Some very sad news re John Staniforth AKA Johnnybach - (2 Viewers)

Such sad news! I had no idea he was ill. I will miss his posts, his wonderful talent, and his good nature, his humor, and his fellowship here. R. I. P., John!
This is sad news indeed. I have always appreciated John's comments on my painting work. Rest in peace.
Sorry to hear and just seeing this, I always enjoyed living thru the hobby with him on his projects in pictures. Really talented and very kind to answer any and all questions.

Again, condolences and very sorry to hear.

My condolences to his family on this sad news. I really enjoyed his reclaimed figure posts and his lovely collection of gloss soldiers. RIP, JB. -- Al
So sorry to hear that a fellow painter and collector has gone. Condolences to his family.

Regards John
Such sad news, my thoughts are with his family. JBs posts were always some of my favourites, he painted with such gusto and his figures were wonderful. I raise a glass of Brains to his memory, cheers JB
This is such terrible news. John will be sorely missed. I'm thankful to have had the ability to see so much of his fine work and restorations on this forum. He was such a unique, talented artist. I will really miss his presence. My deepest condolences and prayers to his family.

just catching this now. very saddend. I had been trying to purchase something from him in the past as i really enjoyed what he was doing, ans wanted to add to my collection. Could just never close the deal.

I never met the man, but will always remember his gallery.

Rest in Peace

Sorry this is very late...Pointed out to me by another member of the Forum.
Last correspondence I had with John was in October.

As you can see from the other Posts, "jb" will be missed.

The following is from a Forum Private Message from John four years ago; "Yes - I hadn't remembered that I had both bits until I dug my box out. I always try to retain as much as possible of whatever I restore - so I think your flag only option is best too.
Righto - I'll be going into town later on this week - so I'll post it off to you. The flag is surplus to requirements for me anyway - and I'm also recycling packaging - so I'll just let you know how much the postage comes too. Shouldn't be too expensive as it's a small part now.:cool:
You may have to fabricate the flag-pole/ end of lance from a piece of brass rod - or similar - but it's all relatively easy stuff to fix. Give me a shout if you get stuck!!!"

He was always so willing to help so many members of this Hobby !

Loved being able to view his restorations.

Belated condolences to his loved ones.
I just saw this thread, and I am so sorry to hear of John's passing. My belated condolences to all of his loved ones.
I’ve been away for several years, and only just returned to read this. Johnny and I had a lot of fun talking of such things as taking ‘em out of the box and the joys of finding old playworn figures and giving them a lick of paint. I remember those conversations fondly, for they fairly dripped with humour and a great sense of fun.

Godspeed, Johnny m’ bach

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