I heard that season 2 is postponed due to the fact that the actor that plays Spartacus has cancer.
Once my subscription to Netflix began...
I cancelled all my premium channels...
everything but HBO...
saving about $25.00 a month...
or $300.00 a year...
enough to pay for Netflix easily...
with plenty left over...
I watched the first two episodes on starz.com.
but they have stopped showing them for free...
I endorsed it from the beginning...
I really liked it...
I guess I'll order the years worth when Netflix gets it next year...
Am I the only one enjoying this show? Just watched episode 11. Have liked most all of them except the first one.
I have watched them all. But, jeez, they sure aren't very nice people, are they? If this sries has any bit of reality in it, living in Roman times must have been akin to swimming in shark infested waters on a daily basis. -- AlAm I the only one enjoying this show? Just watched episode 11. Have liked most all of them except the first one.
I am a little confused, I joined netflix a month ago (just got One at a time option, I get two movies each week, One on Monday and a second one On a thursday or Friday), But on top of that. I also got the Instant/ Streaming, whenever I go into the netflix website. and they have Spartacus (there is a delay of a day, from the Friday Broadcast). Doesn"t everyone get this??