio has them in blighty!!!!!!

Excellent scene PA, really like the snow you've got going on there^&cool When I said B.O.B I actually meant Battle of Britain but this B.O.B is cool too!^&cool:)

Those brit guys would be really cold their with the gear they are wearing at the bulge!!. Please make sure the dio has them in blighty!!!!!!

Mitch, yes it would be nippy round the bayonet wouldn't it, will do!

Just seen this baby is sold out on the K&C UK website, proving popular, wonder how its going with other dealers?


Not surprised in the slightest this Tilly has gone the way it has.

Just seen this baby is sold out on the K&C UK website, proving popular, wonder how its going with other dealers?

I placed my order for this and the other UXB sets cannot wait until they get here. Between studying for exams{sm2} I have been watching Danger UXB clips on youtube it is fantastic.^&grin
Danger UXB is a classic. They don't make them like that now. Another was the secret army. Good luck with the exams

I placed my order for this and the other UXB sets cannot wait until they get here. Between studying for exams{sm2} I have been watching Danger UXB clips on youtube it is fantastic.^&grin
I placed my order for this and the other UXB sets cannot wait until they get here. Between studying for exams{sm2} I have been watching Danger UXB clips on youtube it is fantastic.^&grin

Love Danger UXB as a kid and have it on dvd , lot of it based on fact ,even the last show when he get blown up clearing British mines on the beach
An excellent series, with Colditz, Tenko, Secret War, there was some terrific War series on tv in those days .

I know there are some great things coming in the summer that I've not seen yet, but this figure is one of my personal faves of the year so far


Hi Rob, it is a very attractive and interesting set and I have Series I & II of 'Danger UXB' in my DVD collection. I love 'The Most Secret War' book by A.V. Jones and I really enjoyed the 'The Secret War' TV series, the narration by William Woollard really brought it to life.
An excellent series, with Colditz, Tenko, Secret War, there was some terrific War series on tv in those days .

I know there are some great things coming in the summer that I've not seen yet, but this figure is one of my personal faves of the year so far



Did you mean Secret Army mate ? Pathfinders was good as well

Did you mean Secret Army mate ? Pathfinders was good as well

Ooops! Yes Secret Army Neil!. Yeah Pathfinders was good, check out BBC docu in media thread Neil.

I have the original colditz game all came to me from my Brother when he got bored with them. Also have a great one called tank battle and Salvo a naval game with glass ships and, a light inderneath the board which you move to destroy your opponants ships!!!! They are great games and, have lots of stuff like that
Were some great board games in those days. I kept them for a while but they did not survive many home moves.

Favourite was called Combat which was endorsed by Lt Gen Brian Horrocks. Two seperate halves of board and you hid them whilst placing your roads, hills, trees, mines and airfield.
Then placed your troops which were tanks, mobile artillery and aircraft and put board together and did battle .

Also liked Risk. That is until I got the Lord of the Rings version and my son suddenly beat me every time. His armies were popping up everywhere though some kind of magical cards I could not get the hang of. It was embarrasssing{sm2}

Magic has no place in military board games or computer games for that matter....still play the computer version of Risk, cause the wife wont play the board games with me says its silly....what do they know!
A game I had that was non military, was Bermuda Triangle. You had ships that had little bits of metal in the funnels and you sent them round the board, the cloud or fog had a magnet in it and if it passed over your ship it disappeared into the ' Triangle' spooky!^&grin

Cool as they say they dont make them like that anymore

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