Star Wars (1 Viewer)

So I'm guessing no new Yoda quotes in the movie for you to use...^&grin

I'll go and see it on cheap Tuesday.


One of the benefits of getting old is that at a certain point every day at the cinema is cheap Tuesday{sm3}
One review I read charged the movie (which I haven't seen) for making Storm Troopers seem like our Spec Ops forces. It claimed the Storm Troopers move and act as our SO teams do. While dressed in Star Wars white, the ST otherwise resemble the way Navy Seal and Delta Force teams are portrayed in many films - bot of course in this setting they are the "bad guys".

Did anyone notice or think this also?
One review I read charged the movie (which I haven't seen) for making Storm Troopers seem like our Spec Ops forces. It claimed the Storm Troopers move and act as our SO teams do. While dressed in Star Wars white, the ST otherwise resemble the way Navy Seal and Delta Force teams are portrayed in many films - bot of course in this setting they are the "bad guys".

Did anyone notice or think this also?

I did not notice it but I wouldn't know what to look for anyway. What I did notice was that the stormtroopers' armour does not seem to work all that well. Everyone who got shot pretty much fell down dead.
What amazed me was the fact they they were able to keep the plot of the movie under wraps until the release. In this day of social media, it's hard to believe how they kept it all secret.

Shows the power of Disney...
Off topic in my own thread (been a while since we had a good thread jacking !) but when I saw Jack mention Kiera Knightly I knew it would be a matter of time before the Christmas movie Love Actually was on the TV. So no surprise on today.

Not sure what my record is for watching a movie but yet again sucked in to watching it.

What a great cast. Knightly was one of the lower billed actors but others who have done well since Love Actually are
Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave and The Martian)
Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead)
Martin Freeman (Hobbit and Watson in TV Sherlock Holmes)
January Jones (Mad Men and Unknown)
And even the guy who played Xerxes in 300.

So many great scenes and Rowan Atkinson as well.
I'm passing on this one because I got worn out by the hype and marketing. It's just a movie. People in their 40s and 50s seem to have a strong desire to revisit their childhood. Things like Halloween are now more for adults than for children. That includes revisiting popular movies from the 70s and 80s like Star Wars. Can anyone who is middle age or older imagine their parents dressing in Halloween costumes or getting so overexcited by a movie? I don't know exactly when this whole phenomena got started but its very strange. Old people are supposed to yell at kids for stepping on their lawn. Not dress up like Han Solo and stand in line for hours to see a movie.
People in their 40s and 50s seem to have a strong desire to revisit their childhood. Things like Halloween are now more for adults than for children.

That's brave talk for a toy soldier collector.^&grin
People in their 40s and 50s seem to have a strong desire to revisit their childhood. Things like Halloween are now more for adults than for children.

That's brave talk for a toy soldier collector.^&grin
Careful, or I'll pack up my toy soldiers and go home.:tongue: -- Al
People in their 40s and 50s seem to have a strong desire to revisit their childhood. Things like Halloween are now more for adults than for children.

That's brave talk for a toy soldier collector.^&grin

Yes, maybe so. LOL But you would be hard pressed to find many kids who can afford our kind of "toys." The only thing being toyed with in our hobby is the bank account.:wink2: My son has buckets of the plastic figures that he has gotten all mixed up. He has firemen fighting knights fighting WWII green soldiers. Quite a variety. The only thing that has changed about those from when I was a kid is that there are so many different varieties. I can only remember the green plastic guys coming in about four poses.
My son has buckets of the plastic figures that he has gotten all mixed up. He has firemen fighting knights fighting WWII green soldiers.

Your son got it right. Us old guys are too uptight. I buy soldiers. Look at them. Comment on how neat they are. Put them on a shelf. That's it. Oh, and tell the kids not to touch my toys. Missed the kablam, pow, pow, pow & Al's vip, vip, vip. I remember playing dogfight with the neighbor kid and the one who knocked the plane out of the hand of the other was the winner. Wonderful days.
Off topic in my own thread (been a while since we had a good thread jacking !) but when I saw Jack mention Kiera Knightly I knew it would be a matter of time before the Christmas movie Love Actually was on the TV. So no surprise on today.

Not sure what my record is for watching a movie but yet again sucked in to watching it.

