My 11 year old and I saw this over Xmas break. Disclaimer, I am a fan, I saw 1977 in 1977 as a 4 year old on opening day, I owned at one time the entire Kenner toy figure and ship collection, so I am a Star Wars fanatic. Reaction - awesome. My 11 year old's reaction - awesome (which was worth more to me than anything else as I saw myself as a 10 year old seeing Return of The Jedi in the theater).
I think the movie was well done, I think it made you think just like the old ones with confusing questions (who is Rey?), etc. I think it has a lasting villain (Kylo to Darth). I think it completed the circle for me on some characters. Do I wish they did this 20 years ago, sure. Did it make me want to revisit the novelizations of the Expanded Universe I have not read yet.............absolutely! Did it provide a rebirth in the household with Star Wars gadgets, you betcha!
I like movies from the 1920s to present and my one criteria I always have is - was I entertained? In this case, I was more than entertained and am looking forward to more of them. Also planning on seeing this one again before it exits theaters.