What a great cast. Knightly was one of the lower billed actors but others who have done well since Love Actually are
Chiwetel Ejiofor (12 Years a Slave and The Martian)
Andrew Lincoln (The Walking Dead)
Martin Freeman (Hobbit and Watson in TV Sherlock Holmes)
January Jones (Mad Men and Unknown)
And even the guy who played Xerxes in 300.

So many great scenes and Rowan Atkinson as well.

Love Actually is actually my wife favorite movie (we watched it again 2 days ago) and I do agree that it's a great one for Xmas. Bill Knightly was pretty good too in The Marigold Hotel and Underworld movies. Back to Star Wars, saw it yesterday on IMAX 3D with my 2 teenager sons (boys night out) and we did love it. I like the fact that JJ Abrams took basically unknown but very good actors to reboot the franchise!
My son has buckets of the plastic figures that he has gotten all mixed up. He has firemen fighting knights fighting WWII green soldiers.

Your son got it right. Us old guys are too uptight. I buy soldiers. Look at them. Comment on how neat they are. Put them on a shelf. That's it. Oh, and tell the kids not to touch my toys. Missed the kablam, pow, pow, pow & Al's vip, vip, vip. I remember playing dogfight with the neighbor kid and the one who knocked the plane out of the hand of the other was the winner. Wonderful days.
Your comment about dogfights lit a memory of mine. We had an old wooden picnic table in the backyard that I converted to an aircraft carrier. By placing nails on either side and stretching thread between them, I had arresting wires. Then I and my friends would fly our variety of 1/48 scale Monogram Navy aircraft off the carrier and land when needed. The Monogram models had arresting hooks, along with folding landing gear in many cases, and this allowed us a measure of realism. We had as many as 5 or 6 of us flying everything from Wildcats, Hellcats, Corsairs, Dauntless, and Avengers off that carrier one summer. It was our version of today's kids flying their Star Wars toys around and about. You are quite right, Wonderful days and memories. --Al
Saw it - loved it! In some respects it's almost a remake of Star Wars (1977) but I didn't care. It's full of action, spectacular scenes, and with a decent dose of fun too. A couple of timely and necessary developments occur as well. I like the new cast, though you can see that age has certainly caught up with some others. Something that was oddly good to see.
I agree with the positive reviews. Watched it twice by now and consider it a "soft reboot" as it retains the themes from the original Star Wars movies. The new actors are extremely successful in their roles and immediately likable.
My son saw this and loved it. Took his whole family to see it. He's going back to see it again, alone. Said it was very well done and very much like the original 3 movies. Daughter headed to it tonight. -- Al
Seen the first Star Wars when it came out back in the old days (when toy soldiers used to be children toys). Now seeing the new TFA in 3D was great. Will go again soon for the second time.
I wish someone would make accurate Star Wars lead toy soldiers in scale 1/30!

5 Star!!! Almost cried when Han Solo was killed and yelled "NOOOOOOO" in the theater. Loved the new characters and was so happy there was no silly Jar Jar Binks types of characters. The visuals were spectacular and the familiar Star Wars sounds brought back memories. HOWEVER COMMA, I cannot believe we did not hear Luke Skywalker speak a line of dialoge. I expected him to say something like...I don't know:

-The Force has found me...
-The Force has now awakened...
-Who are you...?
-Where did you find this...?
-Now we begin...
-It must begin...
-It has to begin...
-It has taken to long to begin...
-Yo, you interrupted my morning Jedi meditation...
-The Force is strong with you...

Anyway, loved the movie.

John from Texas

5 Star!!! Almost cried when Han Solo was killed and yelled "NOOOOOOO" in the theater. Loved the new characters and was so happy there was no silly Jar Jar Binks types of characters. The visuals were spectacular and the familiar Star Wars sounds brought back memories. HOWEVER COMMA, I cannot believe we did not hear Luke Skywalker speak a line of dialoge. I expected him to say something like...I don't know:

-The Force has found me...
-The Force has now awakened...
-Who are you...?
-Where did you find this...?
-Now we begin...
-It must begin...
-It has to begin...
-It has taken to long to begin...
-Yo, you interrupted my morning Jedi meditation...
-The Force is strong with you...

Anyway, loved the movie.

John from Texas

He was supposed to say: "I am your father" but this was too obvious and someone else already used that line before I think :wink2:

